Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/6

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Louisville and Portland Canal Company. An act providing for the payment of the bonds of the Louisville and Portlzmd Canal Company. May 11, 1874, ch. 165 43, 45 Captain Hartt. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to furnish copies of certain papers called for by resolution of the House. 45

Assay—office at Helena, Montana. An act to establish an ussay—office at Helena, in the Territory of Montana. May 12, 1874, ch. 168 45

Overflow of Mississippi River. An act to enable the Secretary of War to carry out the act of April twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, entitled "An act to provide for the relief of the persons suffering from the overflow of the Mississippi River," and for other purposes. May 13, 1874, ch. 170 45, 46

Powder-magazine at Norfolk. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to remove the powder—magazine from Fort Norfolk. Norfolk, Virginia. May 15, 1874, ch. 175. 46

Wolf River. An act giving the assent of Congress for the improvement of the Wolf River across the Menomonee Indian reservation, in the State of Wisconsin. May 15, 1874, ch. 176 46

Military reservation at Salt Lake City. An act granting a portion of the United States military reservation at Salt Luke City for cemetery purposes. May 16, 1874, ch. 180 46, 47

Upper and Lower Bands of Sioux Indians. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to discharge certain obligations of the United States to the creditors of the Upper and-Lower bands of Sioux Indians. May 16, 1874, ch. 181 47

Fort Randall military reservation. An act for the relief of certain settlers on the Fort Randall military reservation. May 16, 1874, ch. 182 47, 48

"A. Burton." An act for the relief of the owners of the steam ferry-boat "A. Burton." May 20, 1874 48

Military Prison An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the establishment of a military prison and for its government," approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-threr, May 21, 1874, ch. 186 48

Election, of representatives from California. An act repealing the act entitled "An act fixing the time for the election of representatives from the State of California to the Forty-fourth Congress " 48

Railroad from Budd's Inlet, Puget Sound. An act to authorize the county commissioners of Thurston County, in Washington Territory, to issue bonds for the purpose of constructing a railroad from Budd's Inlet, Puget Sound, to intersect the Northern Pacific Railroad at or near Tenino. 48,49

Massachusetts Museum of Fine Arts. An act to authorize the trustees of the Massachusetts Museum of Fine Arts to import and retain for two years certain works of art free of duty. May 28, 1874,ch. 195 49

Occupying claimants. An act for the benefit of occupying claimants. June 1, 1874, ch. 200 50

Improvements at mouth of the Mississippi River. An act to facilitate the execution of, and to protect certain public works of improvement at the mouth of the Mississippi River. June 1, 1874, ch. 201 50

Duties on imports. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to reduce duties on imports and to reduce internal taxes, and for other purposes '" approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three. June 3, 1874, ch. 203 50 51

Condemned cannon and cannon-balls. An act donating condemned cannon and cannon-balls to the posts of the Grand Army of Philadelphia and other associations, for monumental purposes. June 3, 1874, ch. 204. 51

Protection of frontier settlements of Texas. An act to provide for settlements of Texas against Indian and Mexican depredations. June 3 1874 ch. 205. 51,52

Pre-emtptors on public lands in Minnesota. An act to extend the time to pre-emptors on the public lands, in the State of Minnesota, to make final payment, June 3, 1874, ch. 206 52

Irasburgh National Bank of Orleans. An act changing name and location of Irasburgh National Bank; of Orleans county of Orleans, State of Vermont. June 3, 1874, ch. 207 52

United States courts in Vermont. An act changing the time of holding circuit and district courts in Vermont. June 5, 1874, ch.214 53

Centennial Exhibition. An act in relation to the Centennial Exhibition. June 5 1874 ch. 215 55

Navy appropriation. An act makingappropriations for the naval service for the year ending thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and for other purposes. June 6 1874 ch. 216 53-59

Military Academy appropriation An act making appropriations for the support of the Military Academy for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. June 6, 1874, ch 219. 59-61

Port of San Pedro, California. An act to change the name of the port of San Pedro, California to Wilmington. June 6, 1874, ch 218. 61

Pensions An act to equalize pension in certain cases. June 6, 1874, ch 219. 61

Mines and Mining. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to promote the development of the mining resources of the United States," passed May tenth eighteen hundred and seventy-two. June 6, 1874 ch. 220. 61

"Jacob Faithful." An act to change the name of the schooner “Jacob Faithful". to "Evyor" June 6, 1874 ch. 221 61

"Quarantine" An act to the change the name of the, schooner-yacht "Quarantine" to "Welcome" June 6, 1874m ch 222. 62

Land claims in the State of Missouri. An act obviating the necessity of issuing patents for certain private land claims in Missouri and for other purposes. June 6, 1874, ch. 223 62

Poontoon railway-bridge across the Mississippi. An act to legalize and establish a pontoon-railway bridge across the Mississippi River at Prairie du Chien,. and to authorize the construction of a similar bridge at or near Clinton, Iowa. June 6, 1874, ch. 224. 62 63

Errors in prize -lists. An act authorizing corrections to-be made in errors of prize—lists. June 8, 1874, ch. 256. 63