Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/565

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 152, 153,154, 155, 156. 1877. 539 roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension-laws, the name of Amy King, widow of James King, a soldier of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, who enlisted in Captain James Douglas’s company of South Carolina militia. ' Approved, March 3, 1877. CHAP. 153.-An act for the relief of Catherine Harris. March 3, 1877. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatnives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- P¤~y_¤¤ ¤ ¤ f _¢ <> ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Catherine C”h°"“° H“"‘“· Harris, widow of Matthias Harris, late a chaplain in the United States Army, the amount of pay and allowances due said Matthias Harris as a chaplain of the Army from the fifth day of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-four to the tenth day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty· our. _ Approved, March 3, 1877. ` CHAP. 154-.—AD act granting a pension to Marsilvia F. Woodard, mother of George March 3,187% _ R. Woodard. ······———-———· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amelriea in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inte- _P6*?¤l°*} ’¤<> M¤l`· rior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the ;;5v"“ L W°°d' pension-roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension ` laws, the name of Marsiivia F. Woodard, mother of George R. Woodard, late private in Company B, Eighth Regiment United States Infantry. Approved, March 3, 1877. ~ CHAP. 155.-An act for the relief of John S. \Vooil, late a first lieutenant in the March 3, 1877. Seventh Pennsylvania. Cavalry. ———————-——- Be it enacted by the Senate and Ibmse of Representatives of the United _ Staten of America in Congress assembled, That; the Secretary of War be, hH°“°‘{"b}I"h mg and be is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be furnished to ° ° " ’ John S. Wood, late a iirst lieutenant in the Seventh Pennsylvania Oav— airy, (volunteers,) an honorable discharge from the service, on account of wounds received in action, of the samedate as the date of the discharge of his company. And the Paymaster-General is hereby authorized and directed to pay the said John S. Wood, out of any money appropriated for the pay of the Army, a sum equal to the emoluments ofa first lieu-· tenant of cavalry, from the date of his muster-in to the service assnch until the mustenout of Company I of the Seventh Pennsylvania. Cavalry, deducting therefrom such sum or sums as he may have received on account of such services for the same period. ‘ SEO. 2. That nothing contained in the thirteenth section of the act May make claim entitled “An act supplementary to the several acts relating to pensions} T0? I><>¤¤*°¤· approved June sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, or any other act, 1,;.;(;,,,b_;0g, ,5;;; limiting the time for iilin g a claim for pension, shall operate to prevent 14 $:4;:.,58. the said John S. Wood from making claim for pension from the date of the muster-out of Service of Company I of the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry. · Approved, March 3, 1877. CH AP. 156.-—Au act for the relief of Louis Rose. March 3, 1877. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ' States of America in Congress assmnbled, That all claim of title of the Title of U¤¤’¤<§<l United States to blocks ninety-three and ninety-four in the city of San gfgliz gan Diego, California, as designated and described on the map made hy CRL! released tg Charles H. Poole, in or about the year eighteen hundred and fifty-six, Louis Rose.