Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/14

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I '1 XIV LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. · Page. Margaret R. Colony. An act granting :1 pension to Margaret R. Colony, widow of the late Magor Josiah B. Colony, First M:u·ylan¢l Inihntry Volunteers. March 22,11:78 ..-. . .2 . 511 Kate Louisa Roy. An get gI‘LL1`1111lg a plc/iiisiciiiég Louise Roy, widow oi J. P. Roy, late heutenant- 512 <·<>l<>¤¤1 United 'tales rm w nrc 1 , 6 ..-· ..------ .- ------ -------- ·_ ----.- Robert II. Chilton. A11 act to remgvo t11e political disabilities of Robert Chilton. March_2b, 1878. 512 Corrtnzissioiiers of .District of Columbia. A11 aet to authorize the Commissioners of the District of C0- lumbia to refund :1. ccrtain tax erroneously collected. Apr11_8, 1878 .. .. .. 51;% George McCoy. A11 act granting :1 pension to George McCoy. Aprxl 8, 1878 ... 512 Adam Stinson. A11 act granting a pension to Adam Stinson. April 8, 1878 _ 512 Bridget T. Hopper. An act granting a pension to Bridget T. Hopper. April 8, 1878. . .. 513 Ianni;} E. Records. A11 act grantiuv a pension to Fannie Records, widow of Albert B. Records, late :1 private in Company G, '1`itteenth Regiment Maine Volunteers. April 8, 1878 . 513 Thomas Cranford. A11 act restoring the name of Thomas Crawford, a soldier oi the Mexican war, to the pe11si011-roll. April 8, 11578 . ... .--.. r.. .. _ .. 5 13 Brothertouca Indians. An act. to authorize the issue of a patent of certain lands m the Brothertown reservation, in the State of Wisconsin, to the persons selected by the Brothertown Indians. 513 A 11120 1878 ..-- ..-. . . - .. . .. -. . . John S. Miller., An act for the relief of the executors of the estate of John S. Miller, deceased. 514 A 11123.1878 .. .-.- . . ...-- -· -·-- · -·-· · ---· - ----- ·· ·-·· -- -----·-----·· Thomas in Collier. An act for the relief of Thomas W. Collier. April 29, 1878 . . . 514 W U. Snyder. A11 act for the relief of W. C. Snycler, of Illmcis. April 2),1878.-.. .. -... . 514 War Claims. A11 act for the allowance of certain claims reported by the accounting officers of the Treasury Department. April 30, 1878 . . .- . . .. .. .-.. ... 515 `Will R, Hervey. An act for the relief of \\`il1 R. Hervey. May 2, 1878 .--· -1- - - - · · - - --·- · ·-----··· 52*) James Flshbwck. An act for the relief of James Fishbuck, late collector of mternal revenue, tenth P district, State oflllinois. May 2, 1878 . . .. 52:1 11 and J. Gaf and Company. A11 act to authorize T. and J. W. Gai? and_Co1npany to use :1. certain building in the city ofA11rora, Indiana, for the rectification of distilled spirits. May 2, 1878- 525 R. F. Lehman. An act aiitliorizing the Secretary of `VHI to allow tl1ointerm:·nt, 1H the national cemetery at Newbcrne, in the State of North Carolina, of the remains of the late F. Lelnnan, lately :1 commissioner of the United States circuit court in the eastern district ot North 5g_ ' Carolina. May 2, 1878. . ..1... .. . . -- -- -. .. . . . . :1 Charles 1;. I imzq;. An aet ior the relief of Charles B. Varney. May 2, 1878 - .-.· - --·- _ ---· 525 Sanuwl II. Carmclcl. A11 not for the relief of Samuel H. Caniielel, postmaster at Seymour, Connecticut. W6 M‘1y2,187B. . .-.. -. .. . -...- . ---· · ·----- - --·-·---··--- ·-··- 0 Susan Robb. A11 act for the relief of Susan Robb. May 3, 1878 . .- - --·- - --·----·- - ----- - --·-· 526 John IL ]Cranx’ ]lC1l‘8. A11 act for the relief of the minor heirs of J ohu H. Evans, deceased. May 3, W6 1878 .. . .. . . . . . . . 1 ..