Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/767

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(p3.mATY\W1TH THE 'REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Deo. 6, 1870. 737 the cose, shall, if demanded, be de- buque, si lo solicitztre, un testimonio livered to the commander orngent nuténtico de la sentencin 6 decreto of seid vessel without any delay, he 6 de todo el proceso, satisfeciendo pgying the legal fees 'for the samel por cl los derechos legales. Anerioscn 25111. Anrfouro 250.- For the purpose of lessening the Gon el lin de disminuir los males menu tl ss ttevils of war, the two high contract- de lo guerre las dos sites pertes con- ¤W0¤¤ tlw iiwics, ing parties inrther agree that, in tratantcs, convienen ademas, que by "’h""’ °""“°d °“· case at wer should unfortunately en caso de suscitnrse desgm.ciadatake place between them, hostilities mente unc guerrn. entre ellas, solo ' shall only be carried on by persons se llevarftn in efecto las hostilidedes duly commissioned by the govern- por aqucllas personas debidemente ment, and by those under their or- eutorizades por el gobierno, y por dere, except in repelling an attack las que esten bajo sus ordenes, exor invasion, und in the defence of eeptuéiudose los cesos de repeler un property. · utaque 6 invasion, y enln defense. `. dc lu propiednd. Anerromr 26:rn. Ancrfouno 260. enever one of the contracting Siempre que nun de las partes w;,.,u,,m,m-Pmy parties shell be engaged in at wor contrntantes estnviere empenndnis engnged in wm-, with another state, no citizens of en guerrn con otro estndo, ningun °*F';9{:F* °f *1*0 °u*°* theother contrncting party shall cindedono do le otra. parte contre pw‘°°d• &°‘ accept-a. commission or letter of tante aceptnre comision 6 putente merque for the purpose of assisting dc corso, peru. el olrieto do auxiliaror eo-operating hostilely with the 6 coopernr hostilmente con el dicho said enemy against the scid parties enemigo contra lu. mencionnde. so et wm-, under the pnin of being parte que este en guerrs, bnjo lu. treated as o pirate. penn. do ser trutedo como pirate. · Anrronm 27TH. Anrfento 270. For the better security of com- Pore la. mejor seguriduddel co- rp;,,,,,,,;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. meroe between the citizens of the mercio entre los ciudzidsnos del zens lor winding up , United States and the citizens of Salvador y los cindedanos de los b}}¤§¤¢>0¤ i¤ ¢=¤¤0 of Snlva.<‘l0r,it is agreed that if, at any Estedos Unidos, se conviene que ““‘· ` time, any interruption of iriendly si desgraciadnmente ocurriose en intercourse, or any rupture, should cnulquier tiempo algnne interrupunfortunntely take place between cion de relaciones de emistad, 6 the two high contracting parties, elgune rupture. entre las dos alms the citizens of either, who may be partes coutrntantes, 6 los ciudndu.- within the territories of the other,. nos de cnalquiero de ellas, que shall,- if residing on the coast, be puedan hellsrse dentro de los ternilowed six months, and if in the ritorios de le otra., se les conccderd interior, e whole yeer, to wind up si residen en la. costa, scis meses,y their accounts end dispose of their i en el interior, un cio entero, para, property; end e safe-conduct shall fmnliznr-sus cuentas y disponer de begiven to them to embark at any su propiednd, y se les dara un port they themselves meyselect. salvo-conducto pam embercarse en 'Even in case of rupture, all such euelquier puerto que escoyen ellos citizens of either of the high con- mismos. Ann en ccso do una rulptrwcting parties, who are estab- ture, todos aquellos ciudedenos e lished in any of the territories of coda una. de las eltas pertes conthe other in trade or other employ- tmtautes que estenestublecidos en ment, shall have the privilege of cnelquiernde los territories de la Right to remain remaining and of continuing such otra, cmpleados en el comerc1o,_6 ;*’ul;<;:°§.;*0b1*¤h°d m trade or employment, without any en otre cose, tendren el privilegio manner of interruption, in full en- de pernmuecer ‘y de contxnuansu joyment of liberty and prosperity, comercio 6 empleo,sm interrupciou so long as they behave peacefully de uingunn espeoic, en el pleno Vol. 18, pt. 3-47.1 _ `