Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/796

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770 INDEX. P. gv. Page. Scott, John, of Alabama, 1 Scchresl, John B., appropriation for payment of claim 0I--. . . 475 appropriation for payment of claim of. 431 Smit, John, of Kembucky, Second Assistant Pos1anastc1··GeneraZ, appropriation for payment of claim of 430 appropriations for postal service under di- Scolt, Julian F., F66U0D of · -·-- · ~----· ---· ·--—-- --·· 38} appropriation for payment of claim of. 485 may MED °“`mm contracts ······ · ········· 33" Scot;} Mary, deceased, Second Auglitqr, Treasury D0]9(li7't7|l07‘iT, appmplzabjon for Paymgut of claiul of estate 9 appropriutiorgs to1&sa1ar1es in oiinee of. 150, 301 o ... . . . . .. .. . . 42 Second Oomptro ler rcasury Department $,,0;;, Aloyfon, adm,,r8,;,.ato,., appropriations for salaries in office of: .150, 300 appropriation {Or payment of claim of ____ 430 a-bstrargigibidsfcr Indian supplies to be bled 200 S“°"· R- S·· “°°“·*“'» iam em 5d£1iA£1`ziA?»`£2»£¤idi£ §¤b"h6Afii]` ‘ ¤¤¤¤°r;g·‘·*¤°¤*¤* P=··v·¤¤¤*¤f ¤1=¤¤¤·<·* GSM 430 ’ amOmmmcibfeoiiimtieweed. zu SCOH Wd1h;?;;}" ``-``` `"`-'__` ""U _'- ° Second ifcgimumt of Cavalry, _ "’ . . '> . clothing to be 1ssucd to fifty enlisted men oxppropr1at10¤ for payment of claim of. 458 01-Company A in- ln--- _ _"- ___- U _ 554 gggg{;;·;g0gg·j" ~*¤¤~*·*- Sim swim of LWW, _ . . . ,. appropxmmons for salaries. of .. -..170, 233 appropriation for payment of claim of- .>53 S · __ L _ 1 D_ Z t_ SOT0g9i;"} Humphwyj dccfamzy ecietaoeegvgw egatwns, see ai so qv oma ic S *”"“?‘°'f;`$’““‘i°‘1 "° ""d°`" °f ‘‘‘‘'‘ ‘‘‘‘ 439 appropriations for salaries of .»-. - ..-- -U-170,233 oroggigz, u ia, S t . T _.t . _P*>¤¤*¤¤ ¤¤··¤*·=·* *0 -- ---—· — ---- --——-— €§£2ii"?$—Z£he'ZJ '2’Q'$’3w.gami copies of bc'"'!/IIS, SQMWZ 0-; _ all acts incorporating cities or towns 392 app1·0pr1ation for payment of claim of- 479 Sccremw of the Iuwrior . . 1 Swans, Wham L-, _ _ appropriations for mimics, em., in erm of 162, 312

  • 1PP1°P11¤b1°¤ f°Y Imyménii Oi Claim °f· —-~- 546 to Ee one of a. commission empowered to re-

