Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/280

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254 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 69, 72. 1877. iifs or complainants; and of all seizures on land or water, and all pen- , alties and forfeitures made, arising or accruing under the laws of the United States; and any one of the justices may hold a criminal court » for the trial of all crimes and offenses nrising within the District." 9 764,p.91. Section seven hundred and sixty-four is amended by inserting after ghe words “Revised Statutes " in the last line, the words "of the United tates". ’ 9 765, p. 91. Section seven hundred and sixtynve is amended by inserting, after the words “Revised Statutes! in the third line, the words " of the United States". 9 180, p. 93. Section seven hundred and eighty is amended by inserting after the words “Revised Statutes " in the fifth line, the words “ of the United States”. ` 9 811. p. 96. Section eight hundred and eleven is amended by inserting, after the . words ** indebted to" in the second line, the words *‘the defendant in ". 9 841,p. 99. Section eight hundred and forty-one is amended by inserting, after the word *‘ section " in the third line, the letter " s ” so as to read “sections"; and inserting after the words “ one hundred and four" in the third line, the words “one hundred and seven and one hundred and eigh‘t"; andyedding at the end of the section, the words " and of bribery at eiections. · g 843,p_Q9_ · Section eight hundred and forty-three is amended by inserting, after the words “Revised Statutes " in the eighth line the words "of the United States". 9 847, p. 100. Section eight hundred and torty· even is amended by striking out, in the last line, the words “ in the following section ", and inserting the words “ otherwise by law." 9 S73,p.102. Section eight hundred and seventy-three is amended by inserting, after the words “ the circuit" in the second line, the words “ and district"aud by striking out, in the second line, commencing with the word “District ", the remainder of the section, and inserting the words " of the United States, by the act of February twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty-three." ‘ ` 6 897.p.105· Section eight hundred and ninety- even is amended by inserting, after the words “Revised Statutes ” in the last line, the words " of the United‘States ”. _ ., t 1193,p.139· Section eleven hundred and ninety-three is amended by inserting, after the words “Revised Statutes ” in the fourth line, the words “of . the United States ". ` 9 1283, p. 148. Section twelve hundred and eighty three is amended by striking out the word “ eight ” in the fourth line, and inserting the word “nine". 9 1288, p. 149. Section twelve hundred and eighty-eight is amended by inserting, after the words ·‘ Revised Statutes " in the second line, the words " of the United States". Approved, February 27, 1877. Feb 28, 1877· CHAP; 72.-An act to ratify an agreement with certain hands of the Sioux Nation '”""_;"‘ of Indians and also with the Northern Arapaho and Cheyenne Indians. ` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ' Agreement with States of America in Oongress assembled, That a certain agreement made Sioux Indians and by George W. Manypenny, Henry B. Whiiiple, Jared W. Daniels, N°;“é‘K;‘ A‘;’*g’°‘iE‘1f Albert G. Boone, Henry C. Bulis, Newton Edmunds, and Augustine S. Q';,,,,,,, gffmmem Gaylord, commissioners on the part of the United States, with the exeepaece. different bands of- the Sioux Nation of Indians, and also the Northern Arapaho and Cheyenne Indian , be, andthe same is hereby, ratitied and contirmed: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed Sioux not to be to authorize the removal of the Sioux Indians to the Indian Territory ”°*“°"°d· and the President of the United States is hereby directed to prohibit the removal of any portion of the Sioux Indians to the Indian Territory until the same shall be authorized by an act of Congress hereafter