Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/450

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420 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 131, 132. 1875. dred and seventy-one. And on the first day of each succeeding month Penalty for dcliu- after the passage of this act, and until said sale, there shall be added ‘l“°¤°Y~ upon all such taxes remaining delinquent and unpaid e penalty of one per centum upon the amount thereof, to be collected with such taxes. Repeals. h All nets anddparts of acts in conflict with the foregoing provisions are ereby repea e . Commissions of Srcorroiv 14, That hercaiter the commissions of all officers under the °mC°”f““q°' €°¤‘ direction of and control of the Secretary of the Interior shall be made L}°}n€m£“°’° My out and recorded in the Department of the Interior, and the sea.1 of the ` said Department affixed thereto; any laws to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided, That the said seal shall not be amxed to any such commission before the same shall have been signed by the President of the United States. And all commissions heretofore issued in conformity to 1854, e. 00,¤.3, v. the provisions of the third section of the act of thirty-first of May eight 1°» 1*297- een hundred and fifty-four, and all oincial acts done by officers thus commissioned are hereby declared legal and valid. certain Indians Sec. 15. That any Indian born in the United States, who is the head °;J'i°D°°‘ $° ‘5*’¤°¤° of a family, or who has arrived at the age of twenty-one years, and who ° °“‘°° °“ ‘ has abandoned, or may hereafter abandon, his tribal relations, shall, on making satisfactory proof of such abandonment, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, be entitled to the benefits of 1862, .,_15,v_ 12, the act entitled “An act to secure homesteads to actual settlers on the p. 392. public domain/' approved May twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty- two, and the acts amendatory thereof, except that the provisions of the eighth section of the said not shall not be held to apply to entries Ar t_ n ri _ made underthis act:_ Provided, however, That the title to lands acquired

of°mf;_ by any Indian by virtue hereof shall not be subject to alienation or

mcnmbrauce, either by voluntary conveyance or the judgment, decree, or order of any court, and shall be and remain inalienable for a period of five years from the date of the patent issued therefor: Provided, That Interest ofhon1e— any such Indian shall be entitled to his distributive share of all annuities, S¤<>¤rd¤¤‘ ¤¤ *¤¤=>i tribal funds, lands, and other property, the same as though he had i"°¥’°’“$'· maintained his tribal relations; and any transfer, alienation, or incumprzgee of tany inlterfesjt heniay hold or claim by reason of his former m reaionss a evoi. Ofcifgrtlggtoaggtflfg Sec. 16. That in all cases in which Indians have heretofore entered ,1,,,,9m G01mm6d_ public lands under the homestead-law, and have proceeded in accordan__ce with the regulations prescribed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, or in which they may hereafter be allowed to so enter undensaid regulations prior to the promulgation of regulations to be established by the Secretary of the Interior under the fifteenth section of this act, and in which the conditions prescribed bylaw have been or may be complied with, the entries so allowed are hereby conhrmed, and patents_she11 be issued thereon; subject, however, to the restrictions and limitations contained in the fifteenth section of this actin regard to alienation and incumbrance. Approved March 3, 1875. Much 3.1875- CHAP. 132. An not making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of ""'i“""" the Indian Department, •nd_for fuliilling treaty-stipuhtions with various Indian tribes, ggsghe year ending June tlurtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, and for other pur- Indian sppmpri- Be it onaoteolby the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

f}g°g£; §8*;B*;%d· States of Amorzca m Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and
  • ‘ they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not

otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, for the purpose of paying the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, and fulfilling treaty- stipulanons with the various Indian tribes; and where the exigeneies Ig;°d¤ ¤·¤d Mg- of the service require rt, goods and supplies for the Indian service for P the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-six,