Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/661

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AGREEMENT WITH JAPAN. APRIL 26, 1875. 635 Agreement between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan, APT 26E3E_ for the prepayment in full to destination of the postage 0n newspapers and other articles of printed matter, patterns and samples of merchandise exchanged in the mails between the two countries. The undersigned being thereunto duly authorized by their respective _C°¤*’¤°*i¤S PM , Governments have agreed to replace the fourth and iitth paragraphs of I““’S‘ Article III of the Postal Convention between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan signed at Washington on the 6th A*“°¤d¤*<>¤*_°f day of August A. D. 1873, or the sixth day of the eighth month of the ?QgF§°"’“ sixth year of Meiji, with the following paragraph, viz: "` ’ I ` “There shall be levied, collected and retained to its own use by the Rum of I*<>S¤{2`<‘> post office of the country of origin an international postage of 4 cents, °“ “°‘"P“P°'S¤°°“ or 4 sen on each newspaper, not exceeding four ounces in weight, and of 4 cents or 4 sen for each weight of two ounces or fraction of two ounces on all other articles of printed matter, patterns and samples of merchandise, which postage shall be in full of all charges to destination in the country of delivery? · _ This agreement shall be carried into operation on the lst day of July D ate or com- A. D. 1875, or the first day of the seventh month of the eighth year of m°“°°m°“*· Meiji, and shall supersede irom that date the iburth and Hlth paragraphs _ 4 of Article III of the atoresaid Convention. _ Done in duplicate and signed at Wzisliington this twenty-sixth day of SIQUMUYGS- April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-Eve. [L. S.] — MARSHALL JEWELL, Postmaster General of the United States. YOSHIDA KIYONARI His Imperial Japanese Majestg/s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the U. S. of America. I hereby approve the aforegoing Agreement and in testimony thereof APP“"’**1· I have caused the seal of the United States to be aftixed. [L. s.] U. S. GRANT. By the President: Hamimon Frsn, Secretary of State, Wasninerroiv, April 27, 1875. [Translation.] I hereby approve the foreggilng Agregzgent, aéndbin Eistignony thereof hesealof the <m ireo a an 0 ea xe. 1 hrafg.lmuS€d t P p MUTSUHITO. The 15th day of the 6th month of the Sth year, Maiji. By order of His Majesty; TERASHIMA MUNENoRI, Minister for Foreign A jfairs.