Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/751

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INDEX. 725 . . . Page. Individual Lmbil/ity 1 i zzz P"“‘* of shaplsholdefrs of national banks, enforce- illliizs olvegziiiiéer aud sborekeoper may be I 3]) 0 ______ ____ __ ____ ____________ 63 • sa, · · Industrzal _Scl2o0Zsfor Indiana, l::.1¤ie;§6dc¢;’r: niisslgn lgnslsilioilxl apltropnations for -_____-________________1w’292 b0¤d,____ __ , p ’ lnebrmte Asylum, special-tax stamps sci; to mcorporate the Washixugtou City 9 dealers in liquors etc. on passenger- Infantry Llquqmumts, Army, railway trains etc l j l 21" 1 :;.ppt§<}p|f1g1it%1 for I. . . .. .. . 100 number of collectioiiqlisoricts ini}; H n an T cz t_ ansportatwm, I lowzmccs to collectors to be cquulizcd 303 nlm2s10g;;?;;!; or -. ~...-. 79, 684 regulations, gte., governing storage, ctc-, of , _ _ .,_ _ _ { grape randy ·--- - ·---- -... 393 I apprepriapion for paynient of claim 01; . 462 payments of drawback to H. P. Jones mid

  • nma·n,, Wsllzqm, _ Compzmyof mx on tobacco exporbed. 467

appropriation for payment of Ollwllll of . 432 Inter·n.u.Z—R0mmuc Districts, lngmrzea Respectzug Food-Fishes, number of} to be rcclucocl .. .. .. . . 152, SOI! appropriations for . .. . . . . - . .. 117, 354 Tntmvzal- Revenue Gamers, Ingane Asylwp,· _ only be be paid when rendering actual servpproprnalznons for .,. . . . . ... 108, 347 ICB ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . `l5? 11»s_pecLzng_Lzqht-Houses, duties of, and of storekeeper nmy be ima.ppr0pr1mn1ous,i0r . . . . . . . 111, 352 posed ou same officer in certain eases; Impcctor-(fenprals Office, _ _ l commission; compensation; bond.. . 152 appropriations for salaries 1u . - - . . 160, 3lO intcrnaZ·Rvvenuc Smmps, Inspector of gas, _ engraving and printing ol`, to be done in _a.ppruprm.i;10ns for salary of; proviso . 166,308 Bureau of Engraving mid Priunixig;

  • 0 ¤¤pp1y deiciency in . 45 proviso .. 1:,2

I'¢8W`¢"w6 QOWPGMZ/y to be sent to offlcersihrougli wgista-¤·<·sl nmil 152 act; 110Frnc01*p0ra,te the Mutual Protection is unuscifl, to be redeemed; proviso. . 88 1Y0 ---~-— --- ---- - --·- ··-- -..- i time or afHxing to uustzuuped inetrmuouts Inspcctoranlniiian Service, _ extended i . l . . . . . I appropriations m meme, sm., of .. -.177, 272 r<>fg¤<3l¤1;s<>;l <>£ t<>51¤pl·¤¤ MM ¤¤¤¤1¤=¤¤ y-- ngurrggtign 0I` i 10 L 0(é\VPll NL . . . .. . . pfvulamaiion commanding persons engaged J· E- Plilllmy .. . . -. . 491 iu, in South Carolina to disperse . 668 I”l?7'7{(d·I{W€"”€ St0"dfC67’6"`{a _ p,;,rc0u,·8c Ad, lumb oi c<m1peus:ig1ou oi; only 1,0 be pmd appropriations for detecting, utc., violations _ when reneloring s<·rv1ce.-t ... ... 152 of ___________ _ _____ _ _____ __ __ ______ 108,346 duties of and ot gnugor may be imposed on Interest sgmmo offweriu cermiu cases; commisto bé énllowol on judgments of Alalmnrnzn 3 1"wmalgggeibiofillécllsatloll 3 [*0***}- -----—-·· 152 sims wrt . . . · Q - v_ , _ _ Interest on mm 0/1Jm»-wz of comma, r<>i·¤3¤<¤_ M3 <·<> my <>f B+l¤¤·¤··>¤>- ---—-- - ---·· 2-*9 advances lll2L)' be made for payment. of; ro- 0‘ r•>¤X¤s¤¤<>pVg§, tc-} M? i¤1b¤FS€=¤1¤¤$ --·.. - .. ... 4 z Vis, I ¤¤·¤¤ ‘ ——-- - --~·--·—·-——---~-·- · . Burch F. A. . . . . . . . . . . . 443 Interest on Indum Trust-1?'·4mds, . I,. I I l k_ d A . 44.; ,"=;g¥g;;$¤;;;;*”§;,e;;;ic§*;r ·--— -· —---— · - ----- - ~--- 1*>8·2=*¢= i2fZ,Z§,T‘5__]S‘? ____ Y`?`,,;;;; j:;?; ;;:ii;;it W sppropri;ntio11s {bl salaries, ctc., in . . .. 162,312 £:3°;EW" and LOW '‘'`'``' my printing mul binmliug rm- . -4, ·» 104. **44 Nm,,,.mb ,md'¢(,{5g,§i}.",J1ZZIZZCIIZCIYL Mer for transportation, etc., of u.rt.ncles from, - Jones John G · mm to Centennial Exhibition . . . . 46 Petraé J J‘‘'``` '° MB

