Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/67

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 136. 1874. 37 and confirmed. Said agreement is in words and ilgures following, namely: Articles of convention made and entered into at the Los Pines agency Tm, for the Ute Indians, on the thirteenth day of September, eighteen ` hundred and seventy-three, by and between ‘ Felix R. Brunot, commissioner in behalf of the United States, and the chiefs, head men, and men of the Tabequache, Muache, Capote, Weemihnche, Yampa, Grand River, and Uintah bands of Ute Indians, wituesseth: _ That whereas a treaty was made with the confederatedi bands of the pm,mm,,_ Ute Nation on t-he second day o1' March, eighteen hundred and sixty- eight, and proclaimed by the President of the United States on the V0, xv 6,9 sixth day of November, eighteen hundred and sixtyeight, the second ° ’p' ' article of which defines by certain lines the limits of a reservation to be owned and occupied by the Ute Indians; and whereas by act of Congress approved April twenty-three, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, 1872, et. 115, vol. the Secretary of.the Interior was authorized and empowered to enter ¤¤Vii.r· 55~ into negotiations with the Ute Indians in Colorado for the extinguishment of their right to a certain portion of said reservation, and a commission was appointed on the first day of July, eighteen hundred and Seventytwo, to conduct said negotiation ; and whereas said negotiation having failed, owing to the refusal of said Indians to relinquish their right to any portion of said reservation, a new commission was appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, by letter of June second, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, to conduct said negotiation : N ow, therefore, Felix B.. Brunot, commissioner in behalf of the United States, and the chiefs and people of the Tabequaehe, Muache, Capote, Weeminnche, Yam pa, Grand River, and Uintah, the confederated bands of the Ute Nation, do enter into the following agreement: _ _ Anriom I. The contederated band of the Ute Nrrion hereby relin- R¤h¤<1¤¤¤l¤¤¤¤¤ quish to the United States all right, title, and claim and interest in and °E 1““d“‘ to the following described portion of the reservation heretofore conveyed to them by the United States, viz: Beginning at a·point on the eastern Bounds boundary of said reservation fifteen miles due north of the southern boundary of the Territory of Colorado, and running thence west on a line parallel to the said southern boundary to a point on said line twenty miles due east of the western boundary of Colorado Territory ; thence north by a line parallel with the western boundary to a point ten miles north of the point where said line intersects the thirtyeighth parallel of north latitude; thence east to the eastern boundary of the Ute reservation ; thence south along said boundary to the place of beginning: Provided, That if any part of the Uncopagre Park shall be found to ex- P,,,,,,,,,_ tend south of the north line of said described country, the same is not intended to be included therein, and is hereby reserved and retained as a portion of the Ute reservation. ARTICLE Il. The United States shall permit the Ute Indians to hunt Hunting permitupon said lands so long as the game lasts and the Indians are at peace *°°d· with the white people. ARTICLE III. The United States agrees to set apart and hold, as a Annuity. perpetual trust. for the Ute Indians, a sum of ·money, or its equivalent in ·bonds, which shall be sufficient to produce the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars per annum; which sum of twenty-five thousand dollars per annum shall be disbursed or invested at the discretion of the President, or as he may direct, for the use and benefit of the Ute Indians annually forever. _ ARTICLE IV. The United States agrees, so soon as the President may ,::£¢°g°>’*° *>° °¤*¤*>· deem it necessary or expedient, to erect proper buildings and establish° ‘ an agency for the Weeminuehe, Muache, and Capote bands of Ute Indians at some suitable point, to be hereafter selected, on the southern part of the Ute reservation. P,.,,,, i ,,,0 us of Ancrxonn V. All the provisions of the treaty of eighteen hundred and may of 1868, ,,04; sixty-eight not altered by this agreement shall continue in force; and prlntgr gdtpnymghia