Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/661

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FOBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 86, 87, 88, 96. 1875. 631 evidence and rules of law as in ordinary exteusiomcases, bc, and J 0 hu Huzcltiue, hereby is, authorized to extend the patent of John Hazclxsine for a. new }¥’°“ dg" ‘*P({’1‘°"·' and useful water-wheel, issued to him March twenty-iiftb, eighteen hun- l°° °" °" .°°°°' dyed and ifcy-six, for the further term of seven years from and after the passage of this act; and tho said patent so extended shall have the same cifcch in law as if originally granted for the term for which it shall be so extended: Provided, hoapevcr, That no person shall be liable for _ Ng liability m infringing such extended patent by reason of any manufacture, usc, or !“m“€°“;_f” ““‘I‘ sale subsequent to the twenty-fifth day of March, eighteen hundred and ° °°r ° P°"` seventy, and prior to the passage of this act. Approved, February1S, 1875. CHAP. 87.-—Au act for the relief of Thomas Winans und William L. Winans. Feb. 18, 1875. Bo it enacted by the Sonata and House of Representatives of the waited States of America in Congress assembled, That Thomas Winans and Wil- Thomnp jvimms liam L. Winans be, and they arc hereby, authorized to renew, at any time Q`;! *1 W‘“3]’·'“. Li within six mouths from the date df the passagqof this act, an applicnti011_ m"Q‘;}’,;"';“ap°;§§,°,;_ heretofore made by them 011 or about the seventh day of May, in the year Lion an Dumb. eighteen hundred and sixty-six, for letters patent: of the United States for certain improvements in the construction of steam vessels, and the Commissioner of Patents is hereby authorized to hear, examine and decide upon such renewed application as though the sums had been made within the time now prescribed by law: Provided, That no person No liability rm shall be held responsible in damages for the manufacture or use of sum intl-anngauwuu u u- improvements, in the event of the success of such renewed application, f°'° dam °f P°*°“*’· prior to the date of the letters patent: thmwztbr. Approved, February 18, 1875. CHAP. 88.—-Au not granting n. pension to Angelica Hammond. Fd'- 18» 1875- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of Amcr·ica`·in Congress assembled, Th uc the Secretary of the Inte- 0{€‘;}‘“H"Qmlf;])lj:;“‘ rior bo, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place ou the pon- g ‘” - " sion roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of Angelica Hammond, widow of William Z. Hammond, Inte

1. private in Company E, First Maryland cavalry voluutccrs, to mkc

eilkact from the passage of this act;. Approved, February 18, 1875. CHAP. 96.-Au uct. fm: the relief of John B.Ty1or of Kentucky. pcb_ gg, 1g7g_ Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Rcirescntawves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That t 0 Secretary of the Treas- 1f=wr¤¤¤M¤ J¤i¤¤ ury bc, cmd he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to John B. B·"Y*""· Tyler; of Princeton Caldwell county, Kentucky, out of any money in tho Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars, in full for the loss of a. horse, his private property, which was killed on the battle-field of Stone River, on the thirty first; day of December, eighteen hundred and sixtyitwo; said John B. Tyler mz the time being in the service of the United States Army. J G BLAIN E Speaker of the House of Representatives. ' HENRY WILSON Vice 1’resident of the United States, and President of the Senate. Rcccivcxl by the President: February 10, 1875.