Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/400

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370 FORTYJIHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 129. 1875. expenditure, such as telegraphing, fuel lights labor, and other neces. . . . > . ¤ slaries, six thousand dollars; in all, Jliteen thousand five hundred . dollars. Postage-stamps. FE1;] official postage stamps for the Department of Justice, ten thou. san dollars. Pay of Solicitor OFFIGE.01? THE Somcrmon OF THE TREASURY.-For compensation

£;]1`r§&¤;n‘;y.é::¤¤¤¤· of the Solicitor of the Treasury, gear thousand five hundred-dollars;

¤ · · assistant so icitor, three thousan dollars- chief clerk two th 41 dollars; four clerks of class four; two cierks of class three f uthrree clerks of class two; two clerks of class one; one messenger; and one R laborer; in all, twenty-eight thousand and sixty dollars. °“* °f °m°°’· For rent of the portion (four floors) of the building occupied by the Eximmcs of M- Degrartmegthof i.Iustiee,é`our{een thousand dollars. . _ E0. . at or the sca year ending June thirtieth eighte h -

°,{°,'Q`,,;°”_}”,£; Y dred and seventy-six, the following sums, or so much thdreogf astmavullle

lB76. necessary, are hereby appropriated to defray the expenses of the national loan, for the following clerical and other employees, and for In Ohm 0,. Sw labor, tools, and necessary materials, namely: ` ,6,,,,.), ,,fT,m,,,y_ blp theh0iiice of the] Slecreéary of the Treasury: Two principal clerks, a wo thousand eig t un red dollar` each; two assistant l k U t two thousand four hundred dollars each ; fourteen clerks of egg ighté- eight clerks of class three; six clerks of class two ; four clerks of class one; forty copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; eight messengers at eight hundred and forty dollars each ; twenty-one assistant messengers and laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; and twenty- two laborers, at not exceeding two dollars and twenty-five cents per day; making, in all, the sum of one hundred and thirty-four thousand I Om f nnie hlungiaaid anid thiéty-three dollars and fifty cents. ¤ °° 0 n e ceo the reasurer:Seventeen le k f l r f ·l "’°"“'°"· Bf cllassl threle Iivesclerks of class two; sine cilgrlfsadg dlliss zhzegedhg un re an orty- ve counters and co `st th d d d ll- s each; nine messengers; and twenty-six zlgistgnla mlegseiiglsrzlnrl Eufti-

rsl;d1na(k1n gé in_ alllt, this sfim of two hundred and fourteen thousand seven

re an cig y dollars. £,};_°m°° °f R°€" atlngiphgfigzgfguhg1l’tegi(ste(rio‘f pho Treasgry : Fiyle chiefs of division, ' ‘ un re dollars · 1k two thousand dollars; twelve clerks gfcclasgufbur] ggks if class three ;· four clerks of class two · five clerks of class one; one hundred counters and copyists, at nine hundred dollars each ; eight messengers; six assistant messengers and laborers, making, in all, the sum In Om fm t of one hundred and sixty-seven thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. mlm T °°° ¤¤ In the Office of the First Auditor of the Treasury: Four clerks of ° · class tour; three clerks of class three; three clerks of class two; and ggohelelrllisf (ff] 5h5s; one; making, in all, the sum of eighteen thousand ID B¤*‘°¤“<>fE¤· Bureau ofEngraving and Printin · Ch' f f th B B d F’°"”i¥““d P"*“*‘-dollars- for payment of employecsgt ec Q G urmuz V8 thopsml ·. . ¢ d 1; b ( d l · i h lu£i’p,y of ,,1,M of time actually employed, ngmedyz twr? gs§ist;h]ts,0at celgllt (dbllargr pe: légenu, employes, jrgme agcounitizxnt, at seyen dollars per day; eight clerks, at four · er ay; ve copyis s at not more than two dollars and ninety 00h13S per day; and six messehgers or laborers, at two dollars per day; _ thirty thousand five hundred and nine dollars and iiitv cents. m€?;!§“:€’°L"gh°¤ _ Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of the heads of the several Execur 'S ° ‘ five Departments, and of other officers authorized or required to make estimates, to furnish to the Secretary of the Treasury, on or before the firstday of October of each year, their annual estimates for the public gegvégbeég be incliidled gn the Book oi;'] Estimates prepared bylaw undef e on·an e ecret.r ft T ~h·l ·b ,,;>g;=~¤,5; ,5; of as appsuéiix to a.. Bookq 3r°ES..§...€§§S§5$r“·;;é.2`递§f;.;?s.2B"§f£- iiuqiam appendix zxual reports of the several heads of Departments and Bureaus as reluw u es imatea o gstimates fg; apprgiprgationmrand the necessities therefor. pprovet, are , l 75.