Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/219

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 289. 1876. · _ 193 WAL—PAH-PEE TRIBE OF SNAKES. S Vi2a1—pah-pee H3. ’0S. For fifth of ten installments, to be expended under the direction of 14 Sm*··684· the President, as per seventh article of treaty of August twelfth, eighteen h_undred and sixtynve, one thousand two hundred dollars. SFKLALLAMS. sxiaiiams. For seventeenth of twenty installments on sixty thousand dollars, last 12 Sm*·»934· series, to be applied to the use and benefit of said Indians, under the direction of the President, per fifth article of treaty of January twenty sixth, eighteen hundred and iiityfive, one thousand six hundred dollars. For seventeenth of twenty installments, for the support of an agricul- 12 SM-. 935- tural and industrial school, and for pay for suitable teachers, per eleventh article of same treaty, two thousand five hundred dollars. For seventeenth of twenty installments, for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, and a physician, per same article of same treaty, four thousand six hundred dollars. For support of a smith and carpenter shop, and to provide the necessary tools therefor, per same article and treaty, five hundred dollars. TABEQUAOHE BAND OF UTAHS, Ugémsboqu ache For pay of blacksmith,as per tenth article of treaty of October seventh, 13 Stat. 675- eighteen hundred and sixty-three, seven hundred and twenty dollars. TABEQUAOHE, MUACHE, OAPOTE, WEEMINUULIE, YAMPA, '1`¤1><><1¤9¤h<>. GRAND RIVER AND UINTAH BANDS OF UTES. £{;"“h"> (““P°t°* For pay of two carpenters, two millers, two farmers, and one black- 15 Smt,622. smith, as per iiltcenth article of treaty of March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, six thousand dollars. _ . For pay of two teachers, as per same article of same treaty, one thousand eight hundred dollars. For purchase of iron and steel, and the necessary tools for black- 15 Stat,621. smith-shop, per ninth article of same treaty, two hundred and twenty dollars. For eighth of thirty installments,—to be expended under the direction 15 Stat,622. of the Secretary of the Interior, for clothing, blankets, and such other articles as he may deem proper and necessary, under eleventh article of same treaty, thirty thousand dollars. · For annual amount, to be expended under thedirection of the Pres- 15 Swt-.699- ident, in supplying said Indians with beef, mutton, wheat, flour, beans, ~ and potatoes, as pcr twelfth article of same treaty, thirty thousand dollars. · WALLA-WALLA, OAYU SE, AND UMATILLA TRIBES. Cgygéexlgeéilzi For seventeenth of twenty installments, being the last series, to be mi; gttgcsé,46 expended under the direction of the President, per second article of “ " ` treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand dollars. A For seventeenth of twenty installments, for the purchase of all neces- 12 $1%-947- sary mill-fixtures and mechanical tools, medicine and hospitalstores, books and stationery lor schools, repairs of school buildings and furniture, and for employees, per fourth article ol' treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred and fiftytive, three thousand dollars. For seventeenth of twenty installments, for the pay and subsistence of one superintendent of farming, one farmer, two miilers, one blacksmith, one wagon and plow maker, one carpenter and joiner, one phy- sician, and two teachers, per fourth article of same treaty, nine thousand dollars. §<iK»~~—-—~·l;% -