Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/313

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. l. CII. 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 1874. -283 CHAP. 487.-An act authorizing the President to appoint George Henry Preble, now u June 23, 1874,- _ captain on the active list of the Navy, to be a oommodcm. .· _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and he President m e y is hereby, authorized to nominate, end, by and with the advice and con- ';’m*°°1'§:°g: sent of the Senate, appoint George Henry Preble, now a. captain 011 the u ::,';’m0dm.6 in the active list of the Navy, to be a. commodore on the active list of the Navy, Navy, next below Commodore Edward Donalson, being the same relative position on the Navy. Register occupied by him for thirty-one years, until the promotions of eighteen hundred and sixtysix. ‘ Approved, June 23, 1874. · ` CHAP.' 488.-An not to extend the time for completing entries of Osage Indian lands J uns 23, 1874. ' .in Kansas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all actual settlers upon S9m°l`“ ***:1 OB"? the Osage, ludizm trust and diminished reserve lands in the State of jd?,,::,,} - Kansas shall be allowed one year from the passage of this act in which time to ,,,,,1,., pm; to make proof and payment: Provided, That ull purchasers who avail and payment. themselves of the provisions of this act shell pay interest on the pur- 1*****:*** at ¤"° chaseprice of their lands nt the roto of live per centum from the date P°r °°" ‘ _ when payment xvs required by previous laws to date of actual payment: · And provided further, That no further extension of payment shall be si£° f'“u‘°' °x*°“' granted than that provided for in this ect, and that all occupants now A!,,,,,,,,",,,,,, to upon said Osage lands shell tile their application to purchase the lands be filed wi t h i n occupied by them within three months after the passage of this wet, or three ¤¤¤¤¤h¤· forfeit allriglit or claim to the some. . Approved, June 23, 1874. . CHAP. 489.-Au act directing the Secretary of the Treasury to renort upon the uecos· sity of u public building at the city of Auburn, N cw 'ork. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas Tg:s:;° Q: 'rg Of: ury be, and he is hereby directed to report to Congress at the beginning to Congfm uP,,?,,,,- of its next session whether the present needs of the Government require oessity, &o.,_of_ Govthe erection of e. public building at Auburn, New York, and the esti- ernment b¤#d·¤z¤¤ mated cost of the sztmo, including the site A“‘?“"“·N· · Approved, June 23, 1874. CHAP. 490.-An not to further donno and enlarge the powers and duties of the Board ]&7?· .. of Health of the District of Columbia. _ · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, of the United States of America. in Congress aueembled, Thut it shall be the duty of tho! _B<»qr·l ot geulfb, Board of Health of the District of Columbia to make and enforce };':,‘;;°:B;’“m _ regulations to secure a. full and correct record of vital statistics, includ- of vim swim c S, ing the re;,dstra.t·ion of deaths and the interment of the deed in said aw. District. . Approved, J unc 23, 1874. -‘ CHAP. 491.-Au not for the relief of J. Scott Poyno, second lieutenant Sixth United Juno2t!, 1874. States, late iirst lieutenant Fifth United States Cavalry. " · Be it emwted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the. United States of America. in Congress assembled, Tuut upon thooecnrreuee of as M·’$;‘;Q:£d°¥gj£ vacancy in the grade of first lieutenant in the Frith United States cav· m,,,,,,,,,,,, in Fifth ulry, the President is herobyeuthorized to appoint J. Scott Payne, for· cavalry.