Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/328

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298 F<)R1*Y.THIRD G(>NG-RESS. Sess. II. (Ju. 18. 1875 Fuel, 1igm fur- For fuel, lights, and office-furniture ; care of bmlding and other labor ; ¤i*¤¤¢; &¤· purchase of books forlibra-1-y, drawing-matcmals, and other stationery; postage, freight, and Maher wntixugent expenses, Eye thousand dollars. Rents and repair. For mnt and repair caf building, two thousand mght hundred dollars. Naval ObB0fVB.- For expenses <>f Naval Observatory, namely: my- For pay of three assistants, at one thousand five hundred d(1l14u·5 each, four thousand five hundred dollars, and one clerk, at one thousand eight hundred dollars. For wages of one instrument-maker, one messenger, Qhrce watchman, and one porter; f<>r keeping grounds in order gud mpaus to buildings; for fuel, light, and offica-furniture ; and for stationery, purchase of books for library, chemicals fm- batteries, and frmght, and all awther contingent expenses, ten thousand dollars. A¤¢¤9¤<>¤¤i¤¤l 0** For reducing and transcribing astronomical observations upon sheets “° * for publication, one thousand two hundred dollars. <>bmv¤1mm o f For reducing the observations of the transit of Venus, three thousand transit <¤f Venus. d0]];u·S Nautical mma- For expenses of Nautical Almanac: mw. Eor pay of computers and clerk for compiling and preparing for publicatiou the American Ephcmcris and Nautical Almanac, twenty thousand dollars. · Elements of new For continuance of work on new planets discovered by- American planets- astronomers, three tlmusand · dollars. R¤¤t m1 cm For rent, fuel, labor, stationery, boxes, expresses, and miscellaneous items, one thousand five hundred dollars. Bureau of ()rd— BITREAU OF (DEDNANOE. I1&¤¢6. Fuel and mam- For fuel, tools, and materials <>f all kinds necessary in carrying 011 tho xials. mechanical branches of the Ordnance Department at the several navy- yards and stations, seventy-five thousand dollars. Labor. For labor at all the navy-yards, magazines, and stations, two hundred and fifty thousand d<>l1ars. Repairs. For repairs to wdnancc-buildings, magazines, gun-parks, boats, lighters, wharves, machinery, and other nocessarics of the like character, ten thousand dollars. Miscellaneous. For miscellaneous items, viz : for might, express-charges, aid purchase of instruments, five thousand dollars. Torpedo c¤rp¤ For the torpedo-c¢>rps: For the purchase and manufacture and presgrxifmtion of gunpcmdcr, nitro-glycerino, and gun-cotton, twelve thousand 0 ams. 1;1€cmC3 1 nppa,. For purchase and manufacture crf electrical apparatus, galvamic bw mws. teries, and insulated wire, fiftccu thousand dollars. Tmpmoes. For purchase ¢>f copper, imn, wood, and other materials necessary for the manufacture <>f torpedoes, and for work on the same, twenty-five thousand dollars. Torpedo-boar; For construction of torpedo-bouts, purchase of coifor-work or hulks, &¤· and contingent expenses, twenty-Evo thousand dollars. Lubong chemist, Fpr labor, mcluding chemist, pymtechnisz, electrician, machinist, and &¤. clerical force, fiftean thousand dollars. Repainsto build~ F<>r repairs to buildings and wharves, and material and labor for mgs, &c. sea. wall, cpe thousand dollars. Contingent cy For cormngent expenses of the ordnance service of the Navy, 0116 pauses. thousand dollars. Burcam ¢>fEquip— BUREAIJ (}F EQUI1 ME} T ANI) }3,E(}RIHTI G. {nent and R<>cruit.—

g E i t  f Fqr equipment evf vessels: For coal for ste:-nmers’ and ships’ usc, iH-

vm.,],, cluding expenses <>f transportation; storage, labor, hemp, wire, Pwd other materials for the manufacture of rope ; hides, cordagc, canvas, leather; 1ron ior manufacture of cables, anchors, and galleys; condensing and boat:-deta.cbing appamtus; cables, anchors, furuiiaurqlnose, bake-