Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/129

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 246. 1876. IO3 To pay the widow of John W. Head, one thousand two hundred and J<>h¤ W- Hm}- fifty dollars. __ To pay the widow of Samuel M. Fite, one thousand two hundred and S““‘“°1 M·*‘“°· fifty dollars. p _ To pay the widow of Garnett McMillan, late member elect from the 1 G*”“°**’ M°M*1‘ ninth district of Georgia., one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. m' MISUELLANEOUS. To pay to the Executor of the estate of Henry Wilson, late Vice Pres- Estate of Henry ident of the United States the sum of ten thousand two hundred and W*1¤°¤· twenty-two dollars, to be held and applied by said executor as if a part of the estate of said Wilson, given and bequeathed by his will. To defray the expenses of the Senate in the impeachment of William ¥¤{P<>¤¤h¤¤°¤**1°*` W. Belknap, fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be Xgg]'“m W' B° k` necessary. — ` To pay Fillmore Beall for fifteen days’ service as clerk to the Senate Fillmore Beall. Committee on Revolutionary Claims, from March tenth, eighteen hundred and seventyilve, to twenty-fourth inclusive, at six dollars per day, ninety dollars. For furniture and repairs of furniture for Senate United States fiscal F 1{1‘¤i#¤¤> e ll 0 year eighteen hundred and seventy-six, six hundred dollars. "“p"‘“S· S°"“°°‘ To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay the amount due, and A· N- M¤Ki¤¤- . audited by the Treasury Department to A. N. Meliimmon, for services ‘“°“· as a clerk to a court-martial, nine dollars. To enable the Clerk of the House to pay Robert Christy and Samuel Robert Christy Shellabarger counsclfees in the habeas corpus case of Hallet Kilbourn, f;;1a1§*;Q"‘“1 Sh°1' one thousand dollars each, the same to be disbursed under the direc- g ' tion of the Committee on Accounts, and to be added to the miscellaneous item of the contingent fund of the House. . To pay George W. Green contcstee in contested election case of Van Georg-ew. Green. 'Wyck versus Green, fourteenth district of New York, Forty-iirst Congress, three thousand dollars To enable the Clerk of the House to pay the following named persons the sums severally due them, namely : To Adolph Erdman, for clerical services rendered the Committee on Adolph Erdman. Expenditures in the War Department, from March sixth to March tourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventysix, forty five dollars. To enable the Clerk of the House of Representatives to pay the clerk Clerk to Comof the Committee on Invalid Pensions at the rate of eighteen hundred m’**‘?° °” I”"“M dollars per annum from the date of his appointment till the close of the P°“°‘°“°‘ Forty-fourth Congress, such sum as shall be sufficient to pay said salary after deducting any amount said clerk shall have already received. To V. H. McCormack, special messenger and watchman to the Select V- H- M<*C°'· Committee on the Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company from January ““’“°k* twelfth to April fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, inclusive, at three dollars and sixty cents per day, three hundred and two dollars and forty cents._ To E. C. Stevens, for services as folder, rendered during the month E·C·Sf¤V¤¤¤· of February, eighteen hundred and seventy-tive, one hundred dollars and eighty cents. For amount due J. E. W. Thompson for services under the Door- J·E·W·Th°mP' keeper during the month of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-ibur, °°°’ one hundred and eleven dollars and sixty cents. ` . For wages of certain folders and laborers in the folding rooms under b P‘Qd°;; glghfaj the Doorkeeper of the House, seventytwo dollars and thirty-nine cents, g lor services performed during the present session. For folding documents including pay of folding and materials, for Folding docuthe year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy- six, nine "‘°“l’*’· thousand eight hundred and nfty dollars. _ To enable. the Clerk of the House to pay for extra clerical services in SBE,?;::` °‘,u°1Q,’;‘:} the Committee on War Claims, rendered necessary by the Reports of ,,,,,,,,6 0,, WM. the Commissioners of Claims, tour hundred and fifty dollars. Also to Claims,