Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/963

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INDEX. 933 _ Pogo. Pogo. Iaodepgndenzt Tr·easu»;q—Cout1nued. Lndian Contracts-Continued. r compensationto speciolngentsto exam- agents or employes of United States not to _ me books, accounts, &e. 96, 355 be interested in, orto collude to ob- (lcficlcugy gpproprmtiqn for _ ____ , _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ 403 {;g,i¤_ _ _ _ ________ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ________ _ _ [77, 451 Izzclcwé _ ‘ , paucity for violation of provisions ..177, 451 to ovissd Stgtutcs, n. full and complete, to 113 no popémggg on, {or tgogds, &e., exceeding 50

. ...   wi ou vcr i e ... 4

of subéects to documents ond debates of copies ot to be fmnishgd to gclcgndiiuditor `ougress to be prepared .. . .. 209 before payment on .. . . . . .’ 450 Librarian of Congressc amged with work- 209 Indian Coun try, work to be under supervision of Joint boundary-line between, und Arkansas, ns Committee on the Li bmry . . . 209 ori gi nelly surveyed, dao., declared peroppropriution for assistant librarians in monent . L . . 476 IMM connection with, &c .. . .. 200 to bp retriwed ond molrked; gariatious » rom treat - ine to e note . 476 salary of consul-general at Calcutta, 67 Indian Delegations lgisiting Washington, Immoioponsuls in .. . . 68 expenses of, to be paid only from contingent 1 2 ‘ 1 lll] .. . . .__, ,,.,.__,__, 7 postroods established in ... .. .. 9, 259, 489 Indian Doparlnumi, terms ot district and circuit courts ot Evans- uppropriutio ns, ville, in . . . . . 261 for deiiciencies for liscul years ending J uno i¤ii»if,‘1’.”fi§?.t$‘§‘°°°f°“““°“"‘°‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ 2°‘ 4.,,,i‘1x}€ZE2‘i2‘§·£F;‘,‘Z,}“2?.;g;;.{?,i*§";,1‘”*‘"“ yl U zyiproprintions for 0Hice of . . . . 103, 364 » 30, 1875, zind 1876. -.1* ... 146€178, 420-451 In ian Agencies, _ pay of superintendents of Control mid employes nt, aggregate compensation of 449 Northern snperintondeucies ..; , 146, 421 Luhgns, wlaeptolbei . . . . pay of Zgents find interpreters for tjribes 0 num er an in 0 .. . . --.. in rizonu. .. . .. 147 48 421, 42,. ogentfs statement of .. . , . . .. 449 in Culiforinin .. . .., .1. --i 146, 421 increase of, bow authorized .- ... 449 in Colorado . ...,. 147,14s,421,/122 limitation on expenditures at . . 449 in Dakota_ _____ _ ___,______, _ ____ 147, 42], 492 Indian Agents, in Idaho . . . . 146, 147, 421, 422 upproprientions for- ...--.-.· - -..--- - ·---. 146, 421 in Iudiou Territory .. ,...147,14B, 421,422 regulations for distribution of supplies by.176, 449 in Iowo, . .. . . . ... 147, 421 oath to accompany accounts .. . ... . 176 in Kansas . , . 147, 148, 421, 422 to make rolls of Indians, Gm .. . 117, 449 in Michigan .. . .. 147, 148, 421, 422 when services .0f, to be dispensed with. . 147 in Minnesota .. . . -- . , 147, 148, 421, 422 statement of, in quarterly accounts, of em- in Montana . . 146, 147, 421, 4:32 ployés ut ogencies, how mode ... 449 in Nebraska. .. .. . 147,148, 421, 422 sureties on bonds of, to file statement of in Nevada. . . 146, 141421,422 property ... 450 in New Mexico .. . ... . 147, 148, 421, 422 to keep book of expenditures, contracts, and in New York .. . . . 147, 421 receipts . . . . . . .. 451 in Oregon .. . . ... 146, 147, 421, 422 books to be open to inspection . . . 451 in Utah . . . . . 147, 148, 421, 422 not to be removed from reservation .. 451 in Washington Territory. 146, 147, 421, 422 quarterly transcripts from, to be forwm*d— in Wiscomnn .. . , 147, 148, 421, 422 ed to Commissioner . 451 in Wyoming . ... .147, 148, 421, 422 I difglsj; entry ip, &,c,, penalty. . .. .. 45]. spec?] rfgxipts tooigrtnéin trilycs _ . .147,421 n an rcemen 0 c ie c er , cssis on , om copyis o. mode sisgfsmuér 13, 1873, with certain Ute Central superintenelency .. 147,422 In 'uns, mtiiied and confirmed .. 36-41 clerk ot Northern superxntondency 147, 422 with Shoshone tribe mode under act of buildings at agencies n.nd_repiurs . 148, 423 _ June 1, 1872, confirmed ..._ .. 166 vaccine motter and vaccination of Inwith Snsseton and Wohpoten Sioux mode chcns . .. . . . , . . 148, 423 under the not of une 7, 1872, con- presents and provisions for Indums 148 Im? iipmoél ,1 - . ... . .. 167 oontmgontt, t5o.v:ixii;,Yd&§.,Gc;;z*pepLs1e5 sg; mam 0 za n . perm on en 11 g upprolpriotion 10x completing court-house omcos . . .-., .. . . ..-,..148,423 Ind Amid post-oiliee nt .. - . ..395, 408ongyiup out treaty stipulu.tions,&c.,xwfi‘1,1x;l9 42., ian ra riationspac os ... ...».. , , ` restiieiilgngunon of .. . ... 141, 176 _ Aropuhoes ... 149, 150, 420 none to be paid to Indians at wor 176, 449 Arlokurees .- . . . . s. , . 149, 42.: certain, may be diverted to other uses by As¤1¤¤·b¤¤¤¤¤ ------ · --··- - ·»--- - —--—- 149-424 Ymgidqnt _ _____ , ____, _ _____ ,_ __,,,, 176 Bzmnncks . . . . . . . 158, 165, 166, 433, 440 report of such action to Congress .. .. 176 Blnckfccts ..---·----- · ------- --· -··· 149» 424 Indian Commissioners, Bloods .. . . . . . . , . .. .. ...- 149, 424 appropriation for expenses of . . ,. 176, 448 Boise Forte Bond of Cinppowos .. 150, 42o to examine into necessity of expenditures Culupcoius ..· ·-------- ---- ---— ---;--1*29 169 of monegs aplproprmted for deiicien- Capote Utes . . ... 108, 10-), 44} cies in the In mn service. . . . 141 Coyuscs -. .---·------·----- ·--F- - 1*79- 445 Boom 0:, continued .. . ... .,.. - 176 Cheyemws - ...-- 149.1->0,4§M?4 duties of, not superseded .. . ... 176 Cl110k21S2LWS ...--· · · - - - - -_ -—----·-·- - - lj0s 444 Lidum Cosnhwcts, Chmpewus of Luke Superior .. 150, 1,31, 42; bidders for supplies, &c. for Indian service - 0 od 1·§~T<j‘v- ; · ·; -~-~--- - - - -; - · -,; - - lv; G7 to accompany bids with certiiiod of me Mississippi  ».1o1, 1.>2,42o,·32G (;};eck,_&,c_ _ , ,,,. _ , , , .. . . . ; . .. . 176, 450 Pom ina. bond · --------·--·--- · 152, 153. 427