Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/110

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 142. 1878. 85 For support; and civilization of the Wichitas and atliliated bands, in- Wit-hitas, etc. cludin g pay of employees, twenty-tour thousand dollars: Provided, That Proviao. four thousand dollars of this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be immediately available for the purpose of building a new school-house at said agency, in lieu of the one destroyed by tire. Transportation of Indian supplies: For this amount, for necessary T”¤°I?°’*¤’°i<>¤ expenses of transportation of such goods, provisions, and other articles, °f S“ppI'°°‘ 1or the various tribes of Indians provided for by this act, two hundred and twenty-tive thousand dollars. GENERAL INCIDENTAL EXPENSES OF THE INDIAN SERVICE. Ineidenta‘ expenses of Indian service in Arizona: For general inci- Incidental cxdental expenses of the Indian service, support and civilization of Indians P°“S°“· at the Colorado River, Pima and Maricopa, and Moquis Pueblo agencies, and pay of employees at same agencies, iorty thousand dollars. Incidental expenses of Indian service in California: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, support and civilization of Indians at the Round Valley, Hoopa Valley, Tule River, and Mission agencies, and pay of employees at same agencies, thirty-tive thousand dollars. Incidental expenses of Indian service in Colorado: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service and pay of employees, four thousand dollars. Incidental expenses of Indian service in Dakota: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service and pay of employees, sixteen thousand dollars. Incidental expenses of Indian service in Idaho: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service and pay of employees, five thousand dollars. Incidental expenses of Indian service in Montana: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, including pay of employees, six thousand dollars. Incidental expenses of Indian service in Washington: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service and pay of employees and the support and civilization of Indians at Colville and Nisqually agencies, twenty thousand dollars: Provided, That the sum of one thousand dol- Prvvwm lars of said appropriation shall be applied for the support of a school for the Coeur d`Alene Indians in Idaho, attached by executive order to the Colville agency. Incidental expenses of Indian service in Wyoming: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service and pay of employees, two thousand dollars. Incidental expenses of Indian service in Nevada: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, support and civilization of Indians located on the I’i-Ute, Walker1tiver, Western Shoshone, and Pyramid Lake reservations, and pay of employees, same agencies, fifteen thousand dollars. 4 lncidental expenses of Indian service in New Mexico: For general ineidental expenses of the Indian service, support and civilization of Indians at Pueblo, and Mescalero agencies, and pay of employees at same agencies, twenty thousand dollars. Incidental expenses of Indian service in Oregon: For general incidental expenses of the Indian service, support and civilization of Indians at Grand Ronde and Slletz agencies, and pay of employees at the same agencies, twenty-tive thousand dollars. Incidental expenses of Indian service in Utah : For general inciilental expenses ol“ the Indian service, support and civilization of Indians at Uintah Valley agency, and pay of employees at said agency, twelve thousand dollars.