Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/740

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714 INDEX. · 1"uge. Page. Godwin, Duval R., Gould, George, claim cf,referred to Commissioners of Claims appropriation for payment of claim of . 523 for re-examination and report .. . 489 Govan, Calc, appropriation for payment of claim of. 525 appropria.tiou for payment of claim of. 480 Godwin, William (7., Government Business, appropriation for payment of claim of. 481 letters, etc., on, may be sent by mail free; Gocihc, Amie, to be so marker]; penalty for falsely C ap]pro}>{riatiou for payment of claim of. 528 usiusr official envelopes .. . .. 335 oct ie osc, Gorerimwm Ilospitalfor Insane I appropriation for payment of claim of. 528 :ippropri:irious for .. ,..’ ,... . . 108, 347 Gojfe, Charles H., Goirermncnt Priintcr, see Public Primei·. appropriation for payment of claim of. 525 Gomrrmncnl I’rinti11g-Office, (`oius Nathan deceased appropriations for salaries, etc. of... . 146 297 1 appropriation for payment of claim of estate for printing and binding at . .. , 104 I of - . . . . . . . . 531 Public Printer to have charge ofaml manage 105 Gown, Sarah A., Gorm·nme·n1s of Tn·a~nm·u·s, 0 algpéopriatigngor payment of claim of . 519 (W :ippropri3_tions for expenses of . .. . ..:158, 308 0 oins an ars, r0’l767'7l07"8 .9 and, I penalty for counterfeiting, etc .. . . . 223 site for statue of “Liberty enlightening the Golden, S. M., world" may be selected on. . 410 appropriation for payment of claim of .. 427 G0wL.,._,’ John, G0Zd8w0"lPLU,_J0h·’f» _ _ F charge of desertion removed from. 500 appropriation lor payment ot account of,- . .i7.> Gow Medmck L Goode, Huldah L., ’ _. H iv D f 1 . f - M4 appropriation for payment of claim of . · 480 éppmmm" OH or paymcn ° ° mm ° ‘‘‘‘‘ ' Gooch, Augustine, deceased, G;.“°”;g“;';;ii£‘*for t f I . f 4u appropriation for payment of claim of estate G pp f F pa'ym°¤ ° C mm ° ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ) of . . . ... ..-. .. . 458 Hwy: · ·r Good Daniel J. appropriation for payment ofelaim of . 457 apnrcguriatiod for payment of claim of .. 525 Gmgg, Josqah, Goode, 0lm,jr. appropriation for payment of claim of . 483 appropriation for payment of expenses of, GN,;,,,,,,, 1),,,,,,,; (Mmm] G d I/;’§Zc°Ut°St°d'0]“c"0“ msg- ···—-— - · - — 355 approprgutioil for payment of claim of estate 00 c i iam o . . . . ...,. .. . .. -.. 457 appl·opriation for payment of claim of . 474 Gm],,,,,, Joy,,, Giwds mid *S*WPH“f°" 1"dl“"8: appropriation for payment of claim of . 457 appropriation for expenses of purchasing, Graham JOM H Prcaidcm ' `7 '1V may bghguaglgécjd §{\`£d;,5;];8'6£ 292 nippropriation for payment of claim of . 461 not to be distributed .. .. .. . 293 G7`¤W’**, ¢Y¢m9.V J-; _ Gggdgy Wares, and Mgrglrandfggy 8.pp|'0pI‘lH»f.l0D {0I' payméllb of claim of - . ... 474 separate entries may be made of packages Graham, Wiliam M, ` of; d60lw`&bi0¤; will -..· - ·--· - .·.- · 49 appropriation for payment of claim of . 478 bonds for duties ton, may be ezrecutcd by any Gmnd Haven, D_[,c],_’ _ member ° ”' P°“`t“°”h}P ······ ·:·_··· 60 appropriation for improvement of harbor of 133 sale of imported, at Centennial Exposition, (Wand Rapids Mich i h i , d . . . . . . . ... .. . anmznétgglggf exhibitor liable fm. duties 214 n.ppronr1:mons forjcourt-house bmldiug at 110, 351 on each portion . , , .,_,. 214 Grand ltrrcr Ute Indians, penaltyior sale, etc., without puymeuii of ¤·PPY0P1`i¤·*»i°¤¤ fm' l08F2U1in0D9S; cme *0-· -1931 288 dI1H6B -... . --·--- . . . . . . . . . 214 Gmngeenc, Oliver, ‘ Gnvdlvzv, A*‘m8Y€¢1d, appropriation for payment of claim of . 476 pension granted in-- ------ - ----- - -.--- 541 Gram oj Land, see Public Lamar. Goodwin, 4‘nde¢·soh _ _ V Grape, Mi,,;,,,?;, I 2rppl`O[)I`l¢LlJ10ll 101 p€1»ylI]BHl} of Oldllll Of. 027 a,p1)[•()pp]g,(,|g·¤ for Payment of clarun of _ ____ Gordon Mary Gra 6 B a d ' appropriation for payment of claim of . 478 wggu gpg gzm fax to bg paid ____ __ __ ______ 393 Gore, Buch-rod R., special stamp lor, expense of 393 appropriation for payment of claim of . 487 conditions of deposit ot, in special bonded 395 GO", Hmm. _ were muse . ... . . . 2 ,LDim)p,.i‘;Q,i0n for Payment of Chmn of ____ 478 bonded warehouses may be established for . . _ storage of; storekeepers; collector of G°°`h"8]"¤ Er°€°ph· internal revenue to have control of- G appropgatiou for payment of account of.. . 367 cusmdy; when and how Opened; mg; 0'Wm F"']- uletious . . . » .. . . . .. 393 =1pp¤‘0l>Il8T:i;>11 fo1‘ PBYYDGDU of Gltlim of ----· 480 collection of tax on, removed from ware- o Goghip Shoshone Indians, _ house, without compliance with act. 394 appropriations an- installments to .. ..190, 285 time for vnynwnt of mx on; brandy iliegvlly GMM, William b removed, etc., forfeited 394 ’ · » ’ · . ow withdmwn for transfer or export .. 394 Hppr°prl??P for payment of Olmm of 476 may be exported as other bmuily tree of tax 394 G°“"‘1“’"°“Z> ,’Z"’“z , V warehouses may be discontinued for cause. Si? “I’P“°I’““·“°“ for P“Ym°“t °f clmm °f ----- —>25 rules and regulations under act . . .. 3* o Gauchemour, Isaac, deceased, failure to deposit in warehouse within preappropriatiou for payment ofelaim of widow scribed time or to comply with regu- 0f -.. . '. . ... 5325lations, etc., penalty .. .. 395