Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/726

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($96 CONVENTION-REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. 'IMAY 23, 1870. the country, or its seat of govern- resideucia del gobiemo, por los ernment, they maybe made by supe— oiiciales consulares superiores. Si rior consular officers. If the persog lla personadcuya extradéoioéi setpida whose extradition may be aske u iese si o convicta e e i , so When for fugtivg for shall have been convicted of a acompaiiara al suplicatorio una coconvicted of crime- crime, a copy of the sentence of the pla de la sentencia de la corte que court in which he may have been lo ha sentenoiado, autenticada con convicted, authenticated under its su sello, é igualmente una certificaseal, and an attestation of the odi- ciou del caracter olicial del juez 6 cial character of’the judge by the tribunal, expedida por la autoridad proper executive authority, and of ejecutiva correspondiente, y de esta the latter by the minister or consul ultima otra certificacion por el miof the United States or of Salvador, nistro 6 consul del Salvador 6 de los respectively, shall accompany the Estados Unidos respectivamente; requisition. When, however, the pero cuando el reo fugo solo ha si- When for fugitive fugitive shall have been merely do acusado, debe acompaiiarse el ¤b¤*S<=d WM <=*’lm¤· charged with crime, a duly autheu· suplicatorio antes dicho con una ticated copy of the warrant for his copia auténtica del auto de prision arrest in the country -where the expedido parasu arresto en el pais crime may bavobeen committednor donde haya cometido el delito 6· de the depositions upon whichqsuch las declaraciones que puedan haber warrant may here been issued, must motivado este auto. El Presidente accgmpaalnyghe. drequi?_itipnUalbrei gel Sglvaélordo eléPr%sidente de los sai . e resident o the nite sta os ni os ar entonces un States or the President of Salvador mandamiento para la captnra del. Warrant for ar- may tlicu issute ta] warrant for the fugitive, a guile qéie cginducido anr¤¤t· appmlrena son o e fugitive, in or- te la autori a ju ici correspon— de1:.tl1at»he may be brought before diente, sea alli examinado. Sientho proper judicial authority for ex- tonces se decidiere que segun la

. If it should thfn be de- ley y evidencia del hecho la extraci t accor ing to aw and dicion esprocedentecouformeaeste

Fmaditivv- the evidende, the extradition is due, tratado el fugitive sera entregado pursuant to the treaty, the fugitive coulas izormalidades presoritas para may be given up according to the tales cases. forms prescribed in such ca es. Anrxcrr 'Irn. Anrioumo 7°. . ~ Expenses. The expenses of the arrest, de- Lasexpensasogastosdel arresto, · tention, and transportation ,of the detencion y trasporte de las persopersons claimed shall be paid by_ nas reelamadas seran aeargo del the government in whose namethe gobiemo é. cuyo nombre so heya requisition shall have been made. expedido el suplicatorio. ‘ Aarxonn Sra. A1:.erfcn1.o 8•. Convention to This convention shall continue Este tratado estara vigente ducontinue new long. in force during ten (10) years from rante diez (10) anos eontados desthe day of exchange of ratiileations; de el dia rdel canje de las ratificabut if neither party shall have ciones, pero rS1‘ ninguna de las given to the other six (6) months’ partes diese aviso e la otra seis previous notice of its intention to (6) meses antes do iinalizar este terminate the same, the convention término, do su intencion do hacer shall remain in force ten years cesar sus efecrtos, quedara vigente longer, and so on. por (trliez aiios mas y asi swc¢·>eivamen e. Ratification, The resent convention shall be Elpresentetratadoseraratidcado "1‘°“·"'h°"’· ratiiiedp and the ratincations ex- gv las ratiiicaciones cangeaclas en la changed at the city of Washington eiudad do Washington dentro de within twelve (1.2) months, and doce (12) meses, 6 antes si fnese sooner if possible. posible.