  • 0 S**PP*Y d*“°*****‘****S i" “PP”°P’**”*°"§. . s¤mS.§,vir1i1iZlhiIff§Zf III III CIIII `Z f flf me

{br '‘‘‘‘‘ " `°‘ '"' ’45’ 4S' °b6’ ${0 Siamber S:m1uolB . . .. . . . . .. .. . . 508 p<>sw;;¤~swr¤1>¤ for, how prccurerl . l(>9 Scum Jima H ______ ____ ______ __ 508 I”“7`i°" D‘T‘E"`"’“""t B“"di"'.% _ __ ebziternent of, to Herman Ilulmzm .. .. 517 approprimiwus for repairs of . .-.. 115, 54: [,m,,·,,,m,,,,a; Ex;U;(,y.;0,,, I”*<"‘l°"» S€°"W*"3/ of, _ appropriation for transportation, etc., of exbouds, utc., held in trust by, for benefit of hibits of United $mgCS ____ __ _ ____, _ 45 Iildiwl tribes W be t1‘¤·¤¤fo¥'¤`6d to for expenses of customs service ut 34 T!`93S“¥`6\` (lf M10 Uulmd SW»t*’*-*5 (*0]* for completing buildings, etc., for. ...,. . 4 lemhion of interest; investments; pro- F8 gvhgu gud 1;);,w piiid __,.,.., . .. . .. 2 v1s0..-. . . . .-.---· ·---- —> tuboxeim msec . liuernal Iiavemw, _ noble be paid sutil bonds are given,. . 4 a.ppmprist.ious for salaries, etc., of collectors, United bmtes not lmble Bw debts of ... 4 m;;;,, of ___,, _ _____ _ _____,__ , _ ,,,,, 152, 303 Imw·m1,twual Ojicc, I l for stamps, etc., for .. .. . . . . 152, 303 provisions respectmg, m general postal r for detecting, etc., Violations of laws re- union treaty .. .. .-.. .. . ..»H4 lzmting to . ... . . . . . 153, 3013 I7bt67`?1d¢i071d»ZPOS((bZ Congress, of amounts carried to surplus fund. . 46 provisions respecting, lll general postal r to supply deficiency in n.ppropria.taion forummm creamy.: .. . .. .:86 salaries of collectors of . . . . . . 363 InLermr.tw1iaZl’oslaZ Unmu, _ r wx unt to be assessed on nxsterisl used npproprnzmon for office of - :38-: in producing malt liquors; how col- for expenses of . . . . . 80,3B.y Iected ; proviso . . r .. 53 Intm·natwagaZ_P¢·zs0n C0ngr0§s,_ certain packages of distilled spirits filled approprxution for c0u11u1ssioncr_i:o2mu.y be on premises of whole ule liquor deal- used in part; to psy prehmmzzry ex- 361 ers; how stamped . . . ... 152 peuses .