Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/675

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_ AGREEMENT WITH NEWFOUNDLAND. 'SEPT. 26 and 001*. 6, 1876. ($49 Additional article of agreement between the Post Office Departments of the S<>r*·26 Md Ow United States of America and Neugfoandland. Gl 1876* Soma Anrrom-r.. It is agreed that the single rate of international letter-postage, in ful L<>**¤·¤-1‘¤t<> M- to destination, shall be live cents on each letter weighing half an ounce d“°"‘l· (15 grammes) or less, and an additional rate of five cents for each additional weight of half an ounce (15 grammes) or fraction thereof, the prepayment of which shall be compulsory at the office of mailing in either country. _ This article shall take edect immediately, superseding the provisions 0<>¤v¤¤ti<>¤_ of of the second paragraph of article 3 of the Postal Convention of 13-20 13E°§°;’·¤,;g’2· November, 1872, which paragraph is hereby rescinded. A,,;,,;,';, p`Q,,._ 2 In witness whereof the Postmaster General of the United States of rescinded., America and the Postmaster General of N ewtoundland have hereto Signatures. set their han ds and adixed their seals at the date set opposite to each respectively. [L. s.] JAS. N. TYNER, Postmaster General of the United States of America. October 6, 1876. JOHN DELANEY, Postmaster General N eugfonndlanol. September 22, 1876. I hereby approve the aforegoing additional article, and in testimony Approval. thereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. [L. s.] U. S. GRANT. By the President Jorm L. Cimwanannn, Acting Secretary of State. WASHINGTON, October 6, 1876.