Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/759

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INDEX. 733 Page. Lewes, Del:, t_ f t _ _ Life·Saving Service, Page` RRDNDPIIS 10U of G011B PUGUOH of p1crs near- 134 appropriations Mr ______ __ ____ _ _ _ _ U _ _ _ t _ 106, 345 L“””» A"? 'QGU: f _ person in immediate charge of, to make vs-

   Of churn Of-. -· _   port; to accunlparlly B/llllllill ii ();),[i(j()

·a v ._ n .“_°'f· _, _ __r9pcrt . . . . . m1 pproprtictioii 101 payment of claim of widow exb1b1tion of specimen station oi} at Contou- 0'“` """`````' "' ' "" 484 Ul2llEAp08ll·l0lluuLl101‘i?u(l· yrovisrl "1'§ Lmisy C- JZ: Li_qhl·I[0use Board l [ X L U N ` ¤·Q}>¥0p1'¤3l>10¤ {0f P¤·5’m0!1¥3 of ·—-- ·- - ·---·— 362 appropriations flu' su·Ia11‘ics in office of. 153, 302 L*’“”$; (7e0f9c} _ IAgI»l»11ouce Esiablialimeut, approprmtion for payment of claim of . 434 approppigfiopg {3,,-__ _ lu q52 I·¢'w’iF;G€07'9¢ W. Ligllf-HouseIns1e./Coz "~-·_—-- ·>·..‘-- N appr<>prieti<>u f<>¤·1>=~y¤¤<>¤t of claim of . 432 appwprismionis oSq»eusss of .. - .- -.111,352 Lewis, George W.,sr., _ Light-House Kevpcrs, a,npr0puation for pzbyuleub of claim of. 476 appropriations for paw of .- _ _____ __ _ _ i ii 352 L*’“`”» H“'{".U; V ID3} be tru·nsfcrrcd in purl, _____ , 53 appropriation for payment to . . . . . 226 Lighbllouse Rejpairs, Lemss H"’f"”?"“> appropriation {or .,._,. , __,.__ Q_ ____ 111 352 appropriation for payment of claim of . 521 Lig/»t—House Supplies, ’ Lemso IWW"}: approprim,ions for .__, _ , ______ , _____ _ __ _ _;}] 352 appropr1a.tion for payment of claim of . 526 1xight— Tender, ’ Lewis, Margaret A., epproprietion for building .. .. 112 appropnwtion for payment of claim of . 487 L*9M·H0¤¤88, Lewis, Mary A., lappwrpriwivrw for . .  » .. 111352 appropriation for payment of claim of . 484 L*.’}h¢·S'¢¢’{0°*§. _ _ Lewis, Ponqoey, appropr¤at1ous for biulehug, on- ..._ . .,__ 11i_ 352 appropriation lor payment of claim of . 482 L2.7ht~V688?l$,_ Lewis, Rebecca, zrppropriouons for expenses of .. . . 111,352 appropriation for payment of claim of. ..,. 476 _ f?!` building, BN- ----· - -----.. - ..~.. . . . . 112 Lama, Violet, Lzghmvg and jiuoyage of Missiaaimué River, appropriation for payment of claim of . ·47G _8·PQl`0Pl`\3·¥;l0U8 for .. . - 111, 352 ‘ Lewis, William, deceased, Liqlmng Cjtljlmoll f _ 0 appropriation lor payment of claim of widow H;g}L’V%;;;:2;’;; °* ······ - -·--—-·-····---· 1 1 ’|> ***8 · Yf Z `-```'-` " l H i-,- _" - _``-°- “U I 031 2l1)[;\'O[)I`l2i»H0l‘| izor peynrnent of claim of . 519 Lewis, Wzllzam B., I L.l A d d ¤¤¤¤~1·*m¤¤ M Payment of ·=*=~im of ---· - 4* 1§§;,m’{§?i1u2€$?Z$ ,:z.y.l.m,mi.“ of widow " Idbcrty enlightening the World/’ of ____ _ _____ _ ____ _ __ _ ____ _ _____ __ _ _ mg acceptance of statue of ; site for; inaugura.- Liles p;l,;,,lb‘,”,’ mm of? **8** Ol; as a' beacon? 0***6 Gf- · M0 appropriation for payment of claim of. 519 Librarian, Military Aczulemy, Mm.mm0,,8’ Ii’;,Pl’,g:1;z*;$t$;’;jgfg;;“S*Sb“t **0 —--·-· · -·-·- 126» *3 L of time for prosecuting oilenses not capital. 32 ·,· Z N b ·.

