Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/957

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F7 INDEX. ‘ Page. page Hanks: Thoron nz; Harbors, J·c.-—Co¤tinugd, T’°“°i°’} ·-··-· · ·-··--·-·---·-- · ·--- · -----· 627 Racine Wis . . _ ..., _ ,,,_,_, ,,,237,454; H“"z‘-Yr 1 °’°"r Rocky ’River, Ohio . ... . . 457 _ iiuclmgs und sentence of court-martial set Saint Joseph Mich .. 238 461 ¤~¤¤<*<> --—--- · --·-- - -—~-·---- ---- 552 S¤1cm,Mes¤3 . ...227212 ’```‘ mi H·""*¢°*‘ ¢>f1¤¤f¤rr¤· MM Hmm Sou Diego csi . Z..,ZZ ZZZZZZ 461

1-ppropriamiexis for improvement of. . ..238, 457 Sandusky ,0hio ,. ., , ,,,,,. 238 457

Harbmo, see Rivers and Harbors, Su jgmméimo gd___‘__: __ _ _:"' ’M2 ¤1>1:r¤pri¤ii¤¤e f<>n ¤¤- Saugetuck, mich .fZ.Z..IZZZ-.[é:ss,4ses l¤¤>¤¤1{;>¤ Wm -·---- .. . . 4to ssvmmu ,,,_,,___,,, , ____, , ___________ 4;,9 Ashta ula, Ohio . . . . . ..238, 457 Sheboy au, Wis . . . .. . . ,,237 455 B°mm°1`° -------·-·----·—---·---- - ----- 459 South Never: Mich. . . . . ... 238, 456

