Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/64

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38 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 84, 85. 1876. April 27, 1876. CHAP. 84.-Au act to correct an error in the Revised Statutes of the United Staten, L; and for other purposes. . Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That forthe purpose of correcting an error in the act entitled “An act to revise and consolidate the statutes of the United States, in force on the first day oi December, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three/’ so as . make the same truly express such laws, the following amendment is hereb made therein : R. S.,2403,p.443, Secbion two thousand four hundred and three is amended by striking

  • ““°“d°d~ out in the second line the word "seven" and inserting the word one, and

all proceedings under said section two thousand four hundred and three shall have the same force and effect as though enacted as herein amended. Approved, April 27, 1876. Ap;-il 21, 1876, CHAP. 85.-—An act to incorpi;1i;teDt;l:%M7u:z)1iiu(g01;lt·p¤tIe;:;iion Fire Insurance Company oi . Be it enacted by the Senate and "House of Representatives of the United Corporators. States of America in Congress assembled, That George Taylor, William Ballantyne, John C. Harkness, William J. Sibley, Augustus E. Perry, Norval W. Burchell, Joseph Casey, Charles F. Peck, James H. Saville, A. M. Bruen, Jolm D. McPherson, Montgomery Blair, George Lowry, John T. Given, S. H. Kauifman, Nathaniel Wilson, George Hill, junior, John Markriter, John T. Mitchell, A. Pollok, John F. Bridget, and James E. Fitch, all of the District of Columbia, with their associates and successors, are hereby created a body politic and corporate by the Name. name and style of the “Mutual Protection Fire Insurance Company of the District of Columbia," and by that name shall have perpetual uc- Powem cessiou, with power to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in ' courts of law and equity; to adopt a common seal, and the same to break, alter, and renew at pleasure; to ordain and establish bylaws - and regulations; and generally to do such acts and things as may be _ necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act and promote the purposes and designs of said company. Business of com- Sec. 2. That the purposes and designs of said company shall be to navy- insure,· against loss or damage by fire, the respective dwelling-houses and other buildings, and the furniture and every description of property belonging to its members, as well as the rents of such property. · Cupitu.1 stock. Sec. 3. That the capital stock of said company shall consist of the premium notes given by the insured, the cash paid as interest thereon, and all property and profit derived from the investment or use of its Reserve fund. income or assets, but the reserve fund of said company shall not, at any one time, exceed one hundred thousand dollars exclusive of the real estate it may hold as hereinafter authorized. p,,,,,,,um_,,,m,,,_ Sec. 4. That said premium-notes shall be payable on demand, and shall each constitute and be a lien to the amount-thereof respectively upon the interest and estate, legal and equitable, of the insured in the buildings at risk in said company, and upon the land, premises, and Lien ofpremium- appurtenances thereunto belonging: Provided, That the lien upon per- ""’°“- sonal property shall continue only while the same remains in the owner Proviso. ship of the person insured: And provided also, That said company shall file with the recorder of deeds for the District of Columbia a memorandum of the name of the person insured, a description of the property, and the amount of the premium-note unpaid, and said lien shall com- . Jiidgmentoiipi-e· mence from the time of filing said memorandum. Judgment upon said mmm ¤°**>¤· note may be entered upon confession by virtue of a warrant of attorney, and execution may at any time be had thereon; but the privileges, im- Franchieeslimit- munities, and franchises granted by this act shall be confined to the °d *° DM °*` Cd- District ol' Columbia.