Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/861

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OONVEN TION-—NETHERI:AN DS. 83] Additional article bemeen the General Post-Ojioe of thej United _8tates of J ir n e 19 c nd America and the General .Poat·O_#iee of the Nethar·la.nda.— ‘ S°P*· “• 187* Whereas a regular line of direct steamers is soon to be establi hed P¥°“mb1°· between the port of New York and the port of Rotterdam, which can be employed for the transportation of the Netherland·American mails, at a compensation for sea conveyance between the two frontiers, not to" exceed 5 cents (Dutch,) or 2 cents (United States,) for each single letter: _ Now, therefore, the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective governments, have agreed upon the following additional article to the postal convention of 26th September, 1867, and to the additional convention of 10th—29th January, 1870. . Som Anrxcm. 'The single letter-rate on correspondence exchanged directly between S*';,8*°tl:*”°*;’°f,*; the two administrations by means of such steamship-line, shall be as §§,,,,,,,§’,,,,,_'{,}?,,,_"’ . follows viz: 1. Od letters from the' United States, 6 cents (H. S.) 2. On letters from the Netherlands, 15 cents ( utch.) This additional article takes effect on the date of the dispatch of the 'IQo be additional iirst mail by such steamshipdine, and from that date forward has the ¤***°l°i d““*"’°“· same duration as the convention of 26th September, 1867, and the additional convention of 10th—29th January, 1870. Done in duplicate and signed at Washington, the fourteenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-fo_ur, and at the Hague, the nineteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy- our. . [L. S.] · MARSHALL JEWELL, . Postmaster-General of the United States. [L. s.] i NOFETEDS, . The Director-General of Posts of the Netherlarnda. _ [Translation.]V The undersigned, instructed to that end by royal decree of the 9th of June,_1874, No. 9, hereby declares it to be good and proper to coniirm the foregoing agreement. [1,. s.] The Minister ey" Eimmcc, VON DELDEN. I hereby approve the aforegoing additional article; 'and, in testimony APP*'°V°1· thereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be aifnxed. g.. .’] . r U. s. annum. y the President: · - ‘ HAIh[II.·TON Frsu, _ Secretary of State. Wasumoros, 14th_ September, 1874.