Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/230

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2()() FORTYTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 412, 413, 414, 1874. I . HAP. .— ot euthorizin the Secrets. of War to deliver certain condemned ""`! C ordnancelto thenzxiunicipal uuthirities of DSX1g1g50B, M&BB30hl1S6tt8, for monumental purposes. ¢ Be it enacted by tlw Semttc and House of Representatives of the United C¤¤d¤¤¤¤¤d cw- States of Amerika. in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, f,;’“_!fF‘}"*‘;.d,*°.“‘j‘ and he is hereby, authorized to deliver to the municipal authorities or ,(,§”ff,$s§,¤l{Q§{Q§`§;,` Lexington, Massachusetts, ten pieces of condemned brass cannon to be fo1·,m0u um cn wi used ior monumental purposes in commemoration of the battle of Lex- 1·¤¤`1~¤·*¤- gigton on the nineteenth day of April, seventeen hundred and seventy- ve. Approvcd, June 22, 1874. June 22, 1874. CHAP. 413.-Au not authorizing the Secretary of War to sell unserviceeble ordnance """"""` stores, and for other purposes. . Be it enacted by the Senate mid House of Representatives of the United Sm ¢>¤" ¤¤¤¤FVi<=<>— States of America in Congress assembled, That from and atter the passage

 °d “ ”’“ °° of this not the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and

' directed to be causeclto be sold in such manner, and at such times and places, and in such quantities,- as shall most conduce to the interest of the United States, all obsolete and unserviceable ammunition and leadeu bells, and the surplus of pig lead in excess of two thousand tons now stored in the various arsenals of the United States, and to cause Net prqcwds who the net proceeds of such sale, after paying all costs and expenses of fl"‘{°’°d ’“'·° T'°“*" breaking up and preparing said ammunition for sale, and all the neces- W sary expenses of such sale, including —.the cost of transportation to the place of sale, to be covered into the Treasury of the United States with full accounts of said expenses. Approved, June 22, 1874. ·7¤1¤¤> 92, 1874- CHAP. 414.-An act providing for the collection of moneys due the United States from the Pacific Railroad Companies. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Tri {V0 5 States of Amoricet in Qongress acscm {dad, That the Secretary of the Treasury ,,,,,,,,0,% of ,,,0 Im be, end hereby is, directed to require payment of the ra.1lro2u1—c0mpan1cs, cuutmm ng; earnings (l18H` SUCCGSSOFS £|»H(1 BSSIQDS, OI` tl]0 SUOCCSSOPS 0I' 3.SSig'I]S of ally OI` Glth€I` wom moiiiq Rail- of said companies, of all sums of money due or to become due, the United ’°“d °°*“P“”*°¤- States for the five per centum of the net earnings provided for by the _1862,c1». 120, vo1.act entitled “Au not to aid in the construction of u railroad and tele- >*§·8l;l;· ’;'a9‘g§’g· V-, graph-line from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure xm, mt, 3_g6_36j,_ °to the Government the use of the same for postal, military, and other 181;;, 01,,22;;, gte, purposes" approved July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, or by 4, vol, xvii, pp. 5·"° may other act or acts in relation to the companies therein named, or any 5°9· otber such compzmy or companies, and in case either of said railroadl‘uilure_ to pay companies shall neglect or refuse to pay the same within sixty days

 ,3**%; alter demand thereibr made upon the treasurer of such railroad com·

(M,_m,,d ugmmney pany, the Secretary of the Treusnry shall certify that feet to the Attoru.,.,m.;_ ney General, who shall thereupon institute the necessary suits and pro- Mtorney G¤¤9r¤1 eeedings to collect and otherwise obtain redress in respect of the same

:,;}*°° m the proper cireuitrcourts of the United States, and prosecute the

To ,,,(,Sm,m with same, with all convenient dispatch to a. final determination ¢¤¤D¤¤¤¤~ Approved, June 22, 1874.