Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/807

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INDEX. 781 Taylor, Mary A., adminlstratrlm, Pam j-,,,.,.;,,,,.,,,; Court? P“g°· _¤·PPfoP¤3·U¤¤ f°I' P¤·Y¤1¤¤l9 of clmm of ---- - 592 declarations of intention to become citizens 1‘Wz°’¤ P“,“£E“i I`? _ may be made beiore clerk of . , - , 2 ¤·l;PFo£¤3· 10¤ UF P¤·5'm6¤li of 0131111 of ---.- 520 transfer of jurisdiction in certain cases in TW Ol? ‘€"d€'"> fl“”““d» _ bankruptcy in. ..,_,,_ __ 3-; a.pprop;;z¤;tiop·t0r·peynientpi·o1a1m of widow 520 trnnsfgtof cngestfrotni, cg Colorndo to United I) Taylor, Rlqlwd ~¤1·, U mm·»~saz.(o2;0ri;,»iii¢,,aIf umm mum ````b' Ta¤;1;£T0&¤v!};€Pl;l5l;7<;¤Vl;`0P ]1H·y¥¤G1'1l1 of claim of. -. M 528 nppropriations for snlmics of officcrs, nucl l . . ‘* _ _ GXPBDSSS of . . _ HR, 308 8»PPi'0P1`i¤·U0¤ for P¤·)'m0¤l9 of 0l2¤1¤1 of ----. 537 to supply deticieuoics in . . . . liz, 364 Taylor, Tlww, _ _ I 1r,·,~m»~ze8, Tae/pp:opvrgaggzpgordpgyéppgnt ot clmm oi- 520 nypmyplpintiionxstfor ,r.%cogrc,phic:tl surveys ol'. l1S.l,3G0, . , _ _ · orc ars ec. .. . ...,... .,..ll$l,3l‘(l epproprietion for payment of claim of heirs for geological, etc., survey of ... 120, 350 of ···· · ··•·· · ····· · ·····---·--- -·-— 489 Si1»l¤l1`l0S of 0l°ll0el‘S O1`, when to couum·nc¢~ ; Tecumseh: _ _ _ oath of office, where udministcrcel 43 sale of ¤¤10111l3<>1',itlll·l10f¤Z8¢l; l.•u1‘ml of pur- jurisdiction in cortatin cases in bauikruptoy d 1]:0**** GMU6d do'"' with ···-- · ----· - — 217 :0 bs l7l`$.lil.lS.[61¥0(l from supreme Lo dis- Tc der ary rio courts o . . . .. . 33 zpprippgigtign for payment of claim of _ __ 43;; eortnin anus rnuy be issiémpl Sir militia, ol`, for Te or ames M. pro action nguins u inns- provisos- 214 gppygppigbiou fz); Paymgut of claim of __ _ _ 533 resolutionfor<listribulin;,·;sn·msto;:tmonded; Teegarden, Eli, _ nmnxunition .. . . _. . . . 4lO ’ appropriation for payment of claim of. _, _ _ 541 Uslmwny, _ _ _` _ I Tak M h Lim Connuissionersol Limursiiott01‘x·c01veuow, ";P"£*"“‘“i‘:'; f°"°°‘“g’1°““g "‘*“““*' ····· H8 on 1,¤iig,iir¤iiT,iiiZiiiL.i;$iiiriiiiiij-i,,"iii2i},},`, liiii ibr repairs ctc. of epertment .. . .. .. . . 359‘ _ ‘ ’ ‘ 7_ ‘_‘ ,_ for maintenance, etc., of military ., . .. .. 369 TM., Il{‘?”2`]g"§‘?·A;‘°w "ml W °°*l‘““ ······ · ’5 authority to construct and maintain, across (_ " °€_"L." ,.°? * _, G. r _ _. h ma Atlantic Oman, grmmid ho h.. C. .n,ppiopu.i mn or comp e me csponnnen s _ _ in , board to be discontinued .. . . 119 g2:'?g;g°0?·'?r(;&gléh°m ’ mmm and com 232 Jlnqfel, Ohwlsfian, administrator, right gmnmd t0'=c0‘_mi;l` I `uppropriotion for payment of claim ol`--.- - 458 mins mls Mm P·¤=i‘¤<> ¤·>~—*» ’°§1’“i;°’°.?€"£Z1:,fi"Fif£‘8fLZ’,,,.,,.», r 4- i,, .,r ttm,, -. United States, to Asiatic const g terms m °i;)f‘ [ y ° ° " l 458 ofgrunt. . - 201 T ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ " ‘‘‘’‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Temple Jordan “”“‘°¤ . . . _ _ _ . · appropriation for payment of claim of . 