Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/995

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INDEX. 965 P ¤ . . ‘ Mmwugahela _River, _ _ _ n°° Moore, R. G.. mgm zmpproprigmon for improving upper ... 240,458 cluim of, allowed by commissioners 594 Monroe, Mfzchs, _ · Moore, Sum, appropriation for improving harbor :1.1:.. .-238, 457 claim of,'zmd of William Martin allowed by Montana lnntory, commissioners .. . . . . 648 zipproprmtions for government in . . 99, 135, 358 Moore, Susan R., formoressedpznytcgovernorondsecrctary widow’s pension. ... . . -..- 574 0 .. . .. . .. . ._ .. . . 135 Moore, William, for oiilce of surveyor-lgeneuil in.106, 211, 366, 382 claim of, allowed by commissioners 638 for survey of public ands ID . . .212, 383, 411 Moore, William H, for ludion agents in ... . ... 146, 421 claim of, allowed by commissioners ...- 653 for 1uferprepers. . . . .. - . 147, 422 Mordic, Edward for general incidental expenses of Indian claim of, uml of Jacob Hicks allowed by service in .. 171, 445 commissioners . . . . . . 644 for completing United States penitentiary Mercy, Frank, in.. t . . . . .. . .. . 07, 373 appropriation for, payment to. . . . 407 for printing Proclomotions of governor of. 409 Morgan, Charles, for suppress ng Indian hostilities in.. 410 nppropriosion to pay, for general average de6oiency appropriation for legislative ey on emp Alabama, _,____ _ ,,,, ____ ____ 376 PBHSQS of H--.- .. .. -... 135 Morgayz, John, fof sssocrste j¤¤f·i¢¤ of -.-. . . 137 claim of estate of, allowed by commisfor incidental expensesof Indian service siouers ... .. .. . 591 m. ... - . ... 141,412 Morgan, Many, adminlstratrix, reservation for Gros Ventre, Pievsn, Blood, claim ot estate ot John Morgan ullowcd by _ Blackfoot, River Crow, and other In- commissioners .. . . . . .. . . 591 diane established .. . . .. . 28, 29 Morgan, R. A., penitentiary in, restored to control of United claim of, allowed by commissioners . . . . 644 States marshsl .. ._ .. -.., 112 Jllorgqri, Van_R., _ _ _ Bozeman loud-district established in .. 123 political disabilities removed . . 612 location of·la.m1-0E0e...;.. . .. . .. 123 Morgan, William B., residence of register and receiver . 123 payment co, of additional bouncy .. . .. 571 p0st—romls established in . . 11,264, 492 Morphia, Samuel, Mon¢¢mari,Joaeph, . claim of, allowed by commissioners 590 claims for erviees as vice-consul at Port Morris, Catherine, _ M Mahon, to be audited and paid. . _ 579 Mclcim ofhsbloweobby commissioners 644 on, _ orrisott i iam ., · salary of consul at .. . . . . .. 69 claim dr, allowed by commissioners ... . 590 Montgomery, Ala., Morrison, George, circuit court for middle district to be held at. 195 payment to, for horse und equipments capconsbibuted o. port of delivery. . . . . 196 turcrl .. . ... 554 deputy collector to reside at .. 196 .M0rv·ison, William D. . appointment and salary of -. ... . l96 pension -. . -··· - .---------- · ·-·. . ···- 625 Montgomery, Thomas R., Morrow, Robert P., _ _ claim cf, ellowedby commissioners 641 claim of, allowed by commissioners 583 · Mami, Ferdinand, Jllorrow, Samuel R., _ Lfmmjcu ____________ _ _____ ,, ,,,, , _,,,, ___, 675 Meloim otbulloxvml by commissioners .. .. 594 entreat or imcr, oorge ., so.1m-y,of consul- enersl ot. . . . 68 claim of allowed, by commissioners .. .. 588 allowance for élerk-hire . 70 Momm, Cllarlcs C., _ _ Mommwnzs, or; allowed by commissioners 646 n ro ristion for to deceased Re reseutn.- Morton amos, _ _ . M PP Ifives in Coxigress . . . . .- . .- 375 Mcla.imi4of,IoIlowed by commissioners ..-- 653 ood Lora uses, ua m, _ _ _ claim of, gllowed by commissioners,- . 583 release to heirs of, by United Shiites, of its Moody, Reuben, title so ccrtmn lands in Missouri 16 claim of, allowed by commissioners -... 581 adverse rights of settlers and others uct Moon Pleaaani B., _ _ impaired . . . . . ...-. . 16 claim of, allowed by commissioners 653 Moses, Samuel, _ _ Mom·e,Am4mae»·, claim oi, ullowcd by commissioners. . .. ssa claim of, allowed by commissioners 653 1Ilosa,_ Bmyamm A., _ _ Moore, Daniel, _ clzmn of, allowed by commissioners 594 claim of, allowed by commissioners 594 Ma.·2s,_ Hardy, _ _ Moors FF¢¢W‘i¤k. J, _ _ · claim of, ollpwedby commissioners 594 claim of, allowed by commissioners 641 Mouth of qlissesswppz ltwer, f 26 240 fg M°'”`“» J““ F-: _ appropnntions for njnorovomeut o t , , & payment to Charles W. Lewis and, for to- set: respecting public improyements n baceo improperly seized at Mecon,Go- 615 eppoimilment ot board oi engineers to survey 244 0 ______ ____ n.-,.,.. .•••»- u-·· Mgl·;iiuJ¢:lL,na¥l6wed by commissioners 583 Mmwiw Bqmlof Ute Indiana, see Um Indiam?68 443 MOON, L,,,;, __ apnropriimons for .. ¥..;h;--5-- -·;mB , claim of, allowed by commissioners 648 rutiticetnou of W1 . G-, m 36-41 Mom, Lmdw E, _ ‘ · September 1.5, 187 .. . . . claim of, sllowed by commissioners . 581 MeI;d)o1;z1Bl1l€a»€;0MéS heir of Seth Lamb for M Manuel J - ’ .- i mm of, allowed by commissioners 653 M mm Motifs Howxtszer Corps . 043 . - . * u , ,

 by commissioners..;  646 claim, of, allowed by commissioners  . . . . 588