Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/224

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194 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. GH. 398,399, 400; 1874, June 22, 1874. CHAP. 398.-An act to admit free of duty merchandisesunk for two years and after- —·—·····—"‘ ward recovered. ` Be it enacted hq the Senate and House of Rqresemtatives of the United Certainsunk and-States of America in Oongrcas assembled, That whenever any ship or ¤b¤¤r15>¤¤d, ¤¤ M- vessel, laden with merchandise in whole or in part subject to duty, shall °*¥“€d5"3 “‘;°§Y°° **17 have been sunk in any river, harbor, bay, or waters subject to the jurig. "““ ° “ " "’°· umm of me Umm sam and within its umm, me mu have N,. maiued so sunk for the period of not less than two years, and shall be abandoned by the owners thereof, any person or `persons, who may raise any portion of the cargo of such ship or vessel, shall be permitted to bring,the merchandise so recovered into the port nearest to the place where such ship or vessel was so sunk free from the payment of any duty thereupon, and without being obliged to enter the same at the custom house, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. Approved, June 22, 1874. - . .-— n e fort erelief of suvin sinstitutions havin noca ital stock, and

 QHAP 399 doiggtbusirgass solely for thegbenelit of depositori P

Bc` it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Certain savings States of America in Congress assembled, That no farther collection of P¤¤k¤ ¤¤¤¤=P* fm internal revenue taxes shall be made on the earnings of savings banks }6;_‘X" ° ’““1 ’°"°““° or institutions for savings, having no capital stock and doing no other ' business than receiving deposits to be loaned or invested for the sole benciit of the parties making such deposits, without protit or compensation to the association or company, whether the earnings of the same — have been or may hereafter be divided annually, semi-annually or at other periods. ’ Approved, June 22, 1874. Jam, 22, IgM_ _ CHAP. 400.-An aut for the relief of settlers on railroad lands. Be it muwted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Adjustment offltates of America in Gongress assembled, That in the adjustment of all ¤'=¤ilF¤¤·d 1¤¤<1 S¤‘¤¤*¤· railroad land grants, whether made directlyto any railroad company or to any State for railroad purposes, if any of the lands granted be found in the possession of an actual settler whose entry or Bling has been allowed under the pre-emption or homestead laws of the United States subsequent to the time at which, by the decision of the land-office, the right of said road was declared to have attached to such lands, the Gumms Nm,- grantees, upon a proper relinquishment of the lands so entered or tiled qumhing lands pre fox; shall be entitled to select an equal quantity of other lands in lieu Emlmgh &;A,£;‘:°& thereof from any of the public lands not mineral and within the limits giant Dfw mm of the grant not otherwise appropriated at,-the date of selection, to 0t;m’18,¤dS inljguj which they shall receive title the same as though originally granted. sw. And any such entrie or filings thus relieved from conilict may be per- Settlers may per- fected into complete title as if such lands had not been granted: Prof°°° ***1** vided, That nothing herein contained shall in any manner be so con- Grants not en- Strued as to enlarge or extend any grant to any such railroad or to ex- 1¤~¤‘g¤<i or Gxwrded tend to lands reserved in any land grant made for railroad purposes:

  • ’° ‘°“°“’°d l'*“d“· And provided further, That this act shall not be construed so as in an

Act uottoconiirm . . . . , ., y any de ci sion 0, manner to confirm or legalize any d60lS10D or ruling of the Interior Dernlixg of the Inte- partment under which lands have been certified to any railroad 'commr ¢=p¤rt¤¤¤¤t· pany when such lands have been entered by a. preemption or homestead settler after the location of the line of the road and prior to the notice to the local land-office of the withdrawal of such lands from market. Approved, June 22, 1874