Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/211

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FORTYFOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 289. 1876. 185 MIAMIES OF EEL RIVER. R_Mi=¤mi¤¤ of Eel _ 1V8f. For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per fourth article of 7 Smv SL greaty of August third, seventeen hundred and uiuetyfive, five hundred 0 ars. For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per articles of treaty of 7 S“"’·» 9L , August twentyfirst, eighteen hundred and Eve, two hundred and fifty dollars. For permanent annuity, in goods or otherwise, per third and separate 7 Stat., 114. articles of treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and nine, three hundred and fifty dollars. MIAMIES OF INDIANA. di££i;¤mi¤¤ vi in- For interest on two hundred and twentyone thousand two hundred 10 sms 1°9°· and fiftyseven dollars and eighty-six cents, uninvested, at five per centum, per Senate amendment to fourth article of treaty of June fifth, • eighteen hundred and fifty-four, eleven thousand and sixty-two dollars and eighty-nine cents. l`r[OLELS· Molels. For pay of teachers and for manual-labor schools, and for all necessary 12 smc 981· materials therefor, and for the subsistence of the pupils, per fburth article of treaty of December twenty-first, eighteen hundred and fifty- dve, three thousand dollars. MIXED SEIOSHONES, BANNAGKS, AND SHEEP-EATERS. Mixed Shoshoues, Baunacks, For this amount, to be expended in such goods, provisions, and other and Sh°8p`]mm' articles as the President ma y, from time to time, determine, in instructing in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, in providing employees, educating children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and support of the aged, sick, and infirm, for the helpless orphans of said Indians, and in any other respect to promote their civilization, com fort, and improvement, filteen thousand dollars. NAVAJOES. N avajoes. For eighth often instalments, of such articles of clothing, or raw ma- 15 Stat., 669. terial in lieu thereof, fornine thousand one hundred and forty-one Navajo Indians, not exceeding ive dollars per Indian, as per eighth ‘ article of treaty of June first, ei gh teen hundred_ and sixty-eight, forty- five thousand seven hundred and five dollars. For seventh of ten instalments, to be used by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in the purchase. of such articles as, from time to time, the condition and necessities of the Indians may indicate to be proper, the sum of ten dollars to each person who eu gages in nirming or mechanical pursuits, (say three thousand and fortyseven persons,) thirty thousand four hundred and seven ty dollars. For sixth of ten instalments, for pay of two teachers, per sixth article I5 S¤¤¢··669- of same treaty, two thousand dollars. . N EZ PEROES. Nez Perm- For second of live instalments, of last series, for benencial objects, at *2 S‘*“**·¤ 958- tho discretion of the President, per fourth article of treaty of June eleventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, four thousand dollars. For seventeenth of twenty instalments, for the support of two schools, one of which to be an agricultural and industrial school, keeping in re— pair school buildings, and for providing suitable furniture, books, and stationery, per same article of same treaty, five hundred dollars.