Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/189

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 287. 18'Z6. 163 and thatany lease made for said building shall expire on nine months notice from the Secretary of the Interior; and in case of removal the sum of two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for the cost of iitting up and removal to said fire-proof building. For thel, light, and salary of the engineer, assistant engineer, six fireman, and repairs of the heating-apparatus, fifteen thousand dollars. For official postage stamps for the Department of the Interior, as follows: For the omce of the Secretary, eighteen thousand dollars; for the General Land Office, forty one thousand dollars; ior the Bureau of Education, ten thousand dollars; for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, ten thousand dollars; for the Patent Office, twenty thousand dollars; for the Pension Office, twenty-five thousand dollars; and for the National Museum in the Smithsonian Institution, one thousand dollars, in all, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. GENERAL LAND OFF1oE—For the Commissioner of the General Land Gen vw! Lund Olhce, four thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; recorder, Om°°· two thousand dollars; law-clerk two thousand dollars; three principal clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; five clerks of class four ; twenty-two clerks of class three; forty clerks of class two; seventy clerks of class one; one draughtsman, one thousand six hundred dollars; one assistant draughtsman, one thousand four hundred dollars; two messengers; three assistant messengers; eight laborers; and two packers; in all two hundred and thirteen thousand six hundred and forty dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior, in his dis- Pi-oviso. cretion, shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to use any portion of said appropriation for piece work, or by the day, month, or year, at such rate or rates as he may deem just and fair, not exceeding a salary of nine hundred dollars per annum For diagrams, stationery, parchment-paper for land patents, furniture _ and repairs of the same, miscellaneous items, including two of the city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office, for the,actual expenses of clerks detailed to investigate fraudulent landentries, trespasses on the public lands, and cases of official misconduct, and for advertising and telegraphing, twenty seven thousand five hundred dollars. Map of the United States: For three thousand six hundred copies (including paper) of the map of the United States, prepared in this office, six thousand dollars. INDIAN Onnron.-For compensation of the Commissioner of Indian Indian onna. Affairs, three thousand dollars; chief clerk two thousand dollars; five clerks of class four; eight clerks of class three; one stenographer, at one thousand six hundred dollars; thirteen clerks of class two; thirteen clerks of class one; six copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, sixty-nine thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. For blank books, binding, stationery, fuel, lights, telegraphing, and miscellaneous items, including two city newspapers, to be filed and bound, and preserved for the use of the office, six thousand dollars. · Pmvsron Omuor:-For compensation of the Commissioner of Pen- Pension oem sions, three thousand six hundred dollars; deputy commissioner, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; medical referee, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; twenty-six clerks of class four; fifty-two clerks of class three; eighty four clerks of class two; one hundred and twenty-two clerks of class one; one skilled mechanic at one thousand two hundred dollars; twenty— live oopyists, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger, twelve assistant messengers; eight laborers; two watchmen; one engineer, at one thousand two hundred dollars; and one assistant engineer at one thousand dollars; in all, tour hundred and fortysix thousand six hundred and eighty dollars.