  • ·> *¤¤ ¤¤<= ¤f <=<2¤z··¤?*¤¤¤>¤ <=¤¤v<>w¤¤‘¤<* tc M- °Z§$»T6pr?¤i.a6¤ for court-house buildinv M.- 110

store writing of Declaration of lnde- I _ D,;,,,(,0;,,, Sqlmm °

  • P"“d°“C°_ --·- , ···-·· ·; ···· · · · · ···· 210 appropriation for payment to wmclmmn in. 298

to have supervimon or prepsuug acts, etc., Lindsey, Da,,;,; MU ub (gg gomilllanml Congress fvr P1`im““g· 406 appropriation for payment of claim of AM vary o ougresu _ _ L; _ S ; ¤pvr¤x>;i¤·ti¤¤¤ fer S¤l=»ri¤¤ i¤» ¤<id¤¤¤¤¤¤ *%,7 2Q_ ggtvrmigeitii ros payment of ehmim Or. mo (5G--.,..U.-..-...-.. , I Li H_’ for indexing documents, etc., in . ... 104, 350 Zgérogrggggon fm. payment Oy chin, 0g_ ____ 484 for law-books for; proviso . · 168,318 _Mp¢n indium at FUN G,.,iLm,"’ {OY Plas; f°" llufiling i°I`» Continued mm 16% nppropris,t:ions for Tonkmvas, to be uppliedg m ¤=w¤¤¤ <> --·--- - —-—-·-·-·-—--- — ·¤ 1; »-sf , .. ..16,991 copies ofconnty histories, etc., delivered ou Liquors, pm M in 0 (01 mu cexxtennial anniversary, to be depos- Spcciaymx Stanlps may be issued 4,0 mmii lfod ID ------—·-·- — ---- -· ·-········ 211>663 dem.};-yrs in, on railway trains, etc .·-- 213 Library of Suqzreme Court United States, IGS H8 Little Hog I:;land,fMai*r1c, { l_ ht I t ru f ns or books Ol? . . . . . ,{ appropria. lion or si Ve or w — muse e 0. Liglgly Io;"l;'ul;eoo»Gene*al’s Ojfice Army, 3-*5 P¤F°b**S° *m*·h°*'lZgf]· —··-·· , -·-·· 7 U1 slpproprim km fm. _'_ _ ____ __’ ____ __ _ ____ `_ gg Lutlc Kanawha River, West Virgmicl. _ . . . $1} _' epproprizxtion for improvement of . 1.34 Mbmncs f‘?°` ’$I"P° an . 66 386 Limo Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, “PP"°P“““°““ °" · ·····‘‘ ‘_ ‘‘‘‘' "" ’ appmppmgion for improvement of . .- - - 137 License Act, Districtof Columbw, Ljulg jgwky A,-kw ' repealed in part ...-- - -----· · --·-- - - ·-·--· 88, 401 apprgpgiatiqu for court-house building Mi- - 351 L*°7·’ 0b°'~""”°“'”`Z'/· . limit of expenditzure for. . .. 202 gram <>f1=•»¤d for site °f 9 Pmvlso · -·-·- - - · - 57 office and residence of clerk of district court 230 Lim Lands, to be at--_ -·-- - -...- -., -..- - ---...-- title of California to certain lands selected lands in Hot Springs reservzitxon may be on- 3hg in lieu of school lands, and known as tered, etc., a.t1ancl—office ID .1 . . .. wig confirmed; innocent purchasers ami certain, to be sold et public suction . 4 settlers protected; act not to apply to proceeds of, to be paul to receiver oi public 3_9 certain 1¤¤d¤- ------ - ----- ·—---- 267 um Shggvsys M ·--- -· ------ - ----- - ----- -- · ' - t t' * . .

 . ,.,. ,. . . ,.,, - . . . .. 106, 345 board-bil], etc., of; to be paid _; proviso, ___, 212