Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/811

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INDEX. 785 Parc- rage. Twfilv, H Pu Umtamped Instruments,

  • P°°“”tB of t° be settled ·--- — -~---··--·--- N0 time for stamping, extended .,,,,.,,,. _,_, 5

Twmc, Pos}-Ojiae Dqmrtment, United Stmnps, Revenue, · appijcprmimns for, . -- .. .- 79, 384 to be rede¤un<=d ; proviso .. . . . . 88 Tw0·-BOMB S00W4x IMUMJS, _ Zbaper Columbia River, Oregon, not ranbifyxng agreement with . . . . ,254, 261 :1ppr0pria,tion for iniprovcment of . 135 Two Itwor.-g, ll’·es.,_ _ Upper 1iI·i.ssiasimzi1£ivm·, appropriation tcrimprovcment of hn.rbor of . 133 nppropria,tion foriinpruvmnunt of; pmt: may Tybee Isla42d,_Ge0rg1a, be used for c0nstru0tin,<; Boll’s wing- ‘ appropmntion for rebuilding lmiwnn nr-nr damn . . .. . . . ... 137 main light nt .. . ... . . . . 353 Uppcrr Willamette River, Oregon, propriety of cstnlilislxirig nn.v:ml rnnrlerzvmm anpproprintion for improvmnnnt of -..- . 135 at, to be inquired into . , . . . . 66 Upper Yzmctunai Sioux Indmua, , Zyban Kwwll, Savwmzah River, not ra.tiiQving agramnnnt with . .. .. 254, 259 appropriation lim mnge-lights to guido (khan. 11'unry M., through chmmcl M:. 112 zmproprintion for pnymnint of mmm of. 533 Jyler, G. B., assignee, Utah, nppmpriation for payment of claim of. 435 npprnprmisions for snlnrins ‘0f officnm, mul U expenses of . . . . 150, 309 _ for nilicc of surveyor-gcimr:1.l of.12;¥, 165, 315, 340 Umtah UW Illdmmi _ for pay of Indiam ngcnts stud intm·prctc>rs nppreprmtxons for installments, ctc., tn. . . 193, 5288 in ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ 116, 177, ;g7]_ gm Umatilla fmlians, for incidental expenses Indimx norvica in ; nppropmations for installments to.- .. . 193, 288 how GX1mm1mi_ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _ _19g, ggg Uncpapa. Indiana, _ _ for cexpcnsrzs United Status courts in.4G. 108, 318 not rntifying agreernunt with . . . 254, 200 to supply dciicinncivs in ll]\])l`()[)l'l{l,$l()Il ilu- Umpirc of Mcxicaii Clainis Commission, r·1:i.ln.rics of jndgvs, ctc., in. . . 43 uusxponded balance for snlmy of, mny lm for officc of s11rv<>ym·-,;cnm·n.l u1` .. . 3137 ‘ expended in acknowledging his mrv- · for surveying public l:1.nds in . . 367 ices .. . . . . . . . ... 116 post-rcmlé csmblishcd in.. .. .. .. .. 24, 33:% Umpire, desert-lzmmls in, may be entered, atc., for convention for extending functions ni, under - reclamation by irri;;u.1,iun . .. 377 claims convention .. . . . . 642 llenvor lnml-district estnbiisliiiii in ..., . - . . 36 Umlerdoum, Gilbert W., . Utah Indians, fl2zboqm1.clm Hand,

1 pr0pvi3»ti0l1 fol‘ p3·yIl10llC· of Ghhiifl of -..-. 533 appropriations for blzaxzksxnith {'nr . . . . l93, 28B

Und':e:·hiZL, E. F., Uw Jndian Ulzwiqf Ouray, _ appropriation for payment to .. . 104 app1·0pria.tinusibr annuity to . . . . 197, 29l Underwood, William AL, Ulu indians, Tabrqua.clu:a,nd ()llaar1¥muln, appropriation for payment of claim of . 475 appropriations for iimmllimsrnts, uic., Lo. . .193, 288 Unerpcozcled Balances, Utica, N. 1C, appropriation of, for service of Len days of appropriation for pnstwflica building nt ; iiscnl yem*anding.lunn 30, 1877 . ($5 limit of cost .. . . . . 351 for ton duysjungcr .. . . . · 78 Utilu, Bay of Iulamls, to July 31. ... . . . . . . 95 consulate nt Onion mid Trnxillo to be rctn August 10 .. ...- .. . . . 122 moved 1.0 .. . . ... . .. 4 to August 14 . . . . ;. . . . .. 131 Uttcring Cormlorfcit Cain, of n,ppropria.t.i0n for axpmiscs of c0nstit:u· penalty for .. . . . ... - .· 293 tional qonvcmtion in C<>lornd0,_ to be Utz, John, covered into '[`rensury of United. 0 appropriation for payment of claim of . 489 · States . ,.. . . . . . ‘ Union Pacq/ic Railway, V. appropriation for survey of ,_,,. . . . .-- 169 _ Union Soldierw, Vaccination of Indiana, · gpprqryrintigyx to pay crippled gmd rlismhlqd, n,ppr(•prim,im1 for __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ ____ , _,, ,, _,,, 272 in employ of Ilonne .- ..., .. -. 5 Van. Aazlwciji, W W., United Staten, npproprin.tion for pzzynmnt of claim of. 544 n.pp1·0pria.tion for proportion of cost of rc- Van Duzcn, Thomas, _ _ pnving Peannsylvnuin. xwcnnc, ]m,_y:nl>l0 titles 1.0 certain lands in Washington Torriby .. . . . . ... .. . . . . , ... . 93 lnry cnniirmud to. ... .. . 501 title of, to Walslnington Squaw rcloasml to Van. [Ima, William, _ _ Dnbnqnc County, Iowa. . 37 inns1·<>nrinti<n1 Har payment; of claim ol`. 533 general postal union tmnty to include . 577 Wm Uéqok vs. Green, _ _ United Smtcs Courts, appropriation t0Grccn in contented-clcctinii I npproprim ions (br salnrivn of iu<lg<—s, ctc., case of . .. ... .. . 105 of , .. . . . .. . . . . 167, 318 Vmz Zandl, JK IL, 4,,, Suppgy (idicicuciqg in ,,_.__ __ _____,,, 360 pnlitionl disnl>iliti•;·s nf] remcvcd  » . ...·. WU United Status Notes, Vanarsdall, J. 1f.,_ appropriation to pmvidn for (‘l)§{l'B.VlI1g and _ appropriation lor payment of claim uf. 430 printing cf; how disbunmd . 33 Vance, .Imnca, _ F certain Government. niliccra io smmp frxnnd- upp1·0prm.Lmn for payment of clmm of . 409 ulant ; pcnnlty for wrongfully stmnp- , Vemcc, Jamos_H., _ _ r__ jpg __ _ _ _, _ _____ _ _ _ _ ,, ___ ___·_ _____ __ G4 gpppqppighqyy for pnyumniz nf (5];],3;;) qf_ _ _ _ _ ,1,],l Universjily of California, Vawwwuver Waivr Compmo-y,_ grant of land to, for site of Lick Obsarvw rnay lay, ctc., xva.t:er—pipcs through Fort r __ tory; proviso .. . ... 57 Vu.ncouvm· military 1‘0SOIVH»tl()ll . .>0.> Unacaled Circulars, Vanderfowi, {amen, _ r addresses 0n, may ba printed, etc .. ...- 82 appropriation for payment of claim of . 47.> xxx-50 ·