Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/698

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672 mmnx. Page. Page. Additional Laborers, House, Agents, Nabimml Banks, app1·0priatio11 for payment for services of when and how eloctod; transfer of assets certain . . .. . . .. 362 tc; powers and duties of . . -. 63 Adjuiant-Geno>·aZ’s I)cpm·t·n1cnt, Army, Agvrton, Amued, appropriation for expenses ot, at lieadquar- appropriation for payment of claim of .. 528 ters . . . . - . . 97 Agrnemen I,

1djIl·l(l7Hr-G(‘}l(’)‘di’8 (Mice, for modification of postal 0()ll\'Bl.)i';lO11 with

appropriations for sulzwics, ctc., in . . . 160, 310 J apan . . . -- - .. . (S35 ‘;d;,;.,,8, ])m·w;,, ,]_’ uclditioual ngrcomcut for sauw. . ---. 640 appropiiatiou for payment of claim of 459 _‘Vu?h N°“'f°¤¤dl¥md ·—··—· — -----—- - ··--· 649 A d,,,,,, $,,.,,1,),.,,, .-Igricultm-al i)p_pa.rfm¢·nl, _ _ _ _ ofdcccznscd shareholders of national banks *‘·I’l’foPl`}¤~tl0ll*! for $*}]*‘U0S» 917% m ·---·-— 16;*- 317 in liquidation may act in selection of ;_0Y lmullgg Plgd blulimli im` -·-- - ·-~- — · A mm, ______ ______ _ _____________ G4 or groum s 0 . . . . .. .. .a, . w Ad,.,,,,,.,,,,, L _{g;·ii(;11,Zl11rat Laqds, _ may be mmlce to Commissioners of District RJ} lmlfls in M*$§*°l“`l ”·“d Kauslm W be Sub' r of Columbia. for interest, etc.; m-im- Jem? *0 dlSP°$**l as ------ ---· ---- ··‘2 bursameut .. . ,. . .,,, 402 Agricultrwql xfqivqf, _ t_ 140 M4 Adwmscmmu, g,ppmprxu mus. qrprm mg . . . ,` · · ( · Am·wuZhu·aI Stammcs, _ of mug;°IEg;I££,§§e;)°0$p;l§g:%l;;l;Slgopgsgzg A`;w,pp;-opxgyatious for collection, etc.; provis0.1(S7, 317 an vmtiscrxmutre uircd·0ul tou. l me ee um {0 gmwm,] ]g[,(,iug;·1g _____ _ _ ____ I: 73 Inpgrapriatiou for improvement of harbor of. 133 of sale of property, on failure to red oem cer- Auwhe, Nelson, _ titicatces for usscssuicut for mpaving p6¤S1<}¤ £,'¤‘¤·¤t0d to ------ - —--—- - --—~·-—--- *07 1‘¢musylva.uia. avenue . . . 94 Airs, Ehzalzetlzi, _ ‘ V wlwu to be published in District Columbia. 105 ·appr0pr1atmn for payment of claim ot .. ._»2F·E ibr lmlin.11 supplies shall be published .. 200 Aw·Ia·Chdp8U•9, ¤···¤-min bills ilu-, ilu- Indian supplies to be consulate at, to be t1‘2tllSl`€I`I'€(i to Cologne,. 4 mulitcetl and paid . .. . . . . 3(il Alabama, _ _ _ _ when uml to what ammmt; Indian supplies appropriations fox: mvcr and harbor lll)-. I . muy be puwhascd without. . . . . . 29:; prcveiucuts in . . . . 154, 166 of proclunnutious in relation to smc of pub- for clerks in General Land-Ofime, to bring i F lic lands, where and how published.. 221 mtu market lands m. . . . . ._ .. 3.:7 0f appottiomneut of taxon of District of Co. for payment of amqunfs g1uc_c0rta1u con- I 5 lumbia. to be publishcdn ..._ ,. ,83, :596 tractors fop nxmlrscrvico m .. ., ( afi; of pzuuplilct. containing property to be sold post-ioads established in _ ..».A... Z l2, JU, -336 {3,1-dcliuquoubmxos in District of @0-83 9 restzrichous (pu salelcf public lands 111, rc- 7.