Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/223

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198 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 329. 1878. dollars; one clerk of class four; one clerk of class three; one clerk of class two; one clerk of class one; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, ten thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars. For stationery and miscellaneous items, four hundred dollars. St.,,,,,,-;;,,,,;,,.,,,,. BUREAU or STEAM·ENGINEIiRING.—FOP chief clerk, one thousand ing. eight hundred dollars; one draughtsman, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; one assistant draughtsman, at one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk of class two; one clerk of class one ; one clerk at one thousand dollars; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, ten thousand one hundred and eighty dollars. For stationery and miscellaneous items, seven hundred dollars. P1‘•?V*¤i¤¤¤ Md BUREAU OF PROVISIONS AND CI.OTHING.—FOF chief clerk, one thou- CI°"""g· sand eight hundred dollars; one clerk of class four; two clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; three clerks of class one; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, fourteen thousand five hundred and eighty dollars. For stationery and miscellaneous items, tour hundred dollars. M G <l i <= ine Md BUREAU on MEDICINE AND SURGERY.-—For chief clerk, one thousand S"’€°’Y· eight hundred dollars; one clerk of class three ; one clerk, at one thousand dollars; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, five thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. For stationery and miscellaneous items, one hundred dollars. $¤D•=¥i¤¢¤¤d¤¤t For one superintendent of the building occupied by the Navy °f l’“'l“‘"‘·¥· Department and for five watehmen and two laborers; in all, four thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars. Miscellaneous For incidental labor, fuel, lights and miscellaneous items for said building, five thousand dollars. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Salaries, etc. For compensation of the Secretary of the Interior, eight thousand 6 S °°¤‘***==¤'>"¤ 0** dollars; Assistant Secretary, three thousand five hundred dollars; chief “`" clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; and two hundred dollars additional as superintendent of the Patent Office building; one law clerk in the office of the Assistant Attorney-General of the Interior Department, twenty-two hundred and fifty dollars; six clerks at two thousand dollars each, one of whom shall be disbursing-clerk ; four clerks ot class four; four clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; five clerks of class one, one of whom shall be the telegraphoperator of the department; six copyists; four assistant messengers; four laborers; for one captain of the watch, one thousand dollars; and forty watchmen, to be allotted to day or night service, as the Secretary of the Interior may direct; in all, ninety-one thousand nine hundred and seventy dollars. _ Miscelleneous For furniture, advertising, telegraphing, ice, and miscellaneous items, '*°‘““· including new books and books to complete broken sets, and cases and maps for library, seven thousand dollars. Packing, cbc. For expenses of packing and distributing official documents, live thousand dollars. Su l*°¤`*¤*°¤d°¤* For salary of the superintendent of the same, one thousand nine hun- °f[é°§°Q$°:,“b3 dred dollars; and so much of section five hundred and seven of the Ifrpcalledz' Bevised Statutes as provides for said salary is hereby repealed. . Rent. For rent of one building for use of the Pension Olhce and for the Bureau of Education, fourteen thousand dollars. For rent of the building on the northeast corner of Eighth and G streets, known as Wright’s, building, seven thousand two hundred dollars. Euaineers, ¤t¤· For one engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; assistant engineer, one thousand dollars; and six firemen at seven hundred and twenty dollars each ; in all six thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. F¤cl,cte. For fuel.,.ligl1t, and repairs of the heating apparatus, eight thousand dollars. Stationery. For stationery for the Department of the Interior and its several bureaus and offices, twenty-tive thousand dollars. `