 Lake; Miqh-·•-·· ··••»· ... 238)*156   d01w___- ______ ·__-•. ______241;46D

Bmk RWOF Ohm ·----- · --·-· - ·-·-· ~--938,457 Sturgeon Nay Cmml, harbor ot miuge at Block Islaucl brcakwater .. . . 241 qmmumtq _______ ____ _ _____ ____ ____ 237 . B°¤*°¤» Mm -··-···----- · --~-- -- ------ 241,460 Swanton Vt: .. . .. . ... ..239 4w Bkiqgleporv, Conn ------ · . . .·..- . . . . 241, 460 Toledo, time .. . . . . . ... 238, 457 Bm}, °» N- Y -------·——-------- — ----- --238.457 Two Rivers, Wis . . . . . . 237, 456 B¤r1¤¤z¢¤¤ Vt ·-·--- . - . ... 239. 4.58 Vormil1ion,Olnio .. .  ;...;>.·zs, 4m 0¤l¤m¤t. Th ·--- - ---·- - ---·- -- -------- 237. 456 Wm1<1i¤g¤¤¤ N- Y --·.-· . .--.· · ...·· -..230, 461 Gandeu M6- ---- - -·--- - ---·- - -·--- -.--241.460 Wareham, M’n·¤¤ ----.. . .---- . ...-... 241,460 Cedar Keys. . ... 459 Wushiu won, D. C ... . . I . 242 Charlotte, N- Y- ---- -- ---------- -- --.--- 467 White Ilivcr, Mich. --..- · ------ . ..---.. 235, 456 Charleston, S. C ... ..--.. .. ..-.242, 459 Wickford, R. I. . 4 . .. 241 0l=91>¤yg¤¤, Mich -----. - ----- - ----- ..--2*8, 457 Wi1mingtou,De1 . ... me G1uc¤{;c,Il1..-_. ...- . -..-- S -.-.- 237, 456 Wilmiu $011. Cul --..-.------ . ---..--·--- 461 Ckwc wd, 0190 ------ ------ . -----.. 235 Wi1¤¤u,gN. Y .. , . . . . 401 C0¤¤¤¤¤f, 0}110· ·------ - --------------- 238, 457 Secretary of War to cause exuuiixmtieams and g1'i¤€0£¢kMd --·--- · --------- - ----·----- gg H b serveys to be made of certain .. 242-244 U ¤ ·--- - -...--...-. -- ·- ·-.. .. , ar our ’ . D¤¤ki1'k,N·Y ----------------·- ··-- ---- 238, 457 claim of, allowed, by commissioners 587 Euglé Harbor .- - . . . ---. 456 Hardaway Alice %m,§&..-H .---- . - . -... - .5%, claim of loyal heirs of, allowed by commis- Mr wer, ass. .. . .-... .- ...-...- , s oners .. . .. o Fort Jefferson .. . . .-.- ...- . . 460 Eardaway Hubbard W., J. Hi, and M. B., g13!1kf;)°I‘t, Niich . s... .. 221:3, cludm 0}, and of Susan E. Mason, allowed by or ven m, cx -- .-.. .-.--- -.-. , commissioners .. . . . . » o Georgetown, D. C .. . .-.. 242 Hardema Tlwnmajr., Grand Haven, Mich .. . . .. ... 238 politiczl disabilities removed . .. . . 535 Grand River, Ohio . . . ., 238, 457 Harden, Nan , great ioduswliuy .. .. .. claim of Nancy A. Hendrick aud, allowed 59 reen a, is .. . . , on ycommissionere . -. 3 Hinghmuyliass .. . ... . .. 460 Hardin, Cornelius, Huron, Oliio. . ... . . . ... ..238, 457 claim of, allowed by commissioners 593 Hyannis, Mass .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 Hardin, Tarltnn, _ Kenosha, Wis .. . . . ... ..237, 456 claim of allowed by commissioners .. .. 641 Lake Huron, harbor of refuge on ... 238, 457 Harding, faeob, Little Sodus Bay .. . . . . 239, 458 compensation for services as inspector ot Lucliugton Mich .. 238, 456 distillery of Gordon & C0 ... . .. . 563 Mauisteo, Mich  » ... .238, 456 Hardy, Henry M., Manitowoc, Wis .. .. . . . 237, 456 , claim of, allowed by commissioners 057 Marquette, Mich .-.. ... ...237, 456 Hurgis, Simeon, Menomonee . .. 237,456 entry by, on Fort Kearney military reser- Miehigau City, Iud . ... . . . . 238, 456 vation, confirmed; patent to be i ued Milford Coun . . . .. 241,460 to . ... . . . . . . 539 Milwaulxee, Wis . . . . . Y .. 242, 450 Harlem River, Mobile .,.. . . . .. .. .. ... .. 469 appropriation for improvement of . . 461 Memos, Mich .. 238, 457 Harmon, Harrison C'., _ _ Muskegon, Minh .. .. . . .238, 466 claim of, allowed by commissioners 593 NewBedford,gisss . . 461 Harrell, Isaac, _ _ New Castle, e1 . ... 457 Helium? of, allowed by commissioners. ... 583 New Haven, Coun . . . ... 460 arm on Jena: mn, Newport, R. I.. .;.. ..· . -241, 460 claim or, allowed by commissioners 041 Norwalk, Conn .. . _. .. . . 241, 460 Harrell, Reddwk, _ _ Opklaudfl Gal. ...,. ..,-- .. .-. ..242, 461 claim of, allowed by comxmssxonors . 589 Oak Orc ard, N. Y. . ... 239, 457 Hezrrington, Silas B., . _ g¥d6DBl£TU1'§h, N.Y .. . .. gg, finding and sentence of court-martial set 552 cott . . . .. .. ... .. , asue . . . . . . . Outonagon, Mich . . 237, 456 Harris, B. PK, gsv;eg0,.NLY§.i. . .. .. 287,% credit {accounts of, cls pgoofdofvloséz by 569 em tsbur . . .. . ... cs on re, ovem er . an , . . "Plymonitlflkass 7. ... .. 241, 460 Harrls, Clmrles, _ _ Port Clmton, Ohm. . . . . . . 457 clmmof estate of,a.Ilowed by commissioners. 645 Portland, Mo . ... . . . M1, 460 Hmws, Charles P., _ l PortWa,shi¤gton, Wis, . .. ,.237, 456 claim of, allowed by COIDHIIGSIOY-lO¥`S·· - · -··- 598 Pr0viucotowu,Mass .. . . 242, 460 Harris, Enwlinc, _ _ r Pultueyvi11e,N. Y .. .. ... . . .. 239, 457 claim of, allowed by commissioners .>9B