Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/834

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804 CONVENTION-BELGIUNI. llrlzuzcu 19, 1874. March 19, 1874Y Convention between the United States of Amerika and Belgium. Extra- ··—··*····"· dition. Goncluded March 19, 1874; Ratirication advised by Senate March 27, 1874; Ratified by President March 31, 1874; Ratijied by King of the Belgians April 30, 1874; Ratifications exchanged at Brussels April 30, 1874; Proclaimed May 1, 1874. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Preamble., Vilhereas a convention between the United States of America and His Majesty the King of the Belgians was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the 19th day of March last, which convention, being in the English and French languages, is word for word as follows: _C<>¤tr¤¤ti¤s pur- The United States of America Les Etats—Unis d’A1nérique et Sa

  • ‘°“· and His Majesty the King of the Majesté le Roi des Belges, ayant

Belgians, having judged it expe- jugé opportun, en vue d’une meildient, with a view to the better ad- leure administration dela justice, et rninistration of justice, and to the pour prévenir les crimes dans lenrs prevention of crimes within their territoires et juridiction respectifs, respective territories and jurisdic- que les individus condamnés ou tion, that persons convicted of or accuses du chef des crimes cicharged with the crimes hereinaf- apres énumérés, et qui se seraient ter specined, and being fugitives sonstraits par la fuite aux pourfrom justice, should, under certain suites de la justice, fussent dans circumstances, Ge reciprocally de- certaines circonstances réciproquelivered up, have resolved to con- ment extradés, ont résolu de conclude a convention for that pur- clure une convention dans ce but, pose, and have appointed as their et ont nommé pour leurs Plénipo- Plenipotentiaries: the President tentiaires, savoir: le President des of the United States of America, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, Hamilton Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State Fish, Secrétaire d’Etat des Etatsof the United States; and His Unis; Sa Majesté le Boi des Belges, Majesty the King of the Belgians, Maurice Delfosse, Envoyé Extraor- Maurice Delfosse, His Majesty7s dinaireetMinistre Plénipotentiaire Envoy Extraordinary and Minis- de Sa Majesté aux Etats-Unis; lester Plenipotentiary in the United quels, s’étant communiqué recipro- States; who, after reciprocal com- - quement leurs pleins tpouvoirs, et munication of their full powers, les ayant trouvés en bonneet dne found in good and due form, have forme, sont conS*enns des articles agreed upon the following articles, suivants, savcir.: ‘ to wit :‘ -‘ Aacrxcnn I.` _ Aiz·r1c1.n.I. Emadimu 0;}-,,. The Government of the United -· Le Gouvernement des Etatsgitives from justice. States and the Government of Bel- UnisetleGoi1vernementBe1ges*en. gium mutually agree to deliver up gagent a se remettre réciproquepersons who,havingbeenconv1cted_ ment les personnes qui, ayant été · of or charged with any of the condamnéesou misesen accusation crimes specified in the following ar- duichef de Pun des crimes énumé- ticle, committed within the juris- rés aharticlesuivnnt, commis dans diction of one of·the contracting la. jnridiction de Pune des parties · parties, shall seek an asylum, .0r be contractantes,chercheront un asilo, found within the territories of the ou seront trouvées dans les terrl-‘