Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/557

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. GH. 148. 1877. 53] To Calvin Henry, three hundred and thirty dollars. Tennessee, con~ To William T. Hickman, two hundred and eleven dollars and fifty '°l““°d· cents. To Mary H. Hicks, sixty dollars. To Joshua M. Hix, one hundred dollars. To Lewis Hodges and Mack Kelley, forty dollars. To Preston Hodges, one hundred and twenty-six dollars. To Joseph Holloway, one hundred and thirty-five dollars. To Isaac B. Holt, one hundred and twenty dollars. To James H. Houston, ninety-six dollars. To Robert W. Houston, one hundred and twenty·ilve dollars. To Finley A. Howser, one hundred and seventy dollars. To John F. Huddleston, senior, one hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty-four cents. To John L. Hurst, senior, three hundred and seventyeight dollars. To Sarah Hurtt, sixty dollars. To Josiah O. Hutton, sixty-one dollars. To A. B. Jackson, one hundred and ninety dollars. ` · To A. R., J ames, administrator of James Key, deceased, three hundred and twenty-one dollars. To John Jenkins, one hundred and thirtyllve dollars. fo Robert Jennings, one hundred and eighty-two dollars. '1‘o Josephine Johnston, four hundred and fifty dollars. To Charles T. Jolly, two hundred and ten dollars. To John Jones, one hundred and forty dollars. To Furuey Jones, administrator of Hyram Cowan, deceased, three hundred and eighty-two dollars. To Thomas W. Keesee, one thousand four hundred dollars. To Nicholas Keith, three hundred and nfty-five dollars. To James J. Kelley, threw hundred and fifty-two dollars. · To Jacob O. Kimbrough, two hundred and thirty dollars. To Philadelphia Knight, administratrix of Thomas Knight, deceased, three hundred and seventy-xlve dollars. To Rachel Landers, one hundred and twenty dollars. To '1‘homas_Langan, one hundred and thirty-eight dollars and fifty-six cents. · To Samuel Larkin, three hundred and fifty dollars. To Jacob Latture, one hundred and twenty dollars. To James Layman, three hundred and sixty dollars. To David M. Logan, one hundred and forty dollars. To Ephraim G. Long, administrator of Nathan Goins, deceased, one hundred and ten dollars. ` To John Lott, two hundred and forty dollars. To John and Poster G. Lucas, heirs of Washington ll. Lucas, deceased, seven hundred and ninety-seven dollars. To James McAddams, ninety-five dollars. ‘ To Joseph McAndrew, two hundred and sixty dollars. To Newton McG0nnel, three hundred and ten dollars. To Moses McConnell, six hundred and seventyfive dollars. To Mary M. MeGroskey, one hundred and seventy-five dollars and fifty cents. To William B. McDaniel, one hundred and fifty dollars. To Thomas B. Molllwee, seven hundred an.] ninety-eight dollars. To Benjamin MeFarlin,_ one hundred and sixty dollars. To John N. McGinley, eight hundred and thirty dollars. To George W. McGrew, one thousand five hundred and fourteen dollars and ninety-one cents. To Neill M. Mclntosh, three hundred and seventy-five dollars. To William J. McKnight, one hundred and eighty-nine dollars. To James A. McPherson, two hundred and twenty dollars. To Alexander Mahan, one hundred and twenty-five dollars. To Wilson Manly, one hundred and fifteen dollars.