Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/428

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398 FORTY-THIRD conennss. Sess. II. cu. 130. ism, _ dred dollars each; two principal bookkeepers, one at two thousand six hundred dollars and one at two thousand five hundred dollars; two tellers, one at -two thousand seven hundred dollars and one at two thon~ sand six hundred dollars; one chief clerk, at two thousand seven hundred dollars; two assistant tellers, at two thousand three hundred and hfty dollars each; thirteen clerks of class four; thirteen clerks of class three; nine clerk of class two; eight clerks of class one; sixty clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; seven messengers; five laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; and seven laborers, at two hundred and forty dollars each. Light - H on so ln the Omce of the Light House Board: B¤¤¤i- The chief clerk of the Light House Board, two thousand five hundred dollars; two clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; one clerk of class two; one clerk of class one; one clerk, at nine hundred dollars; — one messenger- and one laborer. C¤¤¤P*¤¤U¤* of In the Omce of the Comptroller of the Currency: _ u‘° °“"”°“°V· The Comptroller of the Currency, five thousand dollars; deputy comp. troller, three thousand dollars; four chiefs of division, at two thousand four hundred dollars each; one stenographer, at two thousand dollars; eight clerks of class four; fourteen clerks of class three; twelve clerks of class two; eleven clerks of class one; thirty-three clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; four messengers; four laborers; and two night watchmen. Commissioner of In the Omce of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue: I”*°“‘”l R°"°““°· The Commissioner of Internal Revenue, six thousand dollars; deputy commissioner, three thousand five hundred dollars; one deputy commissioner, at three thousand dollars; seven heads of division, at two thou and five hundred dollars each; one stenographer, at two thousand dollars; thirty clerks of class four; i'0rty-two clerks of class three; fifty clerks of class two ; eighteen clerks of class one; seventy clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; five messengers; and nfteen laborers. t of¤°t$* if S°°¤>j In the Omce of the Secretary of the Treasux ·: _d‘§§8,‘,Qu 0§°“fg;§'S* That there shall be in the Omce of the Secretary of the Treasurya division of ciiii Division of Loans and a Division of Currency, with the following emrency. ployees: Two chiefs of division, at two thousand eight hundred dollars each; two assistant chiefs of division, at two thousand four hundred dollars each; fourteen clerks of class four; eight clerks of class three; six clerks of class two; tour clerks of class one; sixty clerks, at nine . hundred dollars each ; eight messengers; eleven laborers, "at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; and twelve laborers, at not exceeding two dollars and twentyfive cents a day each; and additional pay to three fourthelass clerks in the Division of Loans, namely, receiving clerk of bonds and two bookkeepers, three hundred dollars each. T¤¢¤¤¤¤¤· In the Omce of the Treasurer: Seventeen clerks of class four; six clerks of class three; five clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one ; one hundred and fortyfve counters and eopyists, at nine hundred dollars each; nine messengers; and twentysix laborers. Rssism- ln the Omce of the Register of the Treasury: Five chiefs of division, at two thousand hve hundred dollars each; one disbursing clerk, at two thousand dollars; twelve clerks of class four; twelve clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; five clerks of class one; one hundred counters and copyists at nine hundred dol- _ _ lars each; eight messengers; andlsix laborers. F““ A“°h*°’· in the Office of the First Auditor of the Treasury: _ Four clerks of class four; three clerks of class three; three clerks of _ class two ; and two clerks of clms one. t_D¤t¤<>¤ Of <T¢`>P¤· That the duties heretofore prescribed by law and performed by the '°°‘ chief clerks in the several Bureaus named shall hereafter devolve upon, _ and be performed by, the several deputy comptrollers, deputy auditors, P’°“¤°· deputy register, and deputy commissioner herein named: Prcvidvdi That on an and after January iirst, eighteen hundred and seventy-six,