Sca—LeLters, _ · store writing of Declaration of Indo- c rates of postage 011 letters mailed at sea to peudence .. . . . . .. A6 or from Japan. . --.. . ... 559 shall de ignate newspaper to publish prop- SCWOM,. H,mtmg_G,.0Md8, lamatmus m relation to sale of public appropriation for steam revenue-vessel for lands- ----- - --·----- ; --··-—--- · —---· 221 ¤*°*·m¤ ··f- --·-· - ----·----·-- 357 ‘““""%Z£,1‘§i3§“£L°fi1§"3;;!”?¤£;3i‘§?2¥ ’Sw"·P°8mg6· their benefit 221 mms °i¤f°r °°uv°y°'"?° acmss P°"”5° 0°°°'“* required to terminate lease of Wright’s under convention with Japan . . . 560 buildin _________ _ ____ _ ____ _ 370 S€¤»·S6V"UW, _ _ _ not to issue guther patents to Kansas apd expenses of additional, under convention Ngosho Valley R81yr0W_ ____ _ _____ __ 405 with J¤P¤·11»t0 M b01‘116 by that 00111* shall sell Fort Dalles reservation as other · try .. . . . . . . ..- . 560 public lands; subdivision; improve Sm-coast Battery, Military Academy, 111®¤t¤ ------ - ---- - ------------ · ---·- 406 appropriation for repair, etc., of ... 383 Secretary o_/'.N¢wy, Sgmcgagt pqgmes, appropriations for salaries, etc., in office oi: 161, 311 gpppgppjgtiong for armament of _____ _ ____ 59, 39] to I‘B[)01‘li t0CODg1'0§S GODOIUSIODS of O()I.I.lHIlS· or surveys for, may be used for surveys 111011 *0 ¤¤PP1`=11¤€=, BW, hud 111 WBJW and ieeouuaimuces, em .. . . 358 Emi ?¤y, N- Y-; Wim tv <=>><<¤~¤¤¤¤, emv 239 _ y. . 00 0I‘S8rII10,.. . -. .. ..-. S"Z;;§}€Z$?§$€’0¤romims m of agents it- M of <=¤¤*¤i¤ omcem 0* Nw ¤*¤¤*¤·1 by proviso _""' n__f_._;’___ "__·_"__’ 118 geuerg.1t_0rder of, to be adjusted; ap- 366 for steam r5v3¤u(3-v9553] for protection Of. 357 Pl-Opma lon`' " '''''' to supply deficiency in appropriation for S0*"'0m"i*/ of S?’¤¤*6, ‘ _ mgm-ies ofagcnm at __ ____ __ _ _____ __ 363 may admiuistter oa.tgstodw1t1;1esseTs, eau 34 Seals Femmmd may sen _ e e.,- pu ie ocunieu s mug ap5mprem’m payment of em Or. me ;gQf~¤·1¤~Wf¤=·¤1<•>·1,¤¤r¤¤¤fv1"1v- 336 Seamen, S“.,.0m,., `-:-·":--" "Y-`; -'``` l `.-•'` . . . . ,, _; of Smithsonian Instzhmon “ppr°K:’g;2£§uf°r mmf and pr°t°°’"°° °f75 2.28 to be one of commission empovvjereml to reeulistmeut of, for Navy to cease until .. 65 stgggezggting of D°°1&Hm°¤ °f I“d°“ 210 artiiicial limbs, etc., to be supplied to dis- P ‘ ‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘`` ablgd ___, _ _______ _ ____, , __,_.,_ 20:; Swrvwy of Sim. _ _ houses in District of Columbia to improve ¤PP1‘0PF1¤·ii1011¤ fo1` ¤¤·l=r1‘16¤£_6t0·, 111 of60G {JY 148, 299 condition 0; to bg exempt fpgm mx. disbursements of clerk 0 _AIa.i>ama Claims p _ ation ______ _ ___________ _ ___________ 55 t Coprt tg be uxaderfdrxiecgon oféi -. . 1,% Sm,_0h_Wm_mm8 o repor Ju gmen s o e ams, aims I for seizure of! eouuterfeits of trade-marks, to desicgu? t° S°°“?m;? 1i;l`°?S‘g%"‘i)t· 3 empty packages bearing registered go a' °Lf?°']¥°r lla *St.1° ° t ° um 13* 105 , me-¤¤=~rk¤» M -----· -- -- ---- - ---- - 142 to n0m»y"'éOré1i£’%%§f?)'“&S,.é£"2¤%°g;,;.gm;; Sean; A- B-» _ officers to close their offices ,. 176 ¤PP1°P11*1t1°11 for P¤·}’¤1°Dt tv -··~ ------ - 104 shall examine and compare new edition of Seaton, William B., Revised Statutes, and certi{$ appropriation for payment of claim of . 433 under seal . . .--. 269