* umbia. . . , *,3 6 move ;pi0v1s0s · of sale of land of party failing to pay pay- transfer of certain causes pcriehng m circuit sonul tax in District of Columbia 85, 398 court at Mobile, to qiycuit courts of' of notice of persona]-tax chedulvs for Dis- P07·`¤h6I`¤ Mid middle districts Ebuthol" _ izrict oi Columbia. being ready for de- 399 AM, mlgig/hist--. .. .. ...- - 30 ivory . . .. - - -. .. . .. W" QV » Advcrlisiug 1’oe0-Opwg Depmtmmy, ¤·ppr0p1§iat{01) for (payxxneup. ofgalang sfoigulglg 2L]_)[)I`()[)1'i2lClO1.lB lbr .. . . . . .. . . . . 78, 383 .u”d°,;";} Cgxmisfon (Q- 363 Ad"eHi8m·q' ‘$“"alc’ . . . CourtJ0I` (gioxuniissiouors of, continued. . 1, 96 approprugmpn tp supply dehcioncy in appro- s ,,0wGm of dork 0;; 0xw,,d.,d _ _ _ ____ _ ____ 1, 95 A.0i‘za1‘l;t8l)r|;]°t’l0'l " ’ ‘"'""' ""  ;),(}c(')[]]]tB and ygcords Of, 1 1 __,,,,,,.,..-.•.· 11oturicsp11blicof Stutoautc., autliorized to disbggsgggms when to be under Sem-6. i take, with same oiilact as commission- wry of Sém ______ ____ ____ _ ________ ],9(j 0*** Ol. °h"’"i“ “"“m*· -··· · · · ····~ · · ·· 206 when to report judgments to Secretary of penalty for making false, touching personal- State ______ _ _______ _ _____ _ _____ ____ 3 tax returns in District of Columbia. 86, 400 copy of-j“dg,,,GDm to be Sem, to Sw,-8g,m-y of hoxuostoa.¢l¤1·’s occupation, ctc., before O,·T,.0a5u,y by Secretary Of 5mm____ 3 wl¤<>¤¤ ¤¤¤<1¤ ------—------ - ---------- 403 how to 1,.5 pam .. . .. cs Ajiliialecl Indians, Wwhlitaa, to roccivc, ctc., claims presented within appropriations for goods, ctc., for ... 194, 291 three months .. -. ---. - ». 6 A gmt and Consul-Genw~al at Cairo, Egypt, sale of bonds authorized to pay judgmonts appropriations for salary of .. . . . l7 l, 233 of . . . . . 32 49,,,,;,, scc ,,,180 ,9.,,,,,,;,,; Ag,,,,,,,, proclamation extending duration of .. 661 not to be employed by executive officers bc- Ahwml _ _ _ _ - yondpmvisions m,,,d,, by ],,wB_._ _____ wg appropriation for salaries of agents at. seal- . . fisheries iu; proviso .. . . 118 Agww at Sml'F"’hww8’ for steam rovcnucwcsscl in 357 n.ppr0priat.iop gov salaries, ctc., of .. .. lilg to Sup¥ly dohcimmy in aIppI_;);1_ié|£{ `{Tl; to supply L 0 `cicncy iu. . 2G' 3 . _ . . i mm to Mmmuucd . m UM H gg ;·—=¤ 0* ==~··;¤¤*¤ M ¤···=··* ¤¤*~=¤¤~ ¤· 36** . . .» n . ., Ag°"t”’ Inilmi" A·01a"8’ - . , apprppriation for custom-house building at. 351 approprmtions for pay of .. . . .. 116, 271 _ tn supply dcliciuucics in. . . .-. e . 376 Au'€"·’0"o “!h“’WL» d0“““d· _ _ to make rolls of Indians entitled to sup- a·PP!'°P¤¤•U0'-I fvr payment °f°]¤lm of w¤<1¤w plies; manner of distribution of . 293 0* ······ · ··········· · ····· · ·-····· · 499 Agcnts,1nte¢~naZ Revenue, Albertson, Sarah lf'., app1·0priations for salaries, etc., of .. 152, 303 appropriation for payment of claim of . 499