Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/215

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190 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 329. 1878. eight hundred and forty dollars; three vault-watchmen, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; in all, twenty thousand six hundred dollars. Saint Louis. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT TREASURER AT SAINT LOUIS.-—For assistant treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk and teller, two thousand five hundred dollars ; assistant teller, one thousand eight hundred dollars; bookkeeper, one thousand five hundred dollars; assistant hookkeeper, one thousand two hundred dollars; messenger, one thousand dollars; four watchmen at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, fifteen thousand three hundred and eighty dollars. Chicago. OFFICE on ASSISTANT TREASURER AT CHICAGO.—FOP assistant treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars; for cashier, two thousand tive hundred dollars; for paying-teller, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for bookkeeper and receiving-teller, at one thousand five hundred dollars each ; for two clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; for one messenger, eight hundred and lorty dollars; and one watchman, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, fifteen thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. Cincinnati- OFFICE on ASSISTANT TREASURER AT CINGINNATI.-For assistant treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars ; for cashier, two thousand dollars; for bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for assistant cashier, one thousand five hundred dollars; check-clerk and interestclerk, each one thousand two hundred dollars ; fractional-currency clerk, one thousand dollars; messenger, six hundred dollars; night-watch man, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two watchmen, at one hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, fourteen thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. New Orleans. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT TREASURER AT NEW ORLEANS.—For assistant treasurer, four thousand dollars; cashier, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; receiving-teller, two thousand dollars; bookkeeper, one thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; porter, nine hundred dollars; one watchman, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; one night-watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars. in all, thirteen thousand and ninety dollars. A gen ts to ex- For compensation to special agents to examine the books, accounts, ¤¤°*¤° **°°°¤¤*§· and money on hand at the several sub-treasuries and depositorics, R' S' 3649* *22 including national banks acting as depositories under the act of the sixth of August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, four thousand dollars. Checks and For checks and check-books for disbursing-officers and others, and ¤h¤¤k·l¤><>k¤· certificates of deposit for offices of the Treasurer and assistant treasurers and designated depositaries, eight thousand dollars. Continge u thex- For contingent expenses under the act of the sixth of August, eighteen 1*6******8 °*` °°“°°’°· hundred and forty-six, for the collection, safekeeping, transfer, and '"*’* `t°:. ., disbursement of the public money fifty thousand dollars. And no part R. S. .»b.>3, p. 723. . A . . of said sum shall be expended for clerical services or payment of employees of any nature or grade. UNITED STATES MINTS AND ASSAY-OFFICES. Director’s office. 01am0E on THE DrREoToR on THE ;MINT. For Director, four thou- S“l**“°”· sand five hundred dollars; examiner, two thousand three hundred dollars; one computer of bullion, two thousand two hundred dollars; one assay-clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk of class three; one clerk of class two; one translator, one thousand two hundred dollars; one copyist, nine hundred dollars; one assistant messenger; one laborer; makingin all the sum of seventeen thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. , Contiugc n thex- For contingent expenses of the United States mints and assay-offices, PGUSGS? ¤·¤¤¤¤ Md namely: For specimens of coins, to be expended under the direction ot ‘“‘““y °m"“‘ the Secretary of the Treasury, two hundred dollars; for books, balances and weights, and other incidental expenses, eight hundred dollars.