Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/330

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300 Fom!Y.THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gu. 18. 1875, Contingent ex- For contingent; cxpcmcs of the Bureau, freight on mcgdical stores, P°“S°*· transportation of insane patients to the GOVGITIHIGHU h0sp1ta.l, advmig. mg, telegrapbing, purchase of books, expenses attcuding the mm; medical board of examiners, purchase and repair of wagons`, harness, purchase and feed of horses, cows, trees, ga.rdeu-tools, and mug, twentyilvo thousand dollars. V Bureau of Pro- BUREAU OF PROVISIONS AND CLOTHING. yisicns aud Cloth- ’"§;mviSi0uS For provisions for the ofHccrs,_ seamen, and marines, om? million two ` hundred and forty-four thousand dollars. P; ’ ° h “S ° ° f For purchase of water for ships, thirty-iivo thousand dollars. Wzoghugcut GX. For contingent expenses: For Height and transportation to foreign pauses. and homo stations; candles, fuel; interior alterations and fixtures in inspection buildings; tools, and repairing same at eight inspections; special watchman in eight inspections; books and blanks; smtiopery; telegramsg advertising; postage and express-charges-; tolls, foI'l‘l3-g€S, and car tickets ; ice; and incidental labor nop; chargeable to other ap— propriatious, fifty thousand dollars. ` Bureau of Con- BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR. strpctiou and Re- P"ffljBmvm0n of For preservation of vessels on the stocks and in ordinary ; purchase ,,,,85,,;,;,, Stores, ,,,,4 of materials and stores of all kinds; labor in navy-yards and on foreign muvmxms; p u r - stations; preservation of materials; purchase of tools; wear, tear, and ¤h¤¤° °* *°°l“» &°- repair of vessels afloat, and for general care and protection of the Navy in the line of construction and repair; incidental expenses, namely, advertising and foreign postagcs, three million three hundred thousand dollars. _ Pr¤t¤¤¤¤¤ of For salaries of sub-agents and watchman and rniscellaneous expenses

  • ‘"‘b°’ 1“’·‘d“· incurred in the protection of timber lands, five thousand dollars.

E£;;;;Qh‘?;§*°“m BUREAU OF STEAM ENGINEERING. R¤!2¤i¤‘¤» &°·» °*` For repairs and preservation of.boi]ars and machinery on naval ves· "*"°1““°’5" scls; and for Ettiug, repair, and preservation of yard machinery and tools; and for labor in navy yards and stations not before included; and for incidental expenses; and for purchase and preservation of oils, coal, iron, and all materials and stores; and for completing and erecting on board vessels compound engines with boilers, one million eight hundred thousand dollars. N¤v¤¤A¤¤¢¤¤¤v*- NAVAL AGADEMY.

;:t1;'°*`ii¥]j; For pay of professors and others: For two professors (heads df departm M_ ’ ments,) namely, one of drawing, and one of English studies, history and

’ mw, two thousand five hundred dollars each; three professors, namely, one of mathematics, gmsistzmt,) one of chemistry, and one of French, at; two thousand two uudrcd dollars each; twelve assistant professors, namely, four of French, one of Spanish, three of English studies, history and law, one of mathematics, one of astronomy, and two of drawing, at · one thousand eight hundred dollars each; sword»ma,sto1·, at one thousand fivo hundred dollars, and two assistants, at one thousand dollars each; boxing-master and gymnast, at one thousand two hundred dollars ; and assistant librarian, at one thousand four hundred dollars; three clerks to superintendent, at cnc thousand two hundred dollars, one thousand dollars, and eight hundred dollars, respectively ; one clerkmo commzmdaut of midshipmen, one thousand dollars; one clerk to paymastcr, onctbousand dollars ; one apothecary, seven hundred znndhfcy dollars; one commissamy, two hundred and eighty-eight dollars; one cook, three hundred and txvaxxby-ive dollars and fifty cents; one messenger to superintendent, six hundred dollars ; one armomr, five hundred and