-- ---· ----- · ·----- - ----- - 0 Rebecca and Augunla Zllillor. An act granting a pension to Rebecca and Aiigsta. Miller, daughters of Brigaelier-Gc·11er:1l James Miller, of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve. May 4, 1878-. . 526 Silas M. Norton. An act for the relief of Silas M. Norton, postmaster at Bristol, Connecticut. May 4, rw 1878. ... . .-.. . .- .. .. . . .. - . . ..-.. .. .-.. . 0 William L. Ilickam, guardian. An act for the relief of William L. Hiekam, of Missouri, guardian of the minor children of Hillary J. Jenkins. May 4, 1878 .. . ... .. ...· .. .- . 527 Esther A. George. A11 net granting a pension to Mrs. Esther A. George. May 9, 1878 . . .-.. . 527 Elizabeth D. Stone. All act gr:111ti11g :1 pension to Elizabeth D. Stone. May 14, 1878 .--- ... 527 Anna L. Ilobbins. A11 act gr:111ti11g.~; :1 pension to Anna L. Robbins. May 14, 1878 .. . . . . . 527 Allzlvina A. lllaltby. A11 a<-t gr:1nti11g :1 pension to Melvina A. Maltby. May 14, 1878 .. . 528 Nancy E. Zllcljlelland. An act granting a pension to Nancy E. McClelland. May 14, 1878 .. -... 528 Martha C. Kendall. An act granting :1. pension to Martha C. Kendall. May 14, 1878 . . . . . . . 528 Many Wilkes. An act granting u pension to Mrs. Mary Wilkes, widow of the late Admiral Charles Wilkes, United State Navy. May 14, 1878 . . . . .. .. -... 528 Ilmmah Streets. A11 act gfilllllllg :1. pension to Hannnli Streets. Mav 14, 1878 .. .. . 528 Uilliam S. Davis. A11 act g1·:111ti11g :1 ]l(‘1lSl0]l to \Villia1n S. Davis, late private in Company E, Thirty- first Illinois lniantry Voluntt-ers. May 14, 1878 -. -. . . ., .. ._,,.. 529 Numis 1I Coirlwlalc. A11 act for the relief of N nmis 11. Coverclale. May 22, 1878 . . -. .. . 529 Othnicl P. ]10lli;é7 An act {br the relief of Otl111ie1 P. Hollis, of the So1¢liers’ Home, Augusta, Maine. May 22, 8 .. . . .. .. .. . ..., , ,,,, 529 William A. Miller. A11 act graiitiug a pension to William A. Miller. May 25, 1878 .. ..,.,. ,._. . 529 James .L Waring. An act ior the relief of James J. \V:1ri11g, of St.'|.V8l11'lHl1, Georgia. May 25, 1878 .. . 529 Dudley A. Fish. A11 act ior the relief of Dudley A. Fish, O1·BllC)'1`l1S, Ol1io. May 25, 1E7c . . 530 William Roylsion. An act for the relief of \\'il1i:un Roylston, late private Company D, First Regi- 1111*111: Tennessee Light Artill<·ry. May :26, 1r—7S . ..,_. , , , .,,., .___ ,,,, _. ____ ____ ____ _ 530 Jonathan Jl. Tilman. A11 act {.fl`1l111l1lg.[ a pension to .Ion:1th:m R,Tilm;m. May 25, 1818__ ____ __ ____ _ 530 Bose Miller. A11 not gffilllllllg :1 pensioii to Rose Miller, widow of Reason F. Miller, deceased, late :1. private i11 CGI1I1H1I1y E, One l11111:lred illltl t»we11ty-third Illinois lniantry. May 25, 1678. . 530 Lcmuel L. Lm¢·r¢·ncc. A11 act }{1'{llli11lg :1 pvnsioii to L:-n111s1L. L(1\V1'QllC(’, late second 1ieute11:111t Company B in the Sixth Regiment Illinois (,‘:1,v:1lry Volunteers. May 125, 1878 . . . .,.. 530 Thoma{81gIh·ou·n. An act restoring the 11:11110 of Tl1o111:1s W. Brown to the pension-roll. May 25, ---· -· -----· ·--· ---· -- ----- -- --·- -· ---. -- ---. ... . . 531 John 1*'rvy. A11 act gl`£\Il1lll{L IL ponsion to J 01111 Frey, May 25, 1878 .. . . .,. . . . . 531 (loorgee (}ro1·0. A11 act graiitiixg :1, ]1:—nsim1 to tleorgo Grove. May 25, 1878 .. . . . 531 William ll. Shultis. A11 act ,LEl'Jllli1llg :1. ])l‘1lSlOlI to \Villia111 H. Shultis, late of Company K,Fo1l1't€CDth ]{l—g11114‘·11t New York \r(Ill[]]t(*Q1‘$_ May 25, 18713. ____, . _.,., _ ,,_ _.._.,,, . .._,, , _,_., ____ _,,_ 531 Florence l'. ]lloorr·. A11 ant {.\'I`1\\l11l\g` :1 pension to 1·`loronr·e V. Moore. May 25, 1878 . . . . 531 Bcryamm G. H cbstcr. A11 act. granting :1. pension to Be11j:1111in C. W'ebster. May 25, 1878 .. . 531