Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/896

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866 INDEX. Page. Page.. Astronomical Instruments, _ Attorney-GmwrM.—poiitinued. _ for ships of war, appropriation for 54,297 to have supervision of counsel of United Astronomical Observations, States before Alabama Clauns Com- _ ., appropriation for transcribing, ...55,298 mission. .1 . . . ... 240 Asylum, Insmw, may contract with State asylums for care grant of portion of Fort Steilucoom mili- and custody of msaneconvicts in cer- _ tary reservation, inWashington Terri- tain cases .. . . . . . . . . 251 , 2¤2 tory, for establishment oi, . . . 29 when may require additional bonds of clerks Azchley, Oluyboru, an marshals . ..- - .- 333 clai ef, allowed by commissioners.; .. 640 shall regulate amount of bonds of clerks_of Atchle$; Welcome, ~ courts; may regnire new; may inclaim of, allowed by commissioners .-.. 649 ‘ crease amount 0 - . ...--· 333 Atkins, Isabella, circuit courts may award writ of maudamus claim of, allowed by commissioners 655 on motion of, to compel clerks, mur- Atkinmm, John H., nhals, &e., to render accounts of fees, claim of, allowed by commissioners 659 &c .. _ . . . . . . ... 333 Atkissou, Carolina H, and Secretary of War may 8.4111817, &c., claim of, allowed byeommissionezs 637 claim of United States against Alex- Athmta, G4., endria, Loudon and Hampshire, and limit to cost of oonstruetionofeustom-house, _ other railroad companies ;· terms and post-office, &c., public building at, conditions..-.;. -- .. 335 extended .. . . . . . 228 shall have supervision and control of courtappropriation for .. . . . , . 394 house building in Washington, D. C. 374 Secretary of the Treasuryto use his discre- slmll commence legal psroeeedings sagainst tion in selecting material forconstruc- Chicago, Bock land and aeiiic tion of. . . . .. . . .. 506 Railroad Company in case of refusal Atlantic, The Steamer, to remove piers, &e., at Rock Island of the White-Star line, thanks of Congress bridge 387 presented to captain, officers, and defense of action against officers of Cotagress crew of .. .J .. ...286,287 for acts done in discharge of cial Attuchnwms, - duty, &c.,_to be under direction of... 401 to remain in force, &c., on removal of suit . certificate by, to Secretary of Treasury that from State court to circuit court . 470 no appeal or writ of error will be Attorney-Gevwral, taken from decision of circuit or disappropriation for pay of, and for omeers, triet court in cases touching customsclerks, &c., in Department of Jus- duties. . . ... 469 tice .. . 108, 109, 369 reeommendationof,to Seeretaryof Treasury, for printing and binding for Odlee of.. .204,371 to reverse or modify ruling as to for the thirteenth volume of Opinions of customs-duties . . ..-. _ 469 the . . . . -..- 207 shall take appeal to Supreme Court on re- ‘ to enter appearance in any suit brought by quest o Secretary of Treasury .. 470 trustees of mortgagze-bonds of ouis- Atwrnefyv, · _ _ _ ville and Portland anal Company .. 45 for e aimants before court of commissioners to report to Congress annually, in detail, ofAlabame.cle.ims,feesef,h0wallowed contingent expenses of Department., 109 and aid . . . PA9 to enforce right or claim of United States Attorneys of tl¥e·United. States, see District Attorto money involved in bankruptcy of uoys, Henry D. Cooke, or of Jay Cooke & appro riation for fees of, on account of Co. appropriated for So diers’ and Il’ost-Oiilee Degmrtment . 232, 342 Sailors Orphans Home . . . . . 143 Aubum City National _ k, of Auburn, M K, to enforce claim of United States to moneys authorized to be merged, &c., with First in hands of Henry D. Cooke, as trees- National Bank, of Auburn, New York. 520 urer of the Reform School at time of Auburn., New York, . his bn.nkrupt¢3y,&,e .. . ... 146 appropriation for keeping George Sheppard to report his procee ings to Congress . . 146 and James Blowers at State lunatic ‘ to direct motion in court to dismiss from · asylum for insane convicts at 386 office marshal, clerk, &e., neglecting for plans and speciileatiensof public buildto make required returns in bank- ing at . ... .. 396 ruptey . . . . --.- A .. . . 186 Secretary of Treasu to report upon need to commence certain suits against Pacific of public buillhng at, &c. ... 2:33 Railroad eompanies on report of See-V Aiwkhoul, · rotary of the Treasury .. . ... 200 consul at, exempted from prohibition to en-, to direct expenditure of certain appropria- gave in business . . .. .. .. 486 tions for defending suits for seizure of , . Aucmoody, Writer S., administrator, captured and abandoned property 206 claim of estate of Walter H. Erwin, ullowed for witnesses in claims .- ... 206, 373 by commissioners .. . . . .. 655 for defense of the United States in the Auditor for Boat-O_/hoe 1)cpa.rtment,_ Court of Claims . . . .. . . 206, 373 appropriation for pay of, and for clerks, &e., for collection of claims due the United in odlce of _,., ,, ,,,_.,,, ____ ,__,____ 92, 351 Sli¤b¤S.-:...' .. . ..-... -._  %}6,373salary of. . . . .. . ...,. . 397 for detection and prosecution of crimes _ ofomcers, clerks, and employes in odlce of 397 against the United States . . 206, 373 Auditors of the Trea.w.•·y, _ for defending elnims under convention _ appropriations for pay of, and for clerks with Mexico. .. 206,201373 &c . . .. . 91,92,350. 351 for detecting and punishing violetion of Auld, David and Georqo, executors intercourse nets .. . .207,373 claim of, estate of George Auld, allowed by f1'!\i1¢lBlH·th0 Indian service . . 207, 373 commissioners .. . ..,.. . . 596