Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/218

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 329. 1878. 193 ASSAYOFFICE AT CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA.—FOP Salary of Charlotte assay- assayer in charge, one thousand five hundred dollars; and the assayor °m°°• is hereby authorized in case of necessity to employ a clerk at not exceeding one thousand dollars per annum; for labor and other expenses, two hundred and nity dollars; in all, two thousand seven hundred and lil ty dollars. GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES. That from and after the adjournment of the next session of the sev- 4;,,,,,,.,;;, ,,,,1 eral Territorial Legislatures the council of each of the Territories of the hoeom of reprom- United States shall not exceed twelve members and the House of "?"”°' ‘” ”""“°· Representatives of each shall not exceed twenty-four members,.and the °`°°;},,mbe,._ members of each branch of the said several legislatures shall receive a compensation of four dollars per day each during the sessions provided Compensation. by law, and shall receive such milage as the law provides; and the President of the Council and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall each receive six dollars per day for the same time. And the Dwrioro. several Legislatures at their next sessions are directed todivide their respective Territories into as many council and representative districts as they desire, which districts shall be as nearly equal as practicable taking into consideration population, except “Indians not taxed": Provided, Promo. the number of council districts shall not exceed twelve, and the representative districts shall not exceed twenty four in any one of said Ter- R_S_1847,p_328, ritories, and all parts of sections eighteen hundred and forty-seven, R. S. 1849, p. 328, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and R·S· 185*% 1*-399. nineteen hundred and twenty-two of the Revised Statutes of the United §;scQ,B3€;,p· **2;% States in conflict with the provisions herein are repealed. pa ` That the subordinate officers of each branch of said Territorial legis- Ojlceraof logiozolatures shall consist of one chief clerk, who shall receive a compensa- ”•*'¢·*· . tion of six dollars per day; one enrolling and engrossing clerk, at five 6'¤Wi¤· dollars per day; sergeant-at-arm and doorkeeper, at five dollars per day; one messenger and watchman, at four dollars per day each; and one chaplain, at one dollar and fifty cents per day. Said sums shall be paid only during the sessions of said legislatures; and no greater number of onlcers or charges per diem shall be paid or allowed by the United States to any-Territory. And section eighteen hundred and R. S. 1861, p. 330, sixty-one of the Revised Statutes is hereby repealed, and this ubsti- RWM- tuted in lieu thereof: Provided, That for the performance of all official Som-o1ory’ofoee. duties imposed by the Territorial legislatures, and not provided for in the organic act, the secretaries of the Territories respectively shall be allowed such fees as may be fixed by the Territorial legislatures. And in no case shall the expenditure for public printing in any of the Terri- Printing. tories exceed the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars for any one year. _ TERRITORY OF ABrzoNA.—For salary of governor, chief justice, and Arizona. two associate judges, two thousand six hundred dollars each; secretary, one thousand eight hundred dollars; interpreter and translator in the executive oniee, five hundred dollars; in all, twelve thousand seven hundred dollars- · ‘ For legislative expenses, namely: For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, and clerks, and contingent expenses thereof, and for rent, light, fuel, printing, stationery, incidentals, and porter or messenger for the secretary’s office, thirteen thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the governor, Eve hundred dollars. Tnnmronv or Dnxorrn.-For salaries of governor, chief justice, and Dakota. two associate judges, at two thousand six hundred dollars each; and secretary at one thousapd eight hundred dollars, twelve thousand two hundred dollars. · For legi lative expenses, namely, for compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, and clerks, and contingent xx-13