Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/188

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 264, 265. 1878. 163 priation, the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, June 18, 1878. CHAP. 265.-An act to organize the Life-Saving-Service. June 18, 1878, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- Additional lifeury is hereby authorized to establish additional lite-saving and life-boat °“““g "°”'°““· stations at or near the followingnamed points upon the sea and lake coasts of the United States, namely: One complete life-saving station at Cranberry Isles, Maine; one complete life-saving station at or near Cranberry Isles; Scituate, Massachusetts; one complete lite-saving station at or near S¤i¤¤¤¢¤; Watch Hill, Rhode Island ; one complete life-saving station on the coast of Delaware between Cape Henlopen and Indian River; two complete Delaware coast; life-savin g stations on the coast of Maryland, to be located, one between Maryland coast; Indian River and Green Run, and one between Green Run and Chincoteague; fifteen complete lite-saving stations on the coasts of Virginia Virginia coast; and North Carolina, ten of them to be located at intermediate points North Carolina between the existing stations, three between the southernmost existing <><>=¤¤¤; station anu Hatteras Inlet, one ntornear Cape Lookout, and one at or near Cape Fear Point; five complete life-stations on the coast of Texas, to be Texas coast; located, one at or near Sabine Pass, one on Galveston Island, near west end, one at or near Pass Cavallo. one at or near Aranzas Pass, and one at Brazos Santiago, and one lite boat station on Galveston Island, near east end; two complete lite-saving stations on the coast of Lake Michi- Lake Michigan; gan, to be located, one at or near Sleeping Bear Point, and one at or near Bayley’s Harbor, and four lifeboat stations to be located, one at or near Manistee, one at Ludington, one at or near Muskegan, and one at Kenosha; one lite-boat station on the coast of Lake Superior, at or near the mouth of Portage Lake and Lake Superior Ship Canal; two Lake Superior; complete life-saving stations on the coast of Lake Huron, one at or near Lake Huron; Port Austin and one on Middle Island, and a life-boat station at or near Sand Beach Harbor of Refuge; and on the coast of California, a life- California; boat station at Bolinas Bay, in place ofthat authorized to be established }g7éi;:,}"?;é* at Point Reyes by the act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and " ' seventy-four, entitled “An act to provide for the establishment of lifesaving stations and houses of refuge upon the sea and lake coasts of the United States, and to promote the efficiency of the Life-Saving Service”; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, whenever, in his opinion, it may become necessary for the proper administration of the Lite-Saving Service and the protection of the public property Superintendent, at the stations, to appoint a district superintendent for the coast of the Gulf °f M°x"’°· United States bordering on the Gulf of Mexico, whose compensation selery. shall be at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, and also a keeper Keepers. for each of the stations hereby authorized to be established. Sec. 2. That the unexpended balances of appropriations heretofore Unexpen ded made for the establishment of lite-saving and lite-boat stations are b“1**“°°“ *"“‘1‘*b1°· hereby made available for the payment of the expenses of the establishment of the stations herein authorized. Sec. 3. That all moneys received from the sale of old stations and P'°°°°dP °f °°]° equipments and other material condemned by a board of survey as un- °f °ld °t°"°°°’°t°' serviceable may be expended in rebuilding or improving and equipping stations. Sec. 4. That hereafter the compensation of the keepers of life-saving K°°P°”’°°mP°¤' and life-boat stations and houses of refuge shall be at the rate of four hun- ““°'°“* P°w°"°‘ dred dollars per annum ; and they shall have the powers of inspectors of customs, but shall receive no additional compensation for duties performed as such: Provided, That said keepers shall have authority and Proviaa. be required to take charge of and protect all property saved irom ship-