533 approwlggggzuigrinnvu- dud lumm [1,,211;,,; UB Temple Leonard A., deceased, P ···· ·· ···· * l 0 ’ _. . _ . for lighthouse stntious on const oi. . . 11.. °‘PPI°P;."m°n for Paymcmi °f Clam °f°Sm't° ,.,2 for payment of mnounts due to certnin Tcmplc I?,,,,}?};',' '`'``` "' '`'`'°' "' °` (}()l_'|[,l'llBl$¢0l'S for in .§ . 362 n.utl1’0rized to accept a, decoration from the post rlnlds Gsmbhshcd m ’ `f `'‘` ’”’ `B ’ M1 King of the Hawaiian Islands . . . 554 glzygkil G6_) (,69 . .4 . l".-..-...-.- ,4 i To·m,pm·a¢-y Appmp»·m,noh, lr Til:"?, Robcmjlw » , ‘°°" °"l?l""’Q,°IF GQ"°‘(§‘“";““ f" ""“ d"*’”‘ ···· Eg appropriation for payment or claim or .. ut ¤0;_¤01}I1§;`¢ 3i1F Bn W -----— - ----·-- —- -- és Thump Thom,,,,, I go Augm; ‘‘ ’''`‘'‘ nppropriwtion for payment of clauun of -. 520 1 ZZZQIfZZfIiZZZf.ZIIZZZi[Z 1::1 Tlmher M<¤r¤l·¤U’· _ _ uoiO1$u§51 sriedliicted from regular spprii. ( T:£%<2§:3¤·;;3)l;e§0;fp;;y:;$;1§ Jlgiin of . 545 ' ‘ .. .. . . 1:3 _·, , · 1 , ¤r···i»~r~iil$i;l; ) q,?‘2,l°§i*"iL‘L*$‘°¥é3§e,;.;,ga4,‘z¢e,,,:,;,2‘, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ”’” J · . . . ’ . . . , Z 88l ll/H, ~ 1 ‘*1’1”"’P"'**“'°““’i°*`”l“F'°·"· °l°°"°fZl’x:°v‘S°‘1b9";O`; appropriation for postal service under dito supply doiicmncy m H,pp1‘opl‘13,Bl0¤ for, _ mation Oi-_ U _ __ _ __ ____ _ _ _ _______ __ __ 384 Tennallyigiiiiifgxiiilgayepartlliv[it ``````````` 364 may Sign certain contracts .. t ..,.. _, _, 335 act to incorporate tlie Georgetown and 30 7`lg;; £';gggTa{_)i‘£“ii of 150 ,,0, Trnnessce, . ·.' ’‘ ’ ` . · - · · · · £l'Im·rl—Glaaa Ma1.l~Maller appro vriattions for river improvements in.. 134 138 _ ;_ _ _ for iaayinont of amounts duo cortmn con- i I _13ft9S °€fP;’SmH° *2* PED1V0d 1 ¤¤¤rk¤ on ····· 83 tmciors for mzril-service in .. -... 362 Mild Um Fl §gWl€8 lll Flyin f 1 _ foupost-roads established in .. . . . . 55, 332, 341 **·1lPY°Pl`lP·l?§9“ for Paymiu ° G mms ° 506 ground donated in Memphis, by authority f win icutenznns o .. . ... · of legislature Of; Mwpted ``'`°'``` 55 U;?p?i_;8op£i‘qiilii;i1 for payment of claim of 495 Teimcssee Iriver, " . . '``'` ` · - · · Thomas Clmauau, appropriation forimprovement of .. . ... 1.58 » ._ . > i ymmaxa State 8,00],8, l I a,ppropr1.a,tion for payment of els. m of . 431 appropriations for payment of mterest on .l‘hom,as, Eglzvqrd A., ( certain.' . . . . . .. . 198 atpproprmtions for payment of salary of 4.3 Terms of Courts, Thomas, Elizabeth B., ‘ ' in Arkansas .. . .. . . . ... 230 pension grunted to .. . . 420 in Nebraska. .. . ... . . . . 232 Tlwnav, Gvwal Gwwe E, Terrell, James W, _ appropriations for pedcsiul for statue ofiu 359 · appropricttion for payment of clmm of 197 committee to 801006 mto .. .. -. - · i —