Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/911

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INDEX. 88] P cywymme, mommy, _ _ °°° cm; sagmufopm, _ pw" reserva.tion of certain public land for con- to have charge and ami-ml of military telechc mmetructwn of water-reservoir for .. 25 · Igmphlrncsbin Arizona .. . .. .. 223 9 _ » _ _ 011 udizm and exicau frontiers . 389 UGHMBDQY §»PP1‘0P1'l¤·l¤10p fo1' ·----- . ...- 141 quarterly reports of receipts and. expenses appropriatiogséor sunsistelnce, &,c., of, to be to be made through . . 2*23 exnen e on y ort cse peuceubly re- Ch'c o B mus, · mmmng °¤ !`6$61`V¤$i0¤8 ----·------- 149, 423 irnjétgte lgepartmeut, appropriations for 90, 349 for payment of installment to .. 150, 424 C/»ildr¢m’s Hospital, Washington, D. G., deguction from, for Adelaide and J ulia 404 u gyprugriations for . ._ . .. 216, 386 · erman . ... . .. . .., · fot1;`S11pp¢:§,;i¥liz?tic¤, &c., oéceptize . 448 0;::1:: of schooner, changed to Canton .. 66 no 0ops_ e ep on reserva. ions 0 in zimz , Indian Terntory, except, &c . t.. 149 appropriationsforstoamshi mail-sorvioeto.292,342 Ulwycnncs and Arapalwea, for rent of building at Polling, for legution appropriations for installment and trans- to; to be rented by Secretary of _ portetiou of goods for ... 424 _ State . . . . . .. . . 377, 405 Ohwago, Illmozs, appointment and salaries of interpreters to ‘ appropnatxcins for office of assistant treas—95 354 an eertnn consulates in { .. 70 ¤1'¤1‘ 3 --··---·-- - --------·--... , owsmce or ex enses 0 inter re ation a for eustoznbonse and sul>—treas1n·y bnildéw 394 d A 1 other consglates ink not ugmed ... 70 mga,. . ... . . . . , ecencya roriation 0 'te ret to for mmvwg harbor at.. . - ..-.237, 456 consulfmsgn .. . . . 13:: Chicago _ llfdrthweatduo Railroad Company, transfer in aecouuts of State Department sppropmatwu to reimburse the, for moneys for salaries of . . . .,. . 40.3 A ddvicenced to the enrveyongeueml of 513 duty of consulnrtoglocemhtoascextaifrnwhether a. 0 ·u. .. . . . ... mmigrsm m as entere iuto cou- Cltiieago, Bionic-Island gilf 1**1201:/lo Railroad C020d tract for serviceforlewd u.ud,im1noru.l 4 0 reim ur e one- 0 sum appro rin ur oses .. . .. 77 for alterations, repairs, &c., og Rock citizenlof gnited States transportiiigsiilijeut Island bridge ... . . . . 221 of, to or from United States, without to be 1·I¢;%ir3d to remove piers, &c., at Rock 387 coneeiét, Bw., punishment for .. l.. . 477 n , ... . L- . contract 0 service 0 such person veil . . 477 Ch cecnziit against, in ease of refusal ... 387 Cfeelafy oéernyinisger to . . 4e:} i awe pman in . appropriations to pay annuity to , .. 150, 424 payment to, of all demands, as collector of for interest on trust-fund of .. J. . 174, 448 Internal Revenue for the eleventh dis- Secretary 0:E flnterior mkexoniezét into céaslé C] txict of Indiana. . . . . G20 art 0 trust-etoc 0 or re ie 0 zi pmou. an a tribe, &.c -. . .. . . . . . 451 aipropriations for payment of installments Chief Cleric of War Depwrtment, to .-.. . .-·-----· - -·-·· - ------ 226,497 may be authorized to sign reggisitions on Chippewa [ndiana, _ Treasury, in absence of cretary ... 19 appi·o;n·1a.ttr&n ftor fpnyment of interest on 1 r Ch' Clerks rus nu 0 .. . 7.; dcinzies of, in certain Bureaus of Treasury De- consent of Mississipoi band of required to partment, to devolve upon deputy granting cerm n land en White Earth 1 comptrollers, deputy auditors, deputy reservation to pomestxc and Foreign C Eregister, alncdileputy commissioners,. 398 CH 1\·i1esi;>n)a;·y .€;ge;etyI ;l . ... 31 't nm, t ppewua an aw z gy0;%z$¤?fop gmcé/of ____,__, , ,_, ,.., 100, 361 appropriation for interest 011 truet-funds may néeke elertaiu payment to Emory R. 241 to .i)é._.. .£(;; 3-- ---6 449 · ... . .. ... a n msu purchas€eW0a£ certain land by, in Nashville, » P by them in certain lands in Michigan, Tenn., in trust for the United States; but not regularly reported and np: confirmed . . . ... 276 proved prior to act 1872, ch. 424. . 516 to be one of commission to sell navy-yard, bona-ide, &c., settlers ou lands reserved &o_, at Philadelphia ____ , _,_,_ , _,,,, 393 under tmrzfiy wgtli, entitled to (mur- Chkf Medical Pumeyor, · one hund and sixty acres, &e., pro- r rank, pay, and emolumeuts of. 244 _ vided, &e.. . . . . . .>16 Chi?` of Enginceramz Charge of Public Buildinga Ohnppeuvaa, Boise Fort Band, _ and Grounds, appropriations for payment of installments _ umprepriations for impzvemgnt enldscerelof OH mba} IJ; @66;%; . . 150, 42o ‘ * L > cw ‘ digegtnpoggogl? . .xqr . néugmroprietione for pay cd installments to . . 150, 425 points of intersection, &c., of branch of Bel- Chqapcwas pfjlw Mmissqqn, _ timore mid Ohio Railroad, subject to 84 approyrnntions for payment of metallmontfm 4% ___ __________,_ _ ____, o . . . . . ...------ _-- ---· _ » ~ to apprggeggzatlwx 32 route of Wqshiugten for wagon-road from Northern Paomc Raul- lm; City and Point Lookout Railroad m _ wny to agency of . .. 1; the District of Columbia 274 _ of uuexpeuded balance due . . -...i_.i to approve plans and specifications of road- WV Ghzppmuagmfdzlmger, and Lake Wiimcbagos as n 1 . . . . , to u0ti;?y0BV%;1.£i£lmnlalnIdcGeorgemwn Bail- 0 nppreprintlens for payment of mstallmenterg 4% way to remove trucks from Washing _ l to . t .. . .. _ .. . . I . 1.> , . , i3>,nAqued;1ict bridge over Rock Cree . 393 Chippewa.? of'Red Olaf and Bud Rwcr Bucs va- C7 le o ·dna•u.·¤ myW! _ ,, a;$);>1£priations rar odlee of .. . . 101, 361 nppyopnntions for relief of .. . . - M4 Vol. 18, pt. 3-56