Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/54

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24 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 62, 64, 65, 69. 1874. in which such tribunal; may be organized, so far gp tge julpisdiction of said tribunals may em race matters now covniza e y the minister _ _ consuls or other fuuctionaries of the UnitedbStates in said dominions’ N t n- ’ · - ’ ° ‘ °““°“· and to notify the government of the Sublime Porte, or that of Egypt, or epher ot} them,ttl;}at tap _United Stags, durmlg (such spsplenisiop wml, as a oresai accep or cir ci izens e Juris ic ion o e r1 una s aforesaid over citizens of the United States which has heretofore been gxereised by the minister, consuls, or other functionaries of the United tates. · SEO. 2. That the President is hereby authorized for the benefit of Cormnhw OHM American citizens residing in the Turkish domiuions, to accept the Ottoman Pom, M_ recent law of the Ottoman Porte ceding the right of foreigners possessecptsn. mg immovable property in said dominions. Approved, March 23, 1874. M in 24 1874. CHAP. 64.-—A tt dth t ftl d M tt tth ‘ ‘

 of funbearing Iamiziab  2.1laska?’ :.‘pp;b1vbd°July great: eighltetgrvhlundriadaitddbdgzds;

vo1.xvi, p. 180: I Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United R,,g,,,,,,,,,,m for States of America, in Congress assembled, That the act entitled "An act taking fur·seals on to prevent the extermination of fur-bearing animals in Alaska/’ ap-

l¤5¤§¤_<;:`bS(r;¤¤t Paul proved July first, eighteen hundred and seventy, is hereby amended so

“‘ °°"!¥°· as to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury, and he is hereby authorized, to designate the months in which fur-seals may be taken for their Numbcrfmmmch skins on the islands of Saint Paul and Saint George, in Alaska, and in mm, thehwapersladyacent tpereto, and the number to be taken on or about ' eac is an respective y. Approved, March 24, 1874.

 CHAP. 65.-An act to estallgghulggpélgg yggrgligiggzgttggiil the_ storing and cleansing of

, Be it enacted by the Senate and Haas tati‘ h0Eg;‘;1°‘,lOr ";,‘;§:é States of in Congress assemblejtrlf-T‘lizaf‘l:,?;`:.>0171'i auwdmgiftebhthenpgzi-I ,,.,4 .,14.,,.,,;.,,; im. sage of this act importers bonded warehouses, to be used for the stcra cre Ported rice. and cleansing of imported moe intended for exportation to foreign couziitries, may be established at any port of entry in the United` States under finch rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescri A e. Approved, March 24, 1874.

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· ¤..i..».¤‘t..’i‘.€.,.i‘.?..*S.¥.’%’.I‘£'il€.‘ln‘2.?.§%?2ff3l>?§’til€?£?‘E§§f¤E5,?.';? "°’”° Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representaf ‘ A · · f . . 11188 of the United €xH£§£g"*g;*°§°ig£ (Sages of Amertea in Congress assembled, That the sum of ten thousand S, ,C,,mm,,m°,, dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is tb., pim;,,; of go. hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ' lumbia. appropriated, to defray the expenses of the Joint Select Committee to Inquire into the Affairs of the District of Columbia- and that sum shall ge; drawn frgm the Treasury, upon the order of the Secretary of the h nate, as the same shall be required; and any portion of the amount ere y appropriated that shall be allowed by the said joint committee to gutnesses attending before it or persons employed in its service, for per gem, traveling, or other necessary expenses, and paid by the Secretary ge the Senate, in pursuance of the orders of said joint committee shall Tmgggtgdglgy and allowed by the accounting officers of the . Approved, March 26, 1874.