Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/214

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184 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 390. 1874. Enforcement of The provisions of any composition made in pursuance of this section I>¤‘°YiSi°¤* °*` °°m‘ may be enforced by the court, on motion made in a summary manner P°S‘°‘°“ by °°""' by any person interested, and on reasonable notice; and any disobedi- ` ence of the order of the court made on such motion shall be deemed to Rules und regulo- be a contempt of court. Rules and regulations of court may be made .

  • i°¤S- in relation to proceedings of composition herein provided for in the

same manner and to the same extent as now provided by law in relation to proceedings in bankruptcy. C<>¤f*¤ may *°*`¤¤<·> If it shall at any time appear to the court, on notice, satisfactory t".‘5°°°i;;;l' 2fé:;: evidence, and hearing, that a composition under this section cannot, in 3i1c;,,,,,,, cases_ consequence of legal difficulties, or for any sufdcient cause, proceed without injustice or undue delay to the creditors or to the debtor, the court may refuse to accept and confirm such composition, or may set the same aside; and, in either case, the debtor shall be proceeded with Pr¤¢<>d¤¤>· as a bankrupt in conformity with- the provisions of law, and proceedings may be had accordingly; and the time during which such composition shall have been in force shall not, in such case, be computed in calculating periods of time prescribed by said act. Reduction orrees; Sec. 18. That from and after the passage of this not the fees, commissions, charges, and allowances, excepting actual and necessary disbursements, of, and to be made by the officers, agents, marshals, messengers, assignees, and registers in cases of bankruptcy, shall be reduced to one-half of the fees, commissions, charges, and allowances n n tii justices otheretofore provided for or made in like cases: Provided, That the pre- Supreme Court ¤l¤¤Jl ceding provision shall be and remain in force until the justices of the

 “ °“’ ’“¤“1"' Supreme Court of the Un_ited States shall make and promulgate new

R 4990 972 rules and regulations in respectto the matters aforesaid, under the pow- R· Sr 5,,,* gj 996j ers conferred upon them by sections ten and forty-sevenof said act, and · ` " ’_ _ no longer, which duties they shall perform as soon as may be. And said l€’9W¤¤_ <>f J¤¤*¤¤¤¤ justices shall have power under said sections, by general regulations, to Zglatfgflttgd ffgj simplify and, sofar as in theirjud gm ent will conduce to the benefit of cred- .1,,c,, fw,) &.,_ ’ itors, to consolidate the duties of the register, assignee, marshal, and clerk, and to reduce fees, costs, and charges, to the end that prolixity, delay,and f Wim ttl TQ l§¤<;i unnecessary expense may be avoided. And no register or clerk ofcourt, or r{1°‘?c“° "’“any partner or clerk of such register or clerk of court, or any person having P y ’ any interest with either in any fees or emoluments in bankruptcy, or with whom such register or clerk of court shall have any interest in respect to any matter in bankruptcy, shall be of counsel solicitor, or attorney, either in or out of court, in any suit or matter pending in bank- _ ruptcy in either the circuit or district court of his district, or in an ap- ¤¤d from bm: •¤- pcal therefrom. Nor shall they, or either of them, be executor, admin- °°“"°"“» &°·i istrator, guardian, commissioner, appraiser, divider, or assignee of or or veins iutsr- upon any estate within the jurisdiction of either of said courts of bank- °“°d· ruptcy; nor be interested, directly or indirectly, in the fees or emolu- Repw <>f pm ¢>f ments arising from either of said trusts. And the words “ except such ”°"*'°” 1*} fas are establishled by this act or by law", in section ten of said act, are ere y repea e . _M¤u¤h=>-1 <>f mh Sec. 19. That it shall be the duty of the marshal of each district, in

 gg ";§gf,‘_;"‘Q} the month of July of each year, to report to the clerk of the district

ms,,,,,,, c9,,,,_ court of such district, in a tabular form, to be prescribed by the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, as well as such other or what m on Shan further information as may berequired by said justices. Mmmm P IflI'St,·th0 number of cases m bankruptcy in which the warrant prescribed in section eleven of said act has come to his hands during the year ending J uno thirtieth, preceding ; l Secondly, how many such warrants were returned, with the fees, costs, expenses, and emoluments thereof, respectively and separately; Thirdly, the total amount of all other fees, costs, BXPBHSBS, and emoluments, respectively and separately, earned or received by him during such year from or in respect of any matter in bankruptcy · _ Fourthly, a summarized statement of such fees, costs, and emoluments,