Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/93

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FOBTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 159. 1876. 67 For bunting and other materials lor flags, and making and repairing flags of all kinds, five thousand dollars. For oil for ships of war other than that used for the engineer department, candles when used as `a substitute for oil in binnacles, runninglights, for chimneys and wick and soap used in navigation department, sixteen thousand dollars. For stationery for commanders and navigators of vessels of war and for use of courtsmartial, two thousand dollars. d lior musical instruments and music for vessels of war one thousand O HPS. For steering-signals and indicators, and for speaking-tubes and gongs, ior signal-communication on board ve sels of war, two thousand dollars. ‘For contingent expenses of the Bureau of Navigation, namely: For contingent sx. freight and transportation of navigation materials; postage and tele- pursesgraphing; advertising for proposals; packing-boxes and materials, and all other contingent expenses, three thousand dollars. For drawing, engraving, and printing and photolithographing charts, Hydrograghic or. correcting old plates, preparing and publishing sailing-directions, and fice. other hydrographic information, and for making charts, including those of the Pacific coast, lilty thousand dollars. For fuel, lights, and otlziceiurniture; care of building and other labor; purchase of books for library, drawing-materials, and other stationery; postage, freight, and other contingent expenses, five thousand dollars. For rent and repair of building, two thousand eight hundred dollars. For expenses of Naval Observatory, namely: N,,,,,,] Or,,,,,,,.,,,. For pay of three assistants, at one thousand five hundred dollars tory. , each, tour thousand five hundred dollars; and one clerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars. ` For wages of one instrumentmaker, one messenger, three watchmen, and one porter; for keeping grounds in order and repairs to buildings; for fuel, light, and office-furniture; and for stationery, purchase of books for library, chemicals for batteries, and freight, and all other contingent expenses, ten thousand dollars. . · For reducing and transcribing astronomical observations upon sheets for publication, two thousand two hundred dollars. _ For continuing theory and tables of the moon’s motion, three thousand dollars. For expenses of Nautical Almanac. For pay of computers and clerk Nautica; Alma. for compiling and preparing for publication the American Ephemeris uae. · and Nautical Almanac, fifteen thousand dollars. For rent, fuel, labor, stationery, boxes, expresses and miscellaneous items, one thousand five hundred dollars. For continuance of work on new planets discovered by American astronomers, three thousand dollars. BUREAU OF ORDNANOE. For fuel, tools, and materials of all kinds necessary in carrying on the Ordinance and mechanical branches of the Ordnance Department at the several navy- ¤rd¤¤¤¤¢·> ¤t<>r¤¤- yards, magazines, and stations, fifty thousand dollars. For labor at all the navy-yards, magazines, and stations in fitting ships for sea and in preserving ordnance material, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. For necessary repairs to ordnance buildings, magazines, gun-parks. boats, lighters, wharves, machinery, and other necessaries of the like character, ten thousand dollars. For miscellaneous items, namely, for freight to foreign and home stations, advertising and auctioneers’ fees, cartage and express charges, repairs to tire-engines, gas and water pipes, gas and water-tax at maga- . zines, toll, ferriage, foreign postage, and telegrams, three thousand dollars.