Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/239

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uoirrrmniizn conemsss. sms. 1. ou. ass. wu. 209 That for printing the preparatory circulars, and for printing and Oir¤¤1¤·{¤ 0916 ¤·>· binding at the Government Printing-Onioe the report on life-insurance P°"° °“ l%f°T‘“°“' ‘ statistics, made, under the authority of the Eighth International Sta.- $$$?,,,,;,t°§5£,°;`Q by tistical Congress, by William Barnes, in accordance with plan of pub- 1673,cn. 221,'vo1. lioation adopted at said Congress, under the direction of the Secretary vit l>~ 51°· of State, any unexpended balance of an appropriation for the above U,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,, ,,,,_,_ purpose made in the act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy- moe made availathree, is hereby continued and rendered available. bie- That the proper accounting officer shall allow and pay to Eunice 1;,,,,;,,,, Bmw, for Barons Wh8tBVGl' Sum may be foUDd to have bBBD dI1B to hBI‘ Steps0D, bounty and arrears Henry Barcus, as bounty or arrears of pay as a private of Company K, dl? mm`! B¤’°“¤· Eighth Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, in the war of the §§“{§°,: (§‘f,'Q,f;“",’f,§ rebellion, at the time of his death, and in accordance with his last will mg,] v,,1m,tmS_

 ttegtament; and the sum required for this purpose is hereby appropria. e .

For the erection of an equestrian statue of Nathanael Greene, in 1;,,,,,,,,;,,,,,, mm., conformity with a. resolution of Congress passed August eighth, seven- o f N a t lr a n a e 1 teen hundred and eigl1ty-six, forty thousand dollars; and one member G'°°¤°· of each House of Congress, to be appointed by the presiding officer of each House of Congress, respectively, and George Washington Greene, C,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,, ,,0 of Rhode Island, be, and they are hereby, appointed a commission to make ooumwt. contract for the same: Provided, That the same shall be erected under I’¤‘<>Vi¤<>· a contract the amount to be paid under which shall not exceed forty thousand dollars. ‘ To enable the Joint Committee on the Library to purchase such works mwggkft of "·'* f°' of artior ornamenting the Capitol as may be ordered and approved, ° P °' ten thousand dollars. _ _ To enable the Librarian of Congress to employ two assistants, in con- b j““f"“*“?*é“ *0 L" nection with the work of the copyright-clepartmenti, and in preparing a l°'m°° °"gr°"' complete index of subjects to the documents and ebates of Congress, I¤d¤¤= ¢¤ ¤¤b.i<=¤f¤ at one thousand six hundred'·eaeh, three thousand two hundred Q,fb;,‘;;‘;’}‘,§g;° $$1 dollars. And the Librarian is hereby charged with the work of pre- ° _ _ g ' pairing such an index, under the supervision of the Joint Committee on ,,£*£;‘g;;“ *° P'°‘ the Library ; and he is hereby authorized and required to complete the p To c,,,,,,,],,,,,, ,,,,0 two sets of congressional documents required by existing laws to be setsofcongressionul deposited in the Library of Congress, and which were partially destroyed d¤¤¤¤¤¢¤*¤· by iire; and to this end he may make requisition upon the Secretary of the Interior, in charge of the reserve of public documents; and such volumes as cannot be supplied by the Interior Department may be transferred to the Library of Congress from the documents in charge of the Secretary of the Senate, and of the Clerk of the House of Representa- Rc Mr of t o, G _ tives, the Librarian of Congress giving a receipt therefor. _ g,.,,,,},` b,,,,,,,,,,, C,,,,_ For necessary repairs of the telegraplrline connecting the Cap1tol,»,,,; ,,,,,1 1),,,,,,,,- and the Executive Departments, one thousand dollars. ments. For salary of stenograpber to the Secretary of the Treasury, two S55*;°€!}"¤Ph°l‘ *0 - a. r y of the thousand four hundred dollars. T,,,,,,,,,y_ That of the unexpended balance of the appropriation made for the Uusxpwuca im;- office of the Treasurer of the United States for the fiscal year ending once for rempoi-ary with June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, twenty thou- “‘T‘°“““""° sand dollars, or so much thereof as may be required, for the payment of . salaries of such additional temporary clerks, messengers, and laborers as r the Secretary of the Treasury may nndneoessary for the work of thatoiii ee, c,£,’,; may be used for the purpose aforesaid, in the iiscal year ending w1tl1D,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,_ June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-Eve, and for temporary @73, on. 230, v01. clerks in the Treasury Department, forty thousand dollars: P·rov¢,de4,xvii,p.4s.s. l That no part of these amounts shall be expended for payment of addi- _No part for aduleional compensation to clerks or employees; and so much as inzty:,L‘;““1 °°’“1”°“S·" benenessary to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to carry 1uto effect ,,,],,,,,8,,, of ,,,.0 the joint resolution for the relief of certain olerks and employees of the manila S nl it r y to United States approved June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and disenorgod ourseventy-four, is hereby appropriated. 1‘l‘}§0€§; Rm N0_ m Vol. 18, pt. 3-14