Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/3

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OF II A T A D I ”HE PUBLIC C S N RESCLUT CNS OF CONGRESS ' CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME. w ACTS OF THE FOB.TY—FOUR.TH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. ` (STATUTE I.-1875-’76.) Page. Alabama Claims Commission. An act to extend the duration of the Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims. December 24, 1875 . - .. .. . ... . . .. . . . . ..-. 1 Post-roads. An act to declare the road leading from Concordia., Kentucky, to Mooleyville, Kentucky, a post-road. January 18, 1876 ... -.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ‘€ Tom Jasper? An act to change the name of the steamboat “Tom J asper," of Saint Louis, Missouri. January1S, 1876.-.--. . ... . . . . 2 Prinlingpaper. An act to amend section 3767 of the Revised Statutes, in relation to the purchase of paper for the public printing. January 25, 1876- -. .--- .. -. -- . . - 2 Jilaturalizailon. An act to amend the Revised Statutes relating to naturalization. February 1, 1876. 2 Vice·co{:snls-general. An act to amend the Revised Statutes touching vice-consuls-general. February , 1876. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . .. .. 2 Judgnwnfs of Alabama Claims Commission. An act providing for the payment of judgments rendered . under section 11 of chapter 459 of the laws of the first session of the Forty-third Congress. February 15, 1876. . . . . ... . . . .. 3 Centennial Celgbreétion. An act relating to the Centennial Celebration of American Independence. Februaryl 1 76 . . . ... ... .. . ... --. .. . . ..- -.--, 3 Circuit courts in California, Oregon, Nevada. An act fixing the time of holding the circuit court of the United States in the districts of California, Oregon, and Nevada. February 18, 1876 . 4 Consulates at Ai.z>la»Clu1pelle and Omoa and Tmxillo. An act to change the location of the consulates at Aix-la-Chapelle and at Omoa. and Truxillo. February 18, 1876. ... . . . 4 Stamping instrununts. An act to extend the time for stamping unstamped instruments. February 25 1876 .. . . - . . ... - . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. .. 5 _ Condonmled cannon. An act donating condemned cannon and cannon-balls to the Ladies’ Monumental Association of Allegheny County, Pa., for monumental purposes. February 25, 1876 . . 5 Doorkeepefs employes, House. An act making an appropriation to pay fourteen crgppled and disabled Union spldgexg from the sixth day of December, 1875, to the thirtieth day o June, 1876. Febmary 2 1 7 .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Colorado. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to enable the people of Colorado to form a constitution and State government, and for the admission of said State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States," approved March 3, 1875. March 3, 1876 .. . .. .. 5 Ca 'tol grounds. An act to remedy an error in enrollment. March 3, 1876 .. . . . .. 6 "1€:·ncr and Koller."An act to change the name of the schooner "'1‘urner and Keller," of Oswego, to -` that of " l·`almouth." March 3, 1876. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 6 Alabama Claims Commission. An act to extend the time for claimants under section 11 of chapter 459 of the laws of the Fortyrthird Congress to prove their claims. March 6, 1876 -. .. 6 Port of Genessee. An act to extend to the port of Genessee, in the State of New York, the privileges of ‘ sections 2990 to 2997 of the Revised Statutes, inclusive. March 14, 1876 .. ... . ... 7 Saint Loan cusiom-house. An act to provide for the purchase of material and for the continuation of the work on the building for custom-house and post-office at Saint Louis, Missouri. March 15, 1876 .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ... . . .. 7 Nashville custom-house. An act authorizing the purchase of additional grounds for the custom-house at Nashville, Tennessee. March 15, 1876 - ... . ... .. . .. . . . . .. ... 7 Post-roads. An act to establish certain post-routes in the State of Texas. March 16, 1876 .. 8 Pensions. An act making appropriations for the payment of invalid and other pensions of the United States for the year ending June thirtieth, 1877. March 23, 1876. .. . . -- .. 8 . iii