Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/126

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F ORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 162, 168, 169. 1878. 10] such further regulations as may he necessary to complete the transfer Trwsfercf busiof the existing business from the present justices of the peace to those “°“· appointed under this act, and for the return of any writ, execution, or other process by the present justices of the peace to those appointed under this act, and may remove eonstables from office for willtul viola- Remcvznl of coution of law, or for misconduct. or for incompetency. °“”m°°· Sec. 5. The President of the United States is hereby authorized to Gvmmissioucn appoint as many commissioners of deeds throughout the United States as °f:°°dP· he may deem necessary, with powers to take theacknowledgment of deeds Pp°mtm°°t' for the conveyance of property within the said District, administer oaths, and take depositions in eases pending in the courts of said District in the manner prescribed by law ; to whose acts, properly attested by their hands and seals ofoftiee, full faith and credit shall be given. The Presi- Notaries public. dent shall also have powerto appoint such number of notaries public, residents of said District, as in his discretion the business of the District may require; said commissioners of deeds and notaries public to hold Term. their offices for the period of five years, removable at discretion. Sec. 6. All laws and parts of laws inconsistent with any of the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved, June 7, 1878. CHAP. 168.—An act explanatory of section eighteen hundred and eighty-nine of June 8, 1878. the Revised Statutes of the United States, and to ratify and confirm certain Terri- *·i—-—— torial legislation, and for other purposes. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States oj America in Congress assembled, That the words " the legislative M¤¤i¤ip¤l¢<>r1>9- assemblies of the several Territories shall not grant private charters or t":"!°"“ ‘“ T"'"' especial privileges" in section eighteen hundred and eighty-nine of the Etug 1333 p_333 Revised Statutes of the United States shall not be construed as prohib- construed. ' iting the legislative assemblies of the several Territories of the United States from creating towns, cities, or other municipal corporations, and providing for the government of the same, and conferring upon them the corporate powers and privileges, necessary to their local administration, by either general or special acts; and that all general and special acts of such legislative assemblies heretofore passed creating and providing for the government of towns, cities, or other municipal corporations, and conferring such rights, powers and privileges upon the same, as were necessary to their local administration, be, and the same are hereby, ratified and confirmed and declared to be valid, any law to the contrary notwithstanding, subject, however, to amendment or repeal _ _ hereafter by such Territorial assemblies. But nothing herein shall have P¤V¤¢¤ ITEMS- the effect to create any private right, except that of holding and executing municipal offices, or to divest any such right, or to make valid or invalid any contract or obligation heretofore made by or on behalf of Contracts. any such town, city or other municipal corporation, or authorize any Corporation such corporation to incur hereafter any debt or obligation other than <l•¤b¤¤· such as shall he necessary to the administration of its internal affairs. Approved, June 8, 1878. CHAP. 169.-An act to provide for circuit and district courts of the United States June 8, 1878. at Toledo, Ohio. """°`;;"— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a. term of the circuit court Qircuit and disand district court for the northern district of Ohio shall he held at To- }¤¤<=¤ ¤?¤}¤¤¤ M Tvledo, in said State, on the first Tuesday of the months_ot'_ June and De. °‘},?é£D;°· cember in each year; and one grand jury and one petit jury only shall 3mi3S_ be summoned, and serve in both of said courts at each term thereof. And the existing provisions of law fixing the times of holding the district court at Toledo are hereby repealed.