Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/627

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TBEATY-—GENEB.AL POSTAL UNION. O0·r. 9, 1874. ($01 XVII. XVII. . .- O07Ilpt€I.b’l;l’ité. Agcgunjg_ 1) _Cbaque Administration fera 1. Each Administration shall pre A¢=¤¢>¤¤t¤- étahhr mensuellement, pour chaque paremonthly,foreach mailreceived, M 1 t. depeche recue, un état contbrme au a statement similar to the specimen (mh y' Mm D' modele annexe an present regle- under 1etterDappendedto thepresment, sub lit. IQ, comprenant les ent regulations, comprisingthe corcorrespondances mscrites aux feuil- respondence brought to account on les d’a.vis de ses correspondents. the letter bills received. 2) Ces etats seront ensuite re- 2. Those statements shall after- Consolidated. capitulés dans un compte conforme wards be incorporated in an ac- f°"‘“E- au modele ht. E. count similar to the specimen under letter E.` ` 3) Le compte accompagné des .3. The account, accompanied by when submitted. etats et des teuilles d’avis ((10DlJ the statements and the letter bills on detachera le tableau N° IV) (from which table No.IV. shall be sera soumis a la verification de detached), shall be submitted to the l’()fice correspondent, dans le cou- examination of the corresponding rant du mois qui suit celui auquel Office during the month following il se rapporte. that to which it relates. 4) Les comptes mensuels, apres 4. The monthly accounts, after 3"’jf*°*1{1 $**2* avoir été vérines et acceptes dc having been mutually examined ;1,°,[,,,d°;,_ W °m ° part et d’autre, seront resumes en and accepted, shall be included in un compte general trimestriel par a quarterly general account to be les soins de l’Admiuistration de prepared by the Administration of celui des deux pays qui sgra place that one of the two countries which le premier dans Pordre alphabéti- shall be placed firstin alphabetical que, sauf autre arrangementapreu order, in the absence of any other dre a cet égard par les Adminis- arrangement on this point which trations intéressées. may be adopted by the Administrations interested. Y _ 5) Ges divers comptes seront 5. These several accounts shall be [""‘ °*”· établis en francs et centimes. drawn up in francs and centinies. 6) Le solde resultant du compte 6. The balance resulting from 1’=4y¤¤¢>¤t¤~f l·=·l· general sera paye au pays credi- the general account shall be paid “"°“· teur en francs eifectifs au moyen to the country to which it is due in de traites tirees sur des places a francs in cash, by means of bills designer d’avance et d’un commun drawn upon places to be deteraccord.‘ mined beforehand by mutual consent. · XVIII. XVIII. _ Péricdes do statistiquc. Pm·#iod.s·_for Statistics. 1) La statistique générale a eta- 1. The general statistical account _Pcri<>ds for weblir en vertu de Paraicle 10, § 12, du to be taken by virtue of Article 10, iligga) hm mmm traite pour regler le paiement des § 12, of the treaty for the purpose of MBS_ droits de transit sera dressee en regulating thepayment of the tranprcmier lieu, pendant sept jours sit rates, shall be prepared, in the consécutifs chaque fois, a partir du first instance, during seven con- 1°’ Aout 1875 et du Il" Decembre secutive days on each occasion, de la meme annee. Elle servira from the 1st of August, 1875, and de base pour les paiements a faire, from the lstof December in thesame jusqu’au 30 Juin 1876. year. It shall serve as a basis, for the payments to be made, up to A the 30th of June, 1876. _ ` 2) Pour les statistiques a etablir 2. The subsequent statistical ac- As to subsequent ultérieurement, elles se teront a counts shall betakenfor the periods ****18** ’“°¤· partir du 1*** Juin et du 1*** De- commencingon the lst of June and cembre. 1